Fun with Jack Russell Terriers
A Jack Russell can be equally contented bolting a fox or chasing a toy in your living room, or equally adept at killing a sock in the living room or a rat in your barn.

A Jack Russell can be equally contented bolting a fox or chasing a toy in your living room, or equally adept at killing a sock in the living room or a rat in your barn. Their funny antics will continually amuse you, their intelligence seems to know no bounds and their assertive nature and boundless energy can at times be overwhelming.
Jack Russell Terrier Photo Galleries
Choice Gallery
Natural Setting Gallery
Dirty Dog Gallery
Main Gallery
If you have a Jack Russell Terrier photo that you would like to share, please submit it to us for consideration.
Jack Russell Terrier Photo Caption Contest
We sponsor a photo caption contest (634 contests since 2003). Please vote for your favorite in contest #633. The full caption contest results are posted at the end of each contest. You can also look at the winning caption for each of the 632 previous contests. Don't forget that you can also play the Caption Match Quiz Game.
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Caption Contest Results
Main Picture Gallery
We've gathered together the largest Jack Russell Terrier picture gallery in the world - over eleven-thousand pictures (11,400).
The most recent pictures are displayed first. Please enter which picture you would like to start browsing within the gallery (default is the last picture posted). If you enter a "JRT-nnnn" number, the sequence number will be ignored.
Jack Russell Games and Quizes
Our Caption Match Quiz sees how well you've been paying attention to previous caption contest winners. Our Anatomy Quiz tests your knowledge of the anatomy of the Jack Russell Terrier. See how well you know the anatomy of the best dog breed in the world. Try our Guess-The-Track Quiz that tests your knowledge of animals tracks. Care to take the challenge?
Caption Match Quiz
Jack Russell Anatomy Quiz
Guess the Tracks Quiz
Jack Russell Stories
There are 435 Jack Russell Terrier stories in our archives. Take some time and read what others owners have to say about their terriers.
Jack Russell YouTube Videos
View some Jack Russell Terrier related YouTube videos that we have gathered together.