Jack Russell Terrier Health Registry
The Health Registry is a volunteer data base - dogs are submitted by their owners with proof of test results.

Why is a Health Registry Important to our Breed?
The JRTRF and the JRTCA recognizes the importance of a health registry for the Jack Russell Terrier. It will maintain a health information system providing information to owners and breeders. It will collate and disseminate information for genetic diseases and health screenings, becoming a valuable resource for future generations, often times when breeders disappear so do health records.
This is a volunteer data base, dogs are submitted by their owners with proof of test results. All test results are housed within the system. Normal By Descent dogs will be accepted with copies of parentage tests, you will be able to verify each dogs parents results allowing for NBD verification. The health registry replaces the PLL listing now housed at the JRTCA Members Only site. You will need to re-submit your results to the health registry.
For Breeders, the Health Registry will provide a reliable source of information regarding potential dogs they may use in their breeding programs.
For Buyers, the Health Registry provides information and results of a breeder's health testing program. For diseases that are limited to phenotypic evaluations, i.e. CERF and BAER, there are no guarantees but breeding from Normal testing parents the probability of the disease drops considerably.
Whether your terriers hunt or breed or show or are beloved pets, the JRT Health Registry welcomes them all to help paint a picture of the health of the breed and enable us to make informed decisions for the healthiest that our Jack Russell Terriers can be.
Please visit the Jack Russell Terrier Health Registry web site.
Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation
The Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation (JRTRF) encourages, promotes and supports the development and maintenance of research on genetic defects found in the Jack Russell Terrier by making gifts or grants to other non-profit organizations engaged in similar research.