Jack Russell Story

Courtesy of leeswil@accel.net

Story Name: Scooter, the Couch Eater
From: Sharon & Stephanie Lees

My Jack Russell Story:

Our little rough-coated Jack Russell is almost 4 years old and the delight of our lives. Scooter was not always as good as he is now. Puppyhood was a tough go for us as Scooter munched his way through our house. The worst "chew-up" was our family room loveseat. We all went off to work hoping little one year old Scooter was ready for the run of the house (no more crate!). All was well at lunchtime when Steph came home to let him out; but he mustn't have been too happy when she returned to school leaving him alone again. When the kids returned at 3:30 the family room looked like a Christmas wonderland with white foam stuffing from one end of the room to the other! The fabric had been shredded on the arms and cushions and all the stuffing pulled out. He seemed quite pleased with himself as if to say "So there!". Fortunately it was an old piece of furniture so it was no great loss, but it was the crate for a few more weeks after that!

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