Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation (JRTRF)
Working Together Toward a Better Breed

The Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation (JRTRF) encourages, promotes and supports the development and maintenance of research on genetic defects found in the Jack Russell Terrier by making gifts or grants to other non-profit organizations engaged in similar research.
Through public education the foundation's goal is to minimize hereditary disorders to the Jack Russell Terrier.
All breeds of dogs seem to have their own particular set of faults and inherited defects and the Jack Russell Terrier is no exception. Although the Jack Russell has not have been overrun with problems, as the popularity of the breed grows, so will the defects.
The Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation is the place to research the genetic diseases that all dog owners face. While primarily for the Jack Russell owner, all breeds that face diseases such as Cataracts, Ataxia, Epilepsy, Deafness, PRA... and more, will benefit from the research that is being done by the JRTRF. The JRTRF is a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Please visit the JRT Research Foundation web site.
JRT Health Registry
If you are a breeder, prospective dog owner or someone looking for a highly trained Jack Russell Terrier for specific service work, hunting or the show ring, understanding your dog's genetic health will help you make better decisions concerning your dog. The JRT Health Registry allows you to search for PLL, CERF, BAER, DM, SCA test results for Jack Russell Terriers in their health registry.
Please visit the Jack Russell Terrier Health Registry web site.