Lost Jack Russell Terriers
If you have LOST a Jack Russell Terrier, please add the information to our Lost Terrier database. This page lists the lost terriers already in our database.

Lost Jack Russell Terriers
If you have LOST your Jack Russell Terrier, please add the information to our Lost Jack Russell Terrier database. Please email the JRTCA webmaster if you need your listing updated or removed.
Displaying the most recent [last 30] LOST postings
Male small white and brown dog with small brown spots on his front legs
He is a 2 year old male, not fixed, didn't have a collar or tags. He is a member of our family, please help my children and I bring our Scrappy home.
Bout a 10 month old male tri color
He has one floppy ear and one straight ear, the tip of his tail is white. He is 18 pounds and is wearing a dark colored collar. He is microchipped. White and brown spots, his face is brown with a white stripe under his chin.
Shadow Robinson is a white and brown jack Russell terrier, with a clipped tail, red collar, he hops on one leg, he is a male.
Tan ears white and tan face black around tail
Daisy is 14 years old and is mainly white with beige spots. Last seen in Delray Beach near Boynton Beach on Federal Highway. Jack Russell Short beige tail.
Lost 13 year old female Jack Russell terrier. White body, with a few brown spots, head is mostly brown. Her back legs also shake.
Male, middle body black, face black w/ brown circles around eyes and white chest. He’s pretty friendly but maybe shy around strangers and he likes to play bite/chew
Female all white with spotted brown ears. 16lbs short Jack Russell. Spayed, chipped brown flowered collar with Tiffany blue hang tag. Please help!!
Age 13 tan and white Jack Russell Terrier. Johnny is super friendly. He is so loved and needed home . Please help us find Johnny.
Really need my friend back, he's a small guy 3 years old mostly white he has no tail and missing a toenail on his back left foot
My high school friend Keith was found dead at his home in April and his dog Buster was taken to Multnomah County Animal Shelter by the police. I called MultCoPets two or three times and told them I wanted to adopt Buster, but they wouldn't give me any information because he wasn't "available for adoption yet." On May 2, they told me to call "later in the week." I called on the 4th (they don't answer the phone on Wednesdays) and the 5th, and find out he was transferred to a shelter on the 3rd - the day after I called and told them I wanted him. All they can tell me is he was transferred to "Jack Russell Terrier Rescue." I'm not even sure Buster is a Jack Russell. I know he's a terrier, but I thought he looked more like a Rat Terrier. I hate the fact that he was taken away and caged, and is now being shuffled around with people he doesn't know. I have photos of Buster. Please help me find him so he can be adopted by myself or another high school buddy of Keith's.
Neutered male 11 years old. Lost while traveling through Northern Florida. Drove hwy 27,90, & 75. Didn't realize the dog got out until I arrived home in Seabring, Could be Okaboji, Highland or St. Lucy Counties. Wearing a blue collar and has a large fatty cyst the size of an orange near his neck.
Sparky is a brown and black jack Russell terrier with white on his underside and chest. He is 3 years old and is not neutered. His microchip number is 528210004843561. He went missing from his ROVER pet sitter at around 3:30pm and is still missing. The last he was seen was on E. Robindale between Windmill and Las Vegas Blvd. If anyone knows who has him, seen him or is in possession of him please contact me 24/7.
Tri colored 4 year old male, neutered, log tail crop, black saddle back with a small white break on top right center of his back. His head is brown and he has a widows peak, his tail is black with white on the last 2 inches of the tip. He is chipped and has a black collar. Very friendly, active and fit, but not hyper.
Jacksonville, FL
Bebe dog
Laura dorsi
Female jack russel white 9lbs brown and black small spots spot on right eye
Jacksonville, FL
Bebe dog
Laura dorsi
Female jack russel white 9lbs brown and black small spots spot on right eye
My female rough coat Jack Russell went missing yesterday morning (5/20/2020) in the Boggsville/Sarver area along Buffalo Creek. Her name is Alice and she has a red collar with her name and phone number on it. She’s predominately white with a light brown triangle over the right side of her face. She’s 1 year old and very friendly. Please if you hear of any found dogs matching her description please contact me as she is incredibly loved and very much missed.Thanks,Carlyn Bondy412-208-5838581 S Scenic DriveSarver Pa 16055
9 years old, White and brown ,soft short hair. Last seen she had a black and red collar with two tags on red and the other is her rabies tag. Last seen in Ogden Utah 84404 she has a microchip
He's elderly. White wire/broken coat, two large black spots on back, & a part of his back leg & tail, with smaller black spots. Head is black and brown with some grey around his face. He has a cauliflower ear. He was wearing a black collar.Call these numbers with any info937-408-8307937-869-8062937-869-8061.
she is a senior dog. brown and white
3 year old Jack Russell, Male and goes by the name Chino his birthday is May.8. He has black hair with white spots
midland, ON, Canada
midland, ON, Canada
17yrs old name Tigger wht-blk a little blind and can't figure out where you are when calling her
Other Lost/Found Web Sites: Fido Finder (Lost), Find Finder (Found), LostMyDoggie