Happy Hunting Grounds Memorials - Page 3
Happy Hunting Grounds Memorial page for Jack Russell Terriers that are no longer with us.

This page is dedicated to the Jack Russell Terriers that are no longer with us. If you would like to have us post a memorial about your lost friend, please send it to webmaster@theRealjackRussell.com.
Petra | Jack | Pete | Dylan | Hope | Luke | G.G. | Peppy | Hunter | Sallie | Acie | Sadie | Nipsey | Sport | Buzz | Jester | Ruby | Brutus | Regis | Jack-a-Beanie | Fagan | Ami | Gopher | Baxter | Spike | Mickey | Annabell | Jenny | Stetson | Ladybug | Zipper | Schatzi | Peanut | Zapper | Macho | Mindy | Spike | Shelby woo | Ireland | Katie | Back to Memorials (page 1)Posted February 19, 2000
I was 9 years old when I got Petra. She was 18 months old, and the best friend I've ever had.She was put to sleep at 10:30am, 13th of February 2000, due to behavioral problems. As she got older, she became very snappy, and had bitten my mother, my boyfriend and myself. She was going blind and deaf and, although she didn't show it, old age was beginning to take its toll.
Petra had always been there for me, through the good and the bad. She stayed by my side through all the pain I have due to severe spinal problems. She used to run down stairs and bark at my mothers bedroom door, to waken her when the pain became to much to cope with. She comforted me, rubbing her soft cheek against mine, and gently licking away my tears.
I never imagined that it would ever end this way for my sweet baby. I miss her kisses and hugs, the way she hogged the bed, everything, and I will never forget her.
I have a 3 month old puppy now, (another JRT of course) by the name of Bobby. He helps ease the heartache a little, but nothing will ever take the place of my one true love.
I miss you baby-dog, I'll always love you.
Good-bye my love,
Johanne xx
Posted February 19, 2000
He was just 4 months old, laying on a blanket in the kitchen. He didn't have a collar nor a name. The ad in the paper said Jack Russell Puppy, White, Adorable. And that he was. We came "just to look at him", yeah, right. He came home with us that night. We gave him his first collar, and a name, Jack Frost, because he was, indeed, all white. He got other nicknames along the way, Happy Jack because of his open-mouth grin; Hungry Jack because he took dinner time very seriously. Sleepy Jack, because of his love of any afghan that he came upon. It took a long time to teach him to sit up and beg. I had to sit him down, spread his rear legs to balance him and then raise him to "the position". He always did it that way, sit, spread legs, then raise to the begging position. Once he learned, he begged shamelessly anytime food was apparent. He loved to hunt. Anything that moved was fair game. Sticking his head and nose in any hole that smelled interesting, he would try to dig to china to go after rodents in the ground. We almost lost him once when he decided to go up a practically vertical cliff. Up he went, clear to the top and over the edge he peeked, saying "oh what fun, come join me" fortunately, he came back down when we called. After that, it was no more free runs. He was on leash always after that. Trips in the motorhome were something he loved. New smells, new places, always more fun to be had. Eleven years isn't long enough for the little white dog that loved life so much. Today he went to the bridge to wait for me there. Good night my good little boy, sweet dreams......Mom and Dad
Posted February 19, 2000
It's been only a few days since Pete has been gone, and I can't believe what grief we feel, and just how big an empty space a little dog can leave! I met Pete just hours after his birth in the home of a friend. She was grieving the loss of her male who had been struck by the next door neighbor backing out of her drive. We fell in love with the unique character of her Jack Russell named Cowboy, and although we needed another dog like a hole in the head (we had three) I wanted a little legacy of Cowboy. From the beginning Pete stole my heart, with that funny little face, brown patch on one side white on the other and a dime size dot right on the top. He came to live with us by his seventh week, and our lives were turned upside down with his antics. Like the week I lost three loaves of bread from the kitchen counter. I was upset at the Lab for stealing, when all the while, Pete had been jumping from the chair to the counter to pitch the loaves down for all the dogs to feast! Then there was the time he brought me several toys, one at a time, while I was leisurely waking one morning. He finally dropped a food dish on the bed, and I had to get up. Pete was in charge, no doubt. We could hardly get out of the front door without Pete insisting he needed to go with us, and he usually did. The night before he died, My husband was away on a trip. About three AM Pete nagged me to let him out. I did, and found that what I thought was a "potty break" ended up being an announcement that Ben had made it home. It was a good thing too, because the next morning we let Pete out onto our acreage, as we did every morning before the kids left for school. Lately a stray had been frequenting our place, and on that fateful morning, Pete chose for the first time to venture out with the stray. His faithful companion, our Lab, returned promptly when we called. Pete did not. Just twenty minutes after we let Pete out, we received a call from a friend that Pete had been hit by a car. What a tragedy! We will miss Pete, forever. And we thank Pete for giving us a wonderful year.We love You Pete!
Ben, Brenda, Kevin and John
Posted February 19, 2000
It's been five months since cancer deprived us of our beloved Jack Terrier, Dylan. How I miss that misbehaving mutt! While we were at work, he would open the refrigerator and help himself to entire family dinners... a potroast... two or three chickens... countless cold cuts. I'd give anything in the world to brush his white hairs off my black sweaters again...or to have him push me out of bed in the middle of the night. I miss his mischievous personality, but even more than that, I miss his loving gaze, and his soft, soft fur. I miss his constant companionship.God bless you, Dylan -- Mommy will never forget you.
Posted February 2, 2000
It was a cold November in 1998 that Hope came into our lives. My son and I desperately wanted a jack Russell terrier for years. Finally we saved up enough money and the lord brought us our little Hope. She was a playful, loving little dog. Never in my life had I become so attached to an animal so fast! She comforted us through the hard times and when ever we were low I would just tell my son to have a little Hope and things would be fine. Almost two years passed by and Hope never left our side. She saw us through the hard times and into a wonderful new life with our new family. On Thanksgiving week 1999 Hope went outside in the back yard to do her business. A huge Akita jumped our fence and got hold of our little Hope. Filled with horror I couldn't get the big dog to leave my Hope alone. He shook her to death. We tried CPR and rushed her to the vet. She was gone. To this day I still have a hard time talking about her, what happened and the whole left in my heart. Now she has crossed over the bridge. I just pray that someday I will see her again. She will always have a special place in my heart. Love your little guys with all your heart and if life gets hard, remember there will always be Hope. I love you Hope and always will.Mom
Posted February 2, 2000
June 1991--April 1998Our little boy Luke came into our lives as a 6-week old, 3-1/2 pound puppy, and as Jack Russell owners know, it was love at first sight. We had such fun with this little guy over the years--Luke provided unlimited hours of antics and laughter for the whole family. ...who needed to tune into a TV comedy hour when Luke the terrier "terror" was around? He was a "little buddy" all day to my retired stay-at-home husband and my companion on daily walkathons in the neighborhood park. When I noticed Luke was tiring out quickly on his park jaunts and not eating well, I brought him to the vet for a check-up ...blood tests revealed he was suffering from immune-mediated hemolytic anemia and the vet indicated the prognosis was not good...Luke was placed on medications and rallied for a couple of months, but his blood count once again became dangerously low...he was given a blood transfusion to try to tide him over the hump and see if the medication would kick in again.... we had a couple more good weeks with him, but then we knew it was time to let him go...thanks little Luke for the memories and for introducing us to the wonderland of Jack Russell Terriers.....we miss you so much!
Love from your Mom, Dad and brothers...
Posted February 2, 2000
We lost G.G. on Friday October 15, 1999. G.G. (the name our children called their Great Grandmother) and Cagney were out in the yard playing. Sue was inside watching their addicts. With a turn of the back the dogs were gone. I came home about an hour and a half later and began a search throughout the neighborhood; calling ringing doorbells, stopping people on the street, and placing posters on the telephone poles. On Saturday the search continued with calls to the animal control, the rescue leagues, and vets. Someone called that they spotted the dogs. We tracked down Cagney about a half a mile from the house, but G.G. was not with him. We continued our search into Sunday. We decided to look one more place; the railroad tracks. There on the tracks was a white ball. It was G.G. who had been hit by the four o'clock train on Friday afternoon. From the reactions we get from Cagney, he saw it happen and stayed with G.G. through the night.I have attached a letter I wrote to G.G.'s father and her breeder, Joyce, describing some of the joys that G.G. gave us. We have been devastated by our loss and we miss G.G.'s jumping at the door to greet us, the tail that wagged the dog, the energy and joy she gave us, the feeling of youth, the friendship.. We buried G.G. in the garden next to Hattie, our Golden who died of old age a year earlier. We miss her and hope she finally got to meet and play with another joy in our lives at the Rainbow Bridge.
Dear Dad and Family and Friends and Joyce and Family,
Thank you for the birthday card. I haven't changed much since the picture was taken. I'm still as cute and adorable. I'm about 11 inches tall, weigh about 12 pounds, and rough coat. I've also been fixed so I can't have puppies. Oh rats.
This has been quite an eventful year for me. I've moved into a house to share space with another Jack Russell named Cagney. At first my master kept me in a cage. They put a cushion in it to make a real soft bed. They've now put the cage in the garage and when they go out both Cagney and I are put in the garage. But if I give Bob that cute look, he'll let us stay in the house. My favorite place is the soft chair in the kitchen or the sofa in the first sitting room. I often perch on the top of the chair's back. And if someone is sitting in the chair or sofa, I am quite adept in jumping (sometimes a flying leap) into the person's lap and then to the top of the chair. At night when my masters are watching TV, I snuggle up to them and cozy myself in. Sometimes there is competition from my buddy, Cagney. I just growl a little and he takes his position on the floor or in his bed in the masters' bedroom. At night, I sleep on the chair or sofa. Then when my humans stir in the morning, I jump up on their bed and snuggle. Cagney always wants to join me, but he is heavy and muscular and it feels like he is pushing my humans out of bed.
Often my masters take Cagney and me for walks to town and on the beach. I'm not a beach bum as I haven't been exposed to the water. In our walks people recognize us as Jack Russells and think I'm so cute. Some even have a Jack Russell at their homes. It seems as if we have become a popular breed. We are so adorable you know, and we are good watch dogs. Two of the house in the neighborhood are run by Jack Russells. I haven't met them yet as they are kept in the house. That must be boring.
One good thing about my new home is that there is a lot of open space to run around in. Cagney and I love to play. We play chase, tag, and peek-a-boo. Sometimes I chase Cagney, sometimes Cagney chases me. I can stay on Cagney's side and nip at his leg occasionally. That infuriates him, and then he chases me. I'm always four yards in front of him. Sometimes he tries to catch me by cutting corners, but then I turn on the after burners and still stay yards in front of him. Sometimes I stop, lay down on my side so that Cagney can catch me and role me over. Other times we play peek-a-boo around the big oak tree. Cagney can't see me on the other side of the tree. Then I will slowly walk around the tree until he sees me and then the chase begins again.
Around the yard are bulrushes that hide holes for those little rodents that my breed is so famous for seeking out. Cagney spends a good portion of his day looking out the window for sight of any small animal; birds, rabbits, squirrels, moles, and ground hogs. His job is to protect the property from any invaders including the human kind. Our masters have a vegetable garden and we have kept it free of any of these invaders except for one incident. We missed the ground hog that got the broccoli. They live in the bulrush. About a week ago, Cagney spotted the invader and did a war dance in the house until Bob told him he could go out. Well, I wasn't going to be left out, so I was right on his side. We tore into the bulrush, Cagney grabbed that four month old ground hog by the neck, gave it one good shake to snap its neck, and carried it out of the bulrush to give to Bob. Bob wouldn't let us eat it. He just put it in the trash can. Cagney has taught me a little about hunting moles. A family of moles decided to set up residence in a wood box that sits on the porch. Well, Cagney sniffed them out, captured one, and ate it. I've only gotten to the stage of sniffing them out. I'm not very smart about catching them.
I haven't been all good and cute to my masters. There is a pond on the property that fills up in the winter and spring and rises and falls with each rain or lack thereof. I like to go to the edge to sniff and get a drink of water. Well, the edges of the pond are muddy, and I come up to the house covered with mud. They then have to take the time to wash me. I don't think they like wasting time to bathe me on account of my addicts. Generally, I'm a very clean dog. What really gets them going is to disappear with Cagney into the neighbors' yards. You see they like to work outside in the garden or yard. So Cagney and I are our there with them, and we get bored. So I egg Cagney on, and we go looking for something to do or to get attention in someone else's yard. Our masters then realize we are gone and start calling us. We pay little attention to them until we are finished sniffing. But we stay together and Cagney is good about staying away from the street. Another thing that scares our masters is that a big coyote visited our yard a couple of weeks ago. I hope it smelled our sent and understand that this is our territory.
Sue and Bob Schrader, Barnstable Massachusetts
Posted January 21, 2000
My Peppy was given to me by my husband on Christmas Day... I had been waiting for him all of my life. He was so tiny, but was full of so much love. I spent every moment with him. Peppy even slept beside me and woke me up with his little licks and puppy breath (sometimes I can still smell it). On New Year's Day he became very ill and we took him to an emergency clinic. They told us he had parvo. (Please, never buy a puppy from someone who is not a JRTCA Breeder). My little brown and white best friend spent four days on IV and even received donor blood. I visited him many times each day, and told him how I couldn't wait to take him home. I never did.My beautiful Peppy died last Wednesday, January 5th at 6:10a.m.
How my heart aches for him. Everything I do reminds me of him. Is it possible to love again? I only had him at home for a week, but it felt like a lifetime. My life and my heart will always have a void that only Peppy and his sweet little kisses and snuggles could fill. Thank you all for your stories. They are the only things which have given me peace and comfort... to know that Peppy is with your JRTs waiting for me and you at the Rainbow Bridge. I love and miss you Peppy.
Love Mommy
Miami, Florida
Posted January 21, 2000
My husband and I lost our baby about two years ago but it still seems like it just happened a few moments ago.It was all like a dream.......our son was named Hunter (and boy did he hunt). He was one and a half and loved nothing more than to bark for hours at a squirrel that had eluded him and found a tall tree to hide in. David and I had been talking about how bad we needed to fence in our backyard for a while and we finally got the money to buy the supplies. We were ecstatic about finally putting up a fence so we would no longer have to worry about Hunter chasing something into the road.
It was a sunny Saturday morning. Hunter, David, and myself piled into the Toyota and headed to the Rent-All down the street to rent an Auger so we could dig the holes for the corner poles (we have an acre so we decided to fence the yard ourselves). We spent the better part of the day digging the holes while Hunter watched us a little and ran a lot. Finally........we had all the holes dug and it was time to start cementing the poles in. "Just think, next week at this time we will have the fence up!!!" Hunter watched proudly as his Daddy filled the first hole with cement. I added some water to the hole and we started to mix it just as a car was driving through the neighborhood. David yells, "SPRAY HUNTER WITH THAT HOSE, HE IS GOING TO CHASE THAT CAR". It was too late.....................
By the time we even knew what was happening we seen the car slam on breaks. Our baby had been ran over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Between David and I screaming we had every neighbor running outside. As David gave CPR one neighbor called 911 to get directions to the emergency vet as our vet was closed. I ran to get the truck and we headed on our thirty minute journey. This was the longest thirty minutes of my life. The interstate was so busy and no one would get out of our way!!!!!!! David was still giving CPR but Hunter was not responding!!!!!! Finally, we arrived and ran into the office. All the vets came into the room but there was nothing they could do...he died on impact.
We buried him under his favorite tree in the backyard. It felt and still does feel as if we had lost a child. Our bed was so big without him that we could not even sleep at nights. We couldn't stay home because he wasn't here but we couldn't stay gone because there was no place that made us feel better. We decided that we had to get another Jack Russell immediately before our family locked us away.
We found a JRTCA breeder about ten minutes from our house. It took us a while to let our new son, Foster, into our hearts but it was worth the wait. We kept him in a kennel during the days until the fence was finished. We also got a female Jack Russell a few months later. Hunter's mother had another litter so we picked out a little female and named her Madison Hunter.
We miss our little Hunter and still cry all the time. If I can help anyone understand the importance of getting a fence for their Jack Russell than Hunter's death does not hurt quite as bad. If anyone is planning on getting a Jack Russell please put a fence up first. Trust someone who knows too well, it is the best investment we have ever made. I just wish we had done it a few months prior to when we did.
Daddy and I miss you so much Hunter!!!!!! We're so sorry we let you down!!!!!!
Michelle and David Pelzer,
South Carolina
Posted January 21, 2000
March 15, 1983 - January 11, 1999Sallie was put to sleep on January 11, 1999 after a very sudden onset of having a form of liver disease. She showed no symptoms of being sick and very few of aging. Anyone who has ever owned a Jack Russell knows what it is like living with one. When the day arrived that I had to make the hardest decision in my life, it was the easy for me. Sallie was my roommate, my companion, and my best friend. I did what she would have wanted me to do after doing all of the tests needed to find out exactly what was wrong. For the next five months was the emptiest in my life, I came across a puppy that was to take me out of my slump. You can read more about Sallie in True Grit (March 99 issue). This was a dedication in her honor for all of her friends to read. I still miss her very much and sometimes find myself calling my puppy Sallie.
Posted January 21, 2000
We just lost our seven year-old female Jack Russell, Acie. She was a limitless source of joy (and anxiety) for our family and the whole neighborhood. From tree climbing, rat and squirrel killing, rug soiling, and face licking to jogging with the neighbors, she was loving, sweet, selfish and snooty - the perfect Jack Russell. We loved her more than any dog we ever had and we will always miss her.The Bolts.
Posted January 21, 2000
Our dog Sadie who we got for Christmas for our children 2 years ago was killed when she got out of our house and got ran over. She was killed on Jan 5, 2000. We raised her since a pup and will miss her. I am glad there is people out there finding homes for Jack Russells like our Sadie. Maybe after our hearts have healed some we can adopt one that needs love. Right now our hearts are just too broke.Thank u Donna, Bobby, Jessica (10), Shelby (7) and Becca (4) Wilkinson
Posted December 21, 1999
Nipsey was a rescue dog who came to me from a shelter north of Austin, Texas. He seemed very withdrawn, quiet and skittish. I soon discovered the reason for his behavior: Nipsey suffered from grand-mal seizures. He responded well to medication, but still suffered occasional small episodes. I decided Nipsey should stay with me, as I did not feel comfortable about letting a dog with such special needs go to any one else. Although he never really warmed up to me, he was our best "companion" dog. I could always depend on him to keep the new rescues company and not give anyone any trouble. He loved all the girls and suffered their various alpha behaviors gladly He let them share his food, his toys and his bed and never, ever so much as wrinkled his lip. He never showed any ill will or anger toward anyone. Nipsey passed over the rainbow bridge on August 31, 1999. I believe his death was a result of a seizure related drowning in the play pool. The girls and I miss him dreadfully. He was our little brother and Haybo's favorite companion. Goodbye, my sweet boy. I miss you so much and will hold you in my heart forever.Robyn G. Reed
South Central Texas
JRT Rescue Rep
Posted December 21, 1999
I'd like to tell our story so that we may save the lives of other loving companions. Sport was a two-year-old smooth-coat JRT with a brown mask. He loved to camp with us in the north Georgia mountains.Last spring we started encouraging him to run up our driveway beside and in front of our truck. We thought this would be good exercise for him - he loved to run, as most JRT's do. Recently, he would dart across the truck's path, but since my husband drove at a very slow and steady speed, we didn't think that there was any harm in it. He had also started barking a very different sounding bark. We now think that he was playing a game with the tires.
Three weeks ago, Sport was running up the road when something very wrong happened. I don't know if he hesitated or if he slipped on the wet leaves in the road, but we ran over our dear friend. I'll never forget the terrible sound of him getting hit. We rushed him to the vet, giving him CPR the whole way, but I now believe that he had died instantly.
Please, please, please keep your animals away from moving vehicles at all times. They have no concept of the danger. It happens so fast - they're with you one moment, secure in your loving care, and the next moment they're gone forever. We've had to live with the knowledge that because of our ignorance, our dog lost his life.
Sport, we miss you so very, very much. We'd give anything to have you back with us. Thank you, friend, for being such a bright spot in our lives.
Love, Mom and Dad
Posted December 18, 1999
5/94 - 12/11/99When Buzz first entered our lives as a six-week old pup, he resembled a small piglet more than the handsome, muscular, smiley-faced dog he grew into. He came into our lives on the same day of the 25th anniversary of the first moon walk - hence his clever name! It took only moments for us to become attached to his fierce loyalty, his insatiable appetite for adventure, and his "mama's boy" personality. His antics never ceased to entertain us - with pride we told stories of Buzz scaling fences, climbing trees, jumping walls, hogging the bed, chasing rabbits at my parent's ranch, and leading us on wild goose chases.
He was our first "baby", and our first family - he was with us when my husband proposed to me, with us at our wedding, with us when we bought our first house, with us when we brought our first child home from the hospital, and with us when we recently learned we were expecting another.
When my husband came home on Saturday afternoon, and found Buzz in the road in front of our home, the shock and grief was overwhelming. For we were convinced this tough little charmer would be with us for a long long time.
Life without him doesn't seem real. I can't imagine a night without he and my husband wrestling for prime bed space -- Buzz usually protested the loudest and won. I can't fathom a day without hearing his shrill bark -- protecting our yard from countless birds, squirrels and cats. I can't bear to put on my dark winter coat and not see hundreds of little white hairs covering my lap. I can't picture another homecoming without his funny little tooth-bearing smile and body-wagging tail.
Yesterday we buried our Buzz on my parent's ranch, on the hill, under the tree, near the spot that he and my husband proposed. And while we are struggling to find some peace and closure, we know that this profound loss will be painful for a long while. Our hearts are broken.
We miss you terribly, Buzz.
Chris (Dad), Carey (Mom) and Evan
Lockeford, California
Posted December 18, 1999
My beloved JRT, Jester, (12/15/85 - 11/21/99) had to be euthanized just three weeks before his 14th birthday. He had been my constant companion, my shadow, since he was 7 weeks old. He truly gave unconditional love while always raising my spirits, and he even took care of me during my own bout with cancer. He was a constant source of joy and I will never forget the funny little things he was always doing, even during this past year when he was slowed considerably by a heart condition. He seemed to understand everything I said. I am just now realizing how big and empty my home is without him. I only hope that the void left by his departure will lessen with time. I will never forget him. Jester was the best dog ever. I know that if dogs can become angels, Jester now has wings.Posted December 18, 1999
Ruby Girl
We purchased our first Jack Russell in April of 1999. Her name was "Ruby" and she was such an angel. When we first got her people would tell us, " Oh you are in for some wild times with her". Everybody assumes Jack Russells are hyper. Ruby was hyper but not as hyper as some of the other Jack Russells I've seen. She was absolutely the sweetest little dog.A few months later we purchased a Golden Retriever puppy. We named him Henry. Ruby and Henry did everything together. They played together, they slept together.
About 3 weeks ago Ruby developed something on her right paw that resembled a sore. We took her to the vet and found out it was not a sore but a tumor. The vet wanted to do surgery on her to remove it to see if it was malignant or not. And because she hadn't been spayed yet we decided to have both done at the same time.
The day of the surgery arrived and we took her in at 8a.m. and went about our daily activities. The vet called at 11:30a.m. and said they were having problems with Ruby. She came through the surgery ok. She started to wake up and then she quit breathing. She arrested on them 5 times and each time they were able to restart her heart but Ruby's lungs would not work. We raced there in hopes of getting there before she was officially dead. In our minds we were thinking that if she could see us or hear us then maybe she would perk up. Unfortunately we did not get there in time she was gone before we got there. I picked Ruby up and held her lifeless body and just sobbed. None in the room had a dry eye. My precious little 10 month old Ruby was gone.
We took Ruby home and buried her in our back yard. The kids were all crying and one of our children cannot stop crying. He sits around and cries out her name. We always called her "Ruby Girl". Henry is absolutely lost without Ruby. He goes from room to room looking for her. He cries and barks at night. Poor Henry I know exactly how you feel.
And now I can't stop feeling at fault for this. She trusted me and I took her to her death. I feel as though a part of me is gone, and I just wonder if I will ever feel good again. We do not understand what so terribly went wrong during a routine surgery that took the life of our precious little Ruby Girl.
We will miss you Ruby
Mommy, Daddy, Brandan, Christopher, Kelsey, Gabe, and Henry
Posted December 18, 1999
12-13-9923:59 HR
9th HR A.(fter)D.(eath)
TV still on A & E, kitchen light on, Christmas tree not sparkling tonight. Will it again? Someday . . .
Shawn, 15, is camped out on the floor, tossing and turning. Mom, 35, is in the bunk bed with Brandi, 6, and Daniel, 8, --all are crying themselves to sleep. Brutus, their little 5 year old, four legged friend who shared the fan on hot summer nights and the warm blankets in the winter won't be found in the bunks anymore, but forever in their hearts and memories.
Brutus, a small Jack Russell terrier, was shot and killed today at point-blank range, not by a hunter, not by a sportsman, not by accident, not by a stray bullet, not by mistake-but by a hard, cruel, cold-hearted, trigger-happy male dressed in orange, carrying a high powered rifle with one less bullet. Hunters and sportsmen are not to blame for this cruel, violent murder of Brutus-the male with the high-powered rifle dressed in orange is to blame. He knows who he is-or does he really?
This cruel, violent male (who I refuse to call a man), has now been charged with second degree cruelty to animals. Should someone who reacts in this way to an innocent little dog who happens to enter his space, be able to buy, possess or use a firearm? Your comments please.
Dan Harris Shinglehouse, PA
PS: Guns don't kill-people do.
Posted December 13, 1999
We lost our little one last week. We had only had him for fourteen days but he had already made a home in our hearts. He past away in his sleep from internal bleeding caused by an unknown source. Our only consolation is that the vet thinks he did not feel any pain. At least if he had to go, he went where he was happiest, curled up with my husband and I in bed.Regis, we will never forget you. We loved you so much and will always hold you dear to our hearts. We'll see you on the other side. Lots of hugs and kisses!
Mom and Dad
Posted December 13, 1999
I post this as a memorial to a beloved family member and in hoping it will spare someone else what we are going through. Here's to you, Jack-a-Beanie.2 nights ago we were sitting in the front yard enjoying all the Christmas lights. Jack was, of course with us, and we didn't have him on the leash because we were out with him. Being his usual nosey self, he went to our neighbors on either side snooping around for his friends (they have pets that were friends of his). We weren't outside for over 20 minutes. When we came in we noticed he was acting strangely. It wasn't another 15 min. before he was bumping into furniture and couldn't jump up in our lap...his hind legs were wobbly. He started drinking water like crazy and kept going to the door wanting out. At that point we knew something was wrong. We rushed him to a pet emergency clinic, laughing and joking all the way about how much trouble he was causing. The vet said that he thought it was antifreeze poisoning and did a 20 min. test. We sat in the waiting room, listening to him bark in the back at the vet's cat, laughing about how he would have his stomach pumped, and get medicine and how he would never forget this one! The vet called us in and said it was grave. She suggested we put Jack to sleep...he was in the beginning of antifreeze poisoning and there was no hope...he had perhaps 24 hours to live. There was a treatment but it would take 4-5 days, cost 300-400 dollars a day and even then he had only a 20% chance and would have severe kidney damage and perhaps blindness and brain damage, because he wasn't far from beginning seizures. We had to make the decision in a split second. It was pure horror...like a movie. They brought him in and he was so scared, trembling, but wagging his tail and licking our hands...saying please take me home. We held him while they injected him...it was the hardest thing I've ever done. It wasn't like he was lying there mangled from a car or had been sick a long time...it was just BOOM...it's time for your dog to go. We weren't irresponsible pet owners. The vet said...You were just letting him be a dog and run and play while you were outside with him. No one had antifreeze in their yards...so we know he licked it from a driveway where it had leaked out of someone's car. That is all it takes to kill a dog Jack's size, just a couple of laps. I didn't know...........
He was the best dog I've ever owned. Smart, funny, loving...he wasn't a dog, he was one of our boys, and he knew it. We are totally devastated by the loss of our little buddy. Thank you Jack, for all the love you gave us. We will never forget the year we had you. You will hold a place in our hearts forever.
Love, Mom, Dad, Brian, Stroud, Lesley and Bo.
Posted December 13, 1999
About six years ago, my grandma and I got a puppy. We named her Fagan. She was very cute and smart. At first she was my grandma's dog and she showed her at trials in obedience, conformation and agility. As the years went by, more and more, she became my dog. She was already trained by my grandma so I showed her in 4-H obedience and showmanship, where she won Grand Champion in obedience and Champion in showmanship. She became a part of me; sleeping in my bed, going to the mailbox with me, and riding in the car, and she loved going out in the boat on our pond with me. When I had friends spend the night, she always woke them up by licking them in the face. Sometimes she would bark in her sleep when she was having wild dreams.She was the kind of dog everybody wants, so smart and full of life. On July 5th, 1999, a week before the 4-H dog show at the fair, we noticed she wasn't her usual hyper self. She had slowed down a bit but we figured it was the heat and ignored it at first, but as the day went by she began to get worse. By the next afternoon, she couldn't even stand up on her own. We took her to the vet three days in a row and he said it was kidney and liver failure, but we were not sure what caused it. She was young still, never around poisons or anything.
I prayed for her to get better but she only kept getting worse. She wouldn't eat anything, she would rink but then throw it all right back up. We couldn't keep anything at all on her stomach.
Thursday, July 8th, 1999, when my grandma picked me up from band practice she told me to be prepared because Fagan probably wouldn't get any better. That night I couldn't sleep in my bed because I kept thinking about it so I moved downstairs where her crate was and slept next to her for the last time. Friday morning, she died. I felt like my world had been turned upside-down; my best friend was gone.
I have always been around dogs because my grandma breeds and raises them, but I know we will never have another dog as smart, and as very special as Fagan will always be. Fagan will always be remembered because she has a special place in our hearts now and Forever.
Amanda Scott
Granddaughter of Patsy Scott, Indiana State Rep
Spencer, IN
Posted December 13, 1999
In memory of AMI, by Danny out of Katie, 1/17/84 to 12/4/99. You were my best friend for almost 16 yrs., and I will miss you forever.Posted November 4, 1999
Gopher of Long Hope
4/24/89 - 7/13/99Gopher was my first Jack Russell Terrier. He'll be missed so much as he was my traveling companion, true and loyal best friend, my playmate (he loved to retrieve a ball and play soccer with my grandchildren), my brave guard dog and my bed mate (afraid of nothing). He was always there when I needed someone to talk to. He loved to race and especially loved Trailing and Locating (in 1991 placing 2nd out of over 100 entries and in 1993 placing 1st out of 87 dogs). He loved to go and did participate in may shows and participated at all the Nationals since 1990. He passed away very suddenly because of a heart tumor on July 13, 1999.
Gopher was everything anyone would want as a pet and companion, plus an avid hunter on my farm. Go in peace, my love, your pain is over.
Love, Mom
Nellie Niewola - Long Hope Farm
Posted November 4, 1999
(5/18/99-10/11/99)On August 20 my boyfriend, my family, and I were blessed with the opportunity to gain a new member to our family, Baxter, a three month old, broken hair JRT. We fell in love with him and visited this pup for the 2 months he was at the pet store. We knew we had to get him. The day we brought him home to my house my parents also got a puppy, Callie, a 3 month old white and black Chihuahua. She had been Baxter's pen mate for the time they were at the pet store.
The two pups loved to chase, wrestle, and hunt for crunchy leaves together in our backyard. They each had a bear that were exactly alike that they played with, but rather than playing with his own, most of the time Baxter would steal Callie's and taunt her with it. They had a lot of fun together.
On Oct. 11, 1999 we took our sweet Baxter in for routine knee surgery for a medial luxating patella (dislocating knee cap). After saying goodbye and talking about the procedures with the surgeon we went about our daily activities and preparations for him to return home that evening. Baxter did return home that day, but unfortunately not with us. The surgeon couldn't explain what had happened. He had a reaction to the anesthesia and his heart rate dropped. They tried CPR and injections of adrenaline but his little heart just stopped working.
It was the hardest thing we ever had to do to hold his 5 month old, limp little body, kiss him goodbye, and place him into the ground. I don't know when or if the hurt will ever end, but the two months we were able to spend with him were the best we have ever had.
Baxter: We will miss the kisses, wrestling with you, and chasing the falling leaves together. It will be difficult not to hear your tags clinging together as you run, and it will be hard to lie down on the couch and not have you on our stomachs snoring. Our home will not be the same without you. We miss you so much, and can't wait to see you again- we know we will.
See you soon baby--until then remember the good times!
All our love,
Mommy Angie, Daddy Kevin,
Dale, Vicki, D.J., and Callie
Posted October 31, 1999
Elkcreek Spike
One cannot be prepared for the emptiness that the loss of a treasured pet can bring. We lost our beloved little Spike in an accident in the street in front of our home. His absence was overwhelming and literally filled our home with a grief that was unimaginable. It didn't seem possible that this lively, happy little guy could be silenced in the blink of an eye....but he was, and from that day to this one, it only takes a brief thought of him to bring tears of remembrance and love. He is gone from us for now, but he resides in our hearts in a place that belongs always and only to him. Spike, we love you as much today as the day you left us. It has been so long since we've stroked your handsome little head and snuggled up to you at night, but we wonder if once in awhile you "take a walk" and work your magic in our lives. We think you do. We will see you at Rainbow Bridge, Puppus...Mom & Dad
Posted October 20, 1999
Today I lost the love of my life. My little Mickey, only 3 years old, had exploratory surgery for an abdominal mass just found on x-ray this morning, after a few days of gastrointestinal problems. The mass was a huge, inoperable, cancerous tumor. It involved many of his organs, and while still asleep he was euthanized. I CANNOT believe I will never see my baby again. I had no clue that when he went through that door, he would be gone forever. I'm in shock.I've had many dogs over the years, and still have 3 more at home, but there was never a dog as special as Mick. I loved the way he planted his feet on my chest and stuck his nose right on mine, licking like crazy. I loved the way he jumped up in my lap and curled up, and the way he sat with me, watching while I worked on the computer. No other dog has ever given as much love as I got from Mick, and I don't think any other one ever will. I can't believe this has happened.
I love you, Mick. Please forgive me for sending you on. I couldn't stand to see you suffer.
Lori Cline, Mullica Hill, NJ
Posted October 13, 1999
I lost my terrier on Oct 1st. It was on a Friday morning where I left her in the pickup. I went into the store and this man walks into the store and asked if I was the owner of a silver pickup, I told him yes. He said, "Well Lady your dog is laying out in the street dead." I just couldn't believe my ears and I ran out and looked for my dog, not 300 feet away from the truck was Annabell, she was just laying there dead. She wasn't moving, her body was still warm. And this car was about 100 feet from my dog and there was a drive and the man who talked to me jumped in that car and sped off. It was a hard lesson for me to learn, I learned not to leave my dogs in the back of the pickup unattended. I still think that man attempted to steal her since a lot of people tried to take off with her and I went out in time to catch them.She was a wonderful dog, so unusual in personality. She puts up with the poking and prodding of children and allows babies to ride on her! She was an excellent hunting dog, whenever she took a whiff of a quarry she always took of baying and miles away she had either treed the animal or drove it to ground. Never failed to do that. Great hunting dog, I still have the tails of 40 pound coons she had treed and killed. She was wonderful in Agility, like a border collie in that ring. She could zip though the course in 1 minute! All I did was stand in the middle and that little dog will hear my commands and work for me. I trained her to herd cattle, point and flush birds, flyball, Frisbee, obedience, and search and rescue(how much fun that was!) The greatest dog in the world, I will never forget my dear Annabell. The best dog I ever had in my entire life and the only fault she had that she wasn't showable but I couldn't care less. I look forward seeing her soon at the end of that rainbow bridge. And I know that God provided a place where she can chase coons and foxes all she wants and for the pure joy of it. I will see you soon my little Annabell.
Posted October 13, 1999
I'm so glad I found this site. In the four months since our wonderful JRT Jenny died, my husband and I and Jack, Jenny's brother, have been devastated. I have just put in an application to adopt a rescue JRT, and I hope I can get another little girl JRT to love. No one can ever take Jenny's place,though. She was born January 16, 1998, and we took her and Jack home when they were 5 weeks old. (I know we should have waited, but I didn't think the amateur breeder would take as good care of them as we would-we already had fallen in love-and their mother had already weaned them.) Jenny was the leader of the two right away, always the dominant one, in fact she always tried to dominate us. She was willful and just a little dickens as a puppy. Sometimes we wondered what we got ourselves into. I bought books and books and read every magazine I could on raising JRTs and we soon learned they needed lots and lots of exercise and activity.Soon, Jenny was the more obedient of the two; she was smarter, faster, and very very affectionate. If we would throw balls or Frisbees outside, Jenny would always get to them first. She could swim faster (we live on a lake) and would always get to the ball or Frisbee before Jack. We tried using two balls or Frisbees, but they always had one favorite, of course. She was tireless, and never seemed to get sick of running, and retrieving, and swimming. On June 6, 1999, after coming home from a local festival, (they'd been home alone for about 3 hours) we spent the hot afternoon throwing the Frisbee and ball into the water, and Jenny would retrieve the Frisbee and Jack would retrieve the ball. I remember thinking after about 2 hours of this non-stop play, that they'd sleep good tonight.
Well, Jenny went to sleep for good. She got out of the water and lay on the beach for a while (not too unusual, she did that sometimes when she was tired) but then she walked slowly to the picnic table and lay under it with her eyes half closed. That's when I knew something was different. I went to her and cuddled her, and asked if she wanted a bath (they both loved baths). A little spark happened in her eyes, and she got up and wobbled (very unusual) like she was drunk, bumping into the deck posts as she went. I knew that something was terribly wrong. I picked her up and brought her in the house, wrapped her in a towel and ran a tepid bath. I thought maybe she was overheated-it was 95 degrees that day, and she had been out of the water for about 10 minutes. While in the bath, she started shaking and vomiting. I started to panic. Jack had followed us and of course wanted a bath, too; he seemed ok in the bathtub, except when Jenny started vomiting, he jumped out of the tub. I wrapped her in a towel and her little limbs started jerking like she was having a seizure, and I know that's when Jenny really died. I screamed for my husband to come in the house, and he worked on her (gave her mouth to mouth, massaged her heart) as I called the emergency number for the vet (It was a Sunday). He told us to rush her to the Emergency Animal Hospital and my husband worked on her the whole way while I drove. Jack was with us and was very docile and subdued as this was going on. The vets there worked on her for half an hour, but couldn't save her. They had no idea what made her have the seizure, or any of the other symptoms. At first they thought she had too much water in her lungs, my vet thought that was a long shot, then they thought she got overheated, also ridiculous, because she had been in the water all afternoon, then they thought there was something bad in the water (we had it tested later-passed with flying colors). I wished we had gotten an autopsy, but my vet said that would have probably been inconclusive anyway on such a small dog. His gut feeling was that she had an undetected heart problem that made her have a heart attack that day. We both felt so guilty, like we should have made her get out of the water and rest sooner; but now after four months of mourning, we realize it was her time to go, and it would have happened sooner or later if it was her heart, and there's no way you could stop Jenny from playing with all her being.
We miss her so much, I cried nonstop for a week after that. Jack moped for several days, and even now seems to play with a phantom pal when playing with his Frisbee or ball. We thought we'd never be ready to accept another JRT into our home because of our heartbreak, but we are ready now and hope there is a little girl JRT out there that needs us as much as we need her.
We love and miss you so much, Jenny.
Dad, Mom and Jack
Posted September 5, 1999
I lost my beloved JRT, Friday morning, he died on the way to the vet. I don't know whether I can write this or not, I am still crying so hard I can barely see how to type. He died of hypoglycemia, Stetson was less than a year old, he was my beloved "Mama's Boy" as Bailey our female is my husbands "Daddy's Little Girl."Bailey and I are lost without our bud, we sit around today her moping for her friend and me crying for my buddy. He was such a little "pistol" he never did anything half way, he loved everyone and everything wholeheartedly, he captured everyone's heart that saw him, there will never be another dog like him. I don't think I will replace him too soon. He would sit in my lap and just be content when I read the paper, looking up at me with his big brown eyes, until I put the paper down, and give him a big hug. He would take a deep breath, as if finally he got what he wanted, then he would just doze off until the paper was read. I am a senior citizen, who is slightly handicapped, but Stetson would be patient with me and stay with me as I walked as if he knew something was wrong. I know I will see him heaven one of these days, I look forward to seeing him, the joy of my life.
Posted August 21, 1999
I would like to wish a fond farewell to my pride and joy, Edison's Ladybug. She was a true friend and a loving companion. From the day she was born until the day she left us she was a tough fighter. She was a three time G-T-G champion, with the fastest time ever at one of our Florida trials. The only small consolation we have is the satisfaction of knowing she got to do what she was born to do. Just a few weeks before she decided to run out into the woods to see what she could hunt, she got a chance to hunt groundhog in North Georgia. I just hope that on this "hunting trip" she was out there looking for the hogs, remembering the excitement of entering the earth and hopefully never knew what hit her when the car took her from us. Now she is at the Rainbow bridge, and I know she is having fun frolicking with her new found friends, but all the time watching over her best friend Spyder who is still here with us and misses her as much as we do.Edison's LadyBug
June 8 1997 to June 24 1999
Greg Taylor
Posted August 4, 1999
I want to say goodbye to Zipper our Jack Russell who died two months ago tomorrow.We received Zipper on May 24th, 1998 from Russell Rescue. We never knew Zipper's age or history. All we knew was he was left on the doorstep of a veterinarian office in Dallas, TX. He was then transported through Rescue to Colorado where he came to live with us. When he came to our home we were given a month "trial" period to see if he would fit in our family with our other JR. Instantly we knew we would not be giving him back. He won our hearts immediately. I cannot explain how calm, well mannered, sweet, and sensitive this little boy was. He was very subdued especially in comparison to our other JR. We were asked when Zipper came to live with us to have his teeth cleaned and it was suggested to us by our veterinarian in Colorado. We moved shortly after to Missouri where again our veterinarian recommended we do this. Finally on June 4th, 1999 Zipper had an appointment to have his teeth cleaned. Now I wish I had never made that appointment. I took Zipper that morning, all the while having a very dark feeling of taking him. I worried about him that whole morning. I called at noon and was told Zipper came out of his surgery just fine and that I could pick him up at 4:00 that afternoon. When my husband went to get Zipper at 4:00 he had died. Our vet told us he could not explain what happened, for Zipper was just awake 1 hour before and outside just 1 hour before that. Our lives from that moment on have been torn apart. We cry for him daily. We will never know why he died or what happened to him during that last hour. We do know he died in his sleep, because when he slept he crossed his two back paws over one another and when we got to say goodbye to him that day his two back paws were crossed.
Mommy, Daddy, and Tara will never be the same without you. You shared in our lives for one short year and what a wonderful year it was. There will not be a day we don't miss you, love you, and long to be with you again. We will see you again someday at the Rainbow Bridge and we will all be happy again. What a wonderful boy you were to all that came into contact with you. We will always remember the laughter and smiles you brought to us but most of all your daily greeting welcoming us home from a rough day at work. Zipper, the squirrels have left our wooded oaks, almost as if they have gone looking for you as you did for them. Until we meet again, you are in our hearts, our thoughts, and our prayers. We love you.
Judy, Matt, and Tara Reed of Missouri
Posted July 22, 1999
Schatzi was born on a farm in New Jersey in 1982. Her dad was a black Jack Russell hunter and her mom was a black Cocker. What a wonderful mixed breed Jack Russell she turned out to be! Schatzi loved riding in a car, on the very front of our boat, up front in our plane and especially next to me on our golf cart!Schatzi was every bit a Jack Russell, right down to going to the trials, doing very well in the races and the go to ground trials, she loved every minute of it.
She was the best dog we ever had and lived to be 16 years old. In February of 1999 we had to say farewell to our beloved Schatzi after she started having heart attacks. We tried everything, but we could not let her suffer so we had to put her down.
We will never forget our little faithful and spunky friend, and miss her more than anyone can imagine. We are looking forward to the day we cross the rainbow bridge and meet again with our Schatzi.
Pat and Fred Morris of Florida
Posted June 19, 1999
Peanut was our first JRT and she stole our hearts. It took us a week or two to decide on a name for our new little friend. At 11 weeks of age she would sit-up, and roll over for a treat. It did not take her long to figure out if she did a trick she would get a treat.Her silly antics and the love of peanuts for a treat, lead us to decide on the name Peanut. And a nut she was. If there were a competition for canine comedian of the year, she would win all votes. The more we would laugh at her the nuttier she would get.Peanut lost her life following surgery for an intestinal blockage, she was doing fine after surgery, but her long battle with colitis complicated matters. She went into shock and died 12 hours later.
We loved you very much, more than you will ever know. We will miss your way of turning a bad day at work into an evening of laughs, hugs and good night kisses. The way you would sail through the kitchen to greet us at the back door, the games we would have to play before we could go to sleep at night and the chase you would give the squirrels. Our pain will soon fade but our memories of you will shine on; as you romp and play in the lush green meadows of the rainbow bridge; and there; the three of us will meet again. You were a true and loyal friend.
Mike and Cheryl Johnson
Posted May 25, 1999
We had researched the JR breed well. We joined the JRTCA after reading everything we could find on the web. All of our friends knew that our next dog would be a little JRT. But, we were building a new house out in the middle of the pasture and we would wait. We would visit breeders when we had time.One day in October of '98 a big truck rolled down the drive and a woman got out with a puppy in her hands. She had been to the local feed store and asked if they knew anyone who might be interested in a JRT pup. They sent her to us.
We paid a high price for him after being reassured that she could deliver papers and he would be eligible for registry with the JRTCA. Of course we were taken by this little white guy with a beautiful black and tan head.
Later we realized he had two damaged toes, but we took him to the vet and they were removed. We named him Zapper. He fit right in with our Kelpie dog and our 2 cats. When the ground squirrels came out in March he was puzzled that chase as he might he could not catch them. When the lambs began to be born he decided he would chase them and he soon learned that was not OK. The ewes got so used to him they would just stand and look him down. If they did not run he had nothing to chase. Where was the fun around this place. So, Zapper became the champion mouser. Always got his prey. And he knew that when he rolled in the dead mouse or the horse manure he would get a bath and he would try to sneak into the house and hope we did not notice. Looking very sheepish when sent to the laundry room, he actually was beginning to like his baths, but did not admit it readily. He would nearly dance with joy when I towel dried him and he ran the house.
One day we called the seller. She gave us a bit of a run around about registry. We called again and she was rude and hung up. We knew at that point we would not be able to register Zapper. So he was altered. He did not seem to mind a bit. It did not change his personality and he recovered rapidly. He was back at the cats in no time. They too had learned to stare him down. Zapper loved to travel. We put him in his crate and off we would go. And he would sleep. Until we stopped the car. When we were visiting friends he was well mannered and he would go into his crate to nap, or spend the night. He was welcomed back everywhere we went. Everyone loved that little guy. And he loved right back.
Yesterday our neighbor called and her cows were out on the highway. She needed help fast. My husband ran out, shut the door and drove off. When he returned he found Zapper laying dead on the driveway. It was one of the worst things that my husband has ever experienced. Zapper must have gotten out of the sliding door that was not completely hooked. He knew how to slide it open if we did not hook it. Zapper must have run to get in the truck, because he always went in the truck. Curt did not know he had hit the dog. And our house is in mourning. We will never be able to replace that bundle of unconditional love. My husband will never stop feeling guilty. And the cats are already looking for their friend.
We know that our next dog will be a JRT. We will wait awhile. We buried Zapper next to our first racehorse. He will have a little headstone. And the UPS lady who now wants a JRT, and the Fed Ex man who loved him too will miss his kisses. The neighbor kids who were over to play with Zapper every few days will feel the loss. Our grandgirls who visit each summer never met him. They have pictures of him and know all of his stories, but they never knew the real thing. And as I sit and spin my wool, I will remember a little head resting on my foot or sitting up to let me know he wants to go out, I will miss the yarn thief that said "enough of this boring stuff, it is time to look at me, play with me, love me, just give me 5 and I will let you spin again."
Zapper August 16, 1998-May 1, 1999
Shirley A. McAdoo
Posted April 9, 1999
We have just lost our "best friend" and buddy Macho. Macho has brought 2 years of complete joy to our life. Macho rode on our Harleys with us, jet skied, modeled, hunted, fished, swam, traveled, and never ceased to entertain anyone around him. Macho we will always love you! You will be missed dearly and never forgotten!Your Mom and Dad
Bill and Lori Signs
Posted Jan 18, 1999
In fond and lasting memory of Misty Mountain Mindy, who crossed over the rainbow bridge December 5, 1998. Mindy came into my life at the age of 2 years when I answered and ad in the local paper for a JRT female. She had been kept behind the house on a chain for almost her entire life. The transition was difficult for both of us, she needing so much attention, and I trying to keep the skin on my face as she playfully raked for attention.In the 2 years she was here, I was well rewarded for my rescue of her by her undying devotion, comical acts, and an utter sweetness, I could not believe. She died after giving birth to her litter due to heart failure. She left me with the gift of her 4 babies. They are happy and well and I cannot see any day when they will leave this farm. Thank you Mindy, I miss you.
Karen Surace
Hillsville, Va.
Posted Jan 11, 1999
Three weeks ago today (December 18, 1998) at 1:18 pm (Central European time) Spike, my beloved 3 year old Jack Russell terrier from Wales, was hit by a truck on the highway in Parage, Yugoslavia and killed instantly. I miss him more every day. He was a difficult little devil, but everybody loved him, and I loved him most of all. It is hard to believe that a creature so alive could so instantly be dead.My only consolation is that three days ago I learned that Spike left three eight-month-old offspring in the village, and next Tuesday I will take one of them, Mollie, home. She is a JR X (her mother being a small brown terrier, what I call a rat terrier) but I hope she has a portion of Spike's spirit and heart. He was unique and my best friend.
Charles Alverson
Posted Jan 5, 1999
I feel the need to say good-bye to my little Shelby woo. She was purchased in March of 97 and was going to be part of our foundation stock. But just like the other two, she quickly became so much more than that. When she was 8 mos old, I took her to the vet for an ear infection. As he examined her and listened to her her heart, he called his father in, another vet, for a second opinion. They both told me that she had an extremely loud heart murmur and recommended that I take her to the U of I vet school for a proper diagnosis. It wasn't what I wanted to hear. The vet there explained after a multitude of tests, that she had a valve that didn't close all the way. This was causing her heart to beat harder and in turn grow bigger than it should. There was no surgery that could fix it and medication wouldn't be necessary until she started showing symptoms, coughing, wheezing or edema from fluid leaking into her abdomen. Then the medication would only prolong her life by relieving the symptoms. He said to take her home and let her continue her life as normal until the symptoms occurred. And of course she shouldn't be bred as it is congenital. But Shelby never had any symptoms. She went from running and playing one day to gasping for air the next. She died in the arms of my dear friend Mike whom she loved and lived with after I moved to Wisconsin. We are lost without her sweet little face. Happy hunting sweetheart.Love and miss you,
Mommy, Daddy and Joe
Julie Grim and Mike Bernard
Shelby woo
Posted Dec 5, 1998
Dear friends,I'm writing you this letter with a very heavy heart. Last night our hearts were crushed as our little JRT Ireland jumped on a tree and went over our fence after a squirrel. Before I could get to her, she was hit by a train right before my eyes. Words can not express nor can adequately articulate the pain that I relive every time I close my eyes. What I would do for three more seconds. As many of you probably feel for your dogs, our Ireland was our baby.
We first brought her home to see what kind of parents we would be and she quickly won our hearts. For two and a half years she literally ruled our world. We went without so much so that she could have anything she wanted or needed. When she was eight months old we found out that she had a food allergy and had to eat a special prescription diet of duck and potato. For two college students this cost was quite large but I must say this is the first time I even thought of how much it cost, though I often would joke that she eat better than we did. She was not supposed to have bones either but much to the dismay of my wife I continued to bring them home any way. They were often much larger than she was but that never stopped her. Her eyes would light up and she wouldn't stop until it was gone. My wife would joke "She's Daddy's little girl and she gets what ever she wants." At times when school or work got too much and I could not take her to the park, I would hide treats around the house so she could spend hours and often days hunting for them. I remember her tail wagging so fast you would think it would fly off her body until she found each and every one. My wife would spend hours grooming her and putting Neosporin on all her cuts that she would receive when I took her hiking, running, or to the park.
My wife and I want you all to know that we were very responsible and attentive JRT owners. We provided for all her needs and made sure she was without wants. On Sundays we went to flyball so that she would have a job and something to focus on, during the week I went running with her, and took her to the off leash dog park on Fridays and Saturdays. We would go at 4:30 am so she would have the whole park to herself. She was known for getting into fights during the day so I would take early enough so she could run for two hours before anyone would arrive. Besides, all she wanted to do was run and the dogs she would fight were only the ones who would try to catch her. I'll miss those mornings together. Today's Saturday and it was strange not having her wake me up to go. Two weeks ago we even moved into a smaller place so that she could have a larger yard and now this yard seems so empty with out her. It is full of fruit trees, which attract an abundance of animals she would chase. When we first arrived there were squirrels that inhabited the property that had since moved to the neighbor's yard due to her insistence. How quickly they return.
Dear Ireland,
Mommy and Daddy miss you terribly. Thank you so very much for our time together. You have taught us the true meaning of unconditional love and have brought us so many happy memories. We will always remember you and the smiles you so lovingly provided. Our only comfort is knowing you died doing what you loved most...hunting. Daddy is so sorry he couldn't get to you in time.
The squirrels are out today Ireland.
With all our love,
Aaron and Valerie Brown
(Mommy & Daddy)
Northridge, CA 91325
Posted Aug 1, 1997
Our First Jack Russell Terrier - Site Dedication
This site is dedicated to Katie with love and gratitude. She lives still - in our hearts and in our love for this breed.
Rick and Leslie Hemsing
JRTCA Webmaster
Herndon, VA