Jack Russell - Parson Russell - Russell Terrier?
The AKC "recognizes" two variants of the Jack Russell with different standards that include a portion of the original breed standard. These are "variants" of the TRUE Jack Russell Terrier and are considered separate and different breeds.

Are They All The Same? No - Learn Before you Buy!
The JRTCA is the original breed club in the USA for the TRUE Jack Russell Terrier. Founded in 1976, its purpose has ALWAYS been to preserve the TRUE Jack Russell - a terrier originally bred in England to work underground to bolt red fox - a terrier with the right structure, courage, intelligence and heart to venture to do so.
This courage, intelligence, mental and physical attributes that make this terrier so special - for whatever purpose the owner has in mind. If you want an active, smart and fun terrier to share in your active lifestyle, then get a TRUE Jack Russell Terrier. The "variants" may look similar - but there are big differences.
What are Parson Russell and Russell Terriers?
The AKC now "recognizes" two variants of the Jack Russell with different standards that include a portion of the original JRTCA/JRTCGB breed standard. These are "variants" of the TRUE Jack Russell Terrier and are considered separate and different breeds. They are NOT the TRUE Jack Russell Terrier and are not registerable with the JRTCA.
The JRTCA standard is broad and includes balanced terriers between 10" and 15" at the shoulder, with a flexible small chest, recognizing that there is a need for different sized terriers for different jobs. Various types, colors and sizes are all encompassed by the JRTCA standard - it is not looking for "standardization" - no two true Jack Russells look identical!
The Parson Russell is geared toward more standardized look between 12"-15" with further standardization of color and coat. They appear to be getting larger in height and structure, an inevitable result of breeding for a taller inclusive standard with acceptable inbreeding. The more recently added "Russell Terrier" seems to have mainly originated in Australia and bears little resemblance physically and mentally to the true Jack Russell Terrier. This variant has a standard of 10"-12" and not necessarily balanced in length to height. Neither standard seems to be dedicated to preserving the original purpose or structure of the Jack Russell Terrier.
The original JRTCA true Jack Russell and the two variants registered by the AKC are NOT the same. Sometimes uninformed reporters and announcers may refer to all of them as "Jack Russell Terrier" - this is WRONG, there are distinct differences that will no doubt become more defined in the coming years.
The TRUE Jack Russell Terrier is registered and supported by the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America and has been around for many years before either the Parson or the Russell came to be "recognized" by the AKC. The JRTCA registry is not closed - Jack Russell Terriers meeting the standard and other registration requirements are eligible for registration. If spayed or neutered, all Jack Russells within the 10-15" height standard can be recorded. All are welcome at the many terrier trials and fun days throughout the country. If you own a Jack Russell, or would like to, come to a trial - all are listed on our web site. Also contact the local affiliate club in your area if there is one nearby. The JRTCA also offers a great quarterly magazine as part of membership, full of fun and educational information.
Review our extensive web site, look over the registration and recording applications and see what registration in the JRTCA requires - it ensures the best background available for a sound, intelligent dog that will be with you for a lifetime!