Medical: Caring for your Jack Russell
The following page contains medical information related to Jack Russell Terriers. This information should not be used in place of sound medical advice from your own veterinarian.

Medical Issues Affecting Jack Russell Terriers
Jack Russell Terrier Health Registry
- JRT Health Registry - PLL, CERF, BAER, HU, LOA, DM and SCA test results

- CERF - Vision Testing
- In a Dog's Eye - Cataracts, Distichiasis, Glaucoma, PLL, PRA
- PRA - Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
- Primary Lens Luxation (PLL)
- Certified Opthomologists
- BAER - Hearing Testing
- BAER Test Sites

Toxicity / Poisoning
- ASPCA/National Animal Poison Control Center - 1-888-426-4435
- ASPCA - List of Plants Toxic to Dogs - list contains plants that have been reported as having systemic effects on animals and/or intense effects on the gastrointestinal tract.
- American Skunk Toxic Shock Syndrome
- Raisins Can be Deadly
- Toxicity - a Guide to Possible Signs of Toxicity
- Poisonous Plants - reference that includes plant images, pictures of affected animals and presentations concerning the botany, chemistry, toxicology, diagnosis and prevention of poisoning of animals by plants and other natural flora
- Treats - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Project Eddy - xylitol poisoning
- Cerebellar Ataxia - Cerebellar ataxia can encompass a variety of different problems with coordination and balance. These will include a staggering gait often with a prominent goose stepping of the front limbs, crossing over of the limbs, and balance problems.
- Coonhound Paralysis - Coonhound Paralysis is one of those neuropathies of undetermined origin. It is an auto immune reaction, an immune mediated inflammation of nerves and nerve roots.
- Epil-K9 Welcome - Epilepsy Web Site
Heart / Blood / Hormone
- Canine Hyperuricosuria - Hyperuricosuria (HUU) means elevated levels of uric acid in the urine. This trait predisposes dogs to form stones in their bladders or sometimes kidneys. These stones often must be removed surgically and can be difficult to treat.
- Sub-Aortic Stenosis - a fatal heart disease
- Canine Von Willebrand's Disease - inherited bleeding disorder
- Canine Cushing's Disease - Cushing's Disease (hyperadrenocorticism) is a common condition in older dogs, often mistaken for the aging process itself. Dogs gain weight, lose hair, urinate in the house, and make owners begin to prematurely consider euthanasia.
- Canine Cushing's Disease - What Happened - And What You Need To Do
- Kennel Cough - a mild self-limiting disease involving the trachea and bronchi of any age dog.
- Legg Perthes - a disease of the hip joints of small breeds of dogs
- Luxating Patella - dislocation (slipping) of the patella (kneecap)
- JRT Research Foundation - encourages, promotes and supports the development and maintenance of research on genetic defects found in the Jack Russell Terrier
- Assembling a First-Aid Kit
- Pet Care / Health - Dental, Neutering, Vaccinations
- Vaccination Schedule
- List of Disorders Noted in Jack Russell Terriers
- Potential UnSafe Items for a Jack Russell Terrier
- Ehrlichiosis - tick borne disease
- NetVet - extensive medical links