JRTCA Sanctioned Trial Rule Book
Trials provide an opportunity for Jack Russell Terrier owners to get to know each other, get together with terrier friends and in general have a good time with their terriers.

Sanctioned Trial Rule Book
- 2022 Sanctioned Trial Rule Book (PDF - 698K) - updated 2022
- Hosting a Sanctioned JRTCA Trial (PDF - 60K)
- JRTCA 2017 Obedience Exercises (PDF - 76 KB)
Trials provide an opportunity for Jack Russell Terrier owners to get to know each other, get together with terrier friends and in general have a good time with their terriers. They also provide the necessary opportunity to see breeding stock from around the country. This interaction between fellow breeders, as well as between breeders and other Jack Russell enthusiasts fosters continued improvement in the breeding of quality terriers.
The JRTCA sanctions trials throughout the US to ensure a fair and standardized competition and the safety of exhibitors and terriers. These Rules have been established over many years, with the input of many people, both trial chairpersons and exhibitors alike. They are designed to ensure the integrity and consistency of sanctioned trials. It is in the best interest of the terriers, exhibitors and trial organizers that these Rules be followed. This booklet was designed to assist JRTCA members better understand what to expect at a sanctioned trial and the rules governing the actual running of the trial. It is an attempt to enable every trial to run smoothly and be an enjoyable experience for everyone.
The JRTCA National Trial require the combined efforts of a large number of individuals; there is no single organizer or individual responsible for their organization and execution. There is therefore no restriction on showing for the many individuals involved in the implementation of National and Regional Trials. All exhibitors must be current JRTCA members to exhibit in these trials. The JRTCA Board of Directors reserves the right to offer additional classes and there are some variations to the rules that are specific and necessary to National Trial. Any variations to the rules will be clearly outlined in the flyers specific to those events. Please be sure to review those flyers carefully; it is your responsibility as an exhibitor to abide by the rules.
The JRTCA Board of Directors reserves the right to offer additional classes, and there are some variations in the rules that are specific and necessary to the National Trial. Any variations to the rules will be clearly outlined in the flyers specific to the event. Please be sure to review the National Trial flyer carefully; it is your responsibility as an exhibitor to abide by the rules.
Please don't hesitate to contact anyone on the Trial Committee if you have any questions. Your suggestions and ideas are always welcome.