Results from Contest # 50 [December 28, 2003 - 173 entries]
Did Santa leave that present for you or me? |
George |
They found the hidden camera!!!!! Move in!!!! I repeat move in!!!! |
col10 |
Maybe it'll look better if I just sorta...crane my neck this way... |
Jaz |
Honorable Mentions
- Okay...who put the Pop-Tart in the DVD player?
- Do we REALLY look like that...?
- Hey look Fred......he's fallen down and he cant get up.
- How does she get those tassels to spin in opposite directions??
- He'll be coming' down the chimney any minute now!
- You put your left side in. You put your right side out. And you shake it all about.
- Now what did they leave in our bowl? I think its moving!
- Can you repeat the question please?
- Kitty. Who said get the kitty?
- I think I tugged a little too hard.
- Get your Jack and Jill bobble-heads TODAY!
- Oooh look! Its eye follows you no matter how you turn your head.
- Dude? Dude? Focus dude.
- What is this O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E thing you speak of?
- Here kitty, kitty, kitty...
- Does it always make that funny noise?
- Keep watching... he comes down this fire-thing every year and brings treats!
- Nope, still looks crooked to me...
- This was the last thing poor Herald saw before we lost connection with him.
- Can you tell which one uses Sauve shampoo?
- Did some one say lunch???
Results from Contest # 49 [December 21, 2003 - 203 entries]
Generally loving creatures, the Jack Russell becomes enraged when it is referred to as "Eddie". |
Anon |
"Bark! The herald angels sing . . ."  |
Melissa |
Silent night, holy night, all is calm....(well, almost calm).  |
1JRTowner |
Honorable Mentions
- "FIVE G-O-L-D-E-N RINGS" !!!
- Great duets in history.
- Tryout video for American Idol...
- She loves me YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!
- Oh, a hunting we will go, a hunting we will go, hi ho the derry-OOOOO!
- ... and here's the "howl'o ula" chorus
- ARR, Welcome to the Terriers of the Carribean!
- Hark! The horrid Russells sing........
- JRussic Park
- I don't have the guts to tell her she's off key...
- WE GOT HIM!!!!
- "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...."
- After too much eggnog some of our guests became party animals.
- Jack and Jill go Christmas caroling.
- Will they ever get us separated? I'm really sick of you!
Results from Contest # 48 [December 16, 2003 - 247 entries]
Stay cool dude. I'll let you know if she's got an owner. |
Fred |
This here's my paw. |
Jimbo |
I wish I had a leg to stand on. |
Camden |
Honorable Mentions
- I won't say who did it, but I will just point with my ear..
- Ah, go on - have a shoe shine, just a dime!
- Say hello to my little friend.
- Please, step back Joe, I can handle this one on my own....
- Last year I was this tall... this year I've grown a bit, but Billy's still taller than me.
- Slowly....back away from my master and no one gets hurt.
- He followed me home... Can I keep him, Mom? Pleeease? I've always wanted a human!
- Hey Dad, how much longer do we have to wait in line for the bathroom?
- Hold it right here, I saw her first.
- Srike a pose -- vogue!
- Lean on me, when you're not strong....
- I see dead people.
- Really....I can stop drinking anytime I want...jus don wanna....
- It's easy to Sit/Stay when your standing on my tail........OWWWWWW
- Every time I lift my left right ear sticks out.
- I know, no fighting in obedience class, but you should see the other guy...2 black eyes.
- Like mother like daughter.
- I don't think you noticed but behind me is my bodyguard, Vinny.
- I guess I am not going anywhere for awhile.
- Me look sad? Sure, I'm gonna be spayed tomorrow!
- Tell me again what you think of my ear Buster!, my buddy here wants to hear it.
- Lean on Me, when you're not strong & I'll be your friend...
- Take one more step and the shoe gets it
Results from Contest # 47 [December 7, 2003 - 255 entries]
That's the biggest fire hydrant I've ever seen! |
Kathy |
Ahh, the power of cheese... |
Sue |
And they said Roswell never happened! |
Susan |
Honorable Mentions
- Here birdie, birdie, birdie!
- That cat's gotta come down sometime!
- They say that if you look hard enough that there are animals in those clouds.
- "Trust me. Bob says the geese do it all the time"
- "Oh, that one looks like a bone!"
- Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Who cares it's mine
- Pick me, Pick me!
- We never win the picture caption contest... Please pick us!
- Daniel-san ... Karate here ... not here!
- "You know im beginning to think they aren't coming back to take the picture...."
- Why hot air ballons should not be shaped like dog treats.
- Jack and Buddy Reporting for duty, Sir!
- I pledge allegiance to the flag...........
- We're supposed to go to ground, What are they doing up there?
- I've got a witness.........we BOTH saw it!
Results from Contest # 46 [November 30, 2003 - 213 entries]
Put me back in... I got spots. |
Danny |
Man's best friend meets woman's best friend. |
Kris |
Now do you get it? I AM the dishwasher! |
anon |
Honorable Mentions
- Well, you won't let me lay on the couch!
- SHUSH everbody! This is where we find out whodunnit!
- Nothing is getting in here until I've licked it clean!
- After cleaning all those dishes, Sparky had to take a 'breather'.
- Why cant I get a bath like other dogs???
- Aaahh, this should keep my tummy warm!
- Home, home on the range...
- You dont need this...I'm GREAT at cleaning plates!
- I always wondered how the food got off the plates!
- Sorry sir...but all dishes must go through final inspection first.
- Bring on the Thanksgiving dishes!
- Don't ask - you don't want to know.
- I refuse to do any more dishes.
- So this is what it feels like to be clean? I don't like it one bit!
- I'm ready for pre-wash! Anything to Pre-Wash?
- Why do *I* always have to do the dishes after Thankgiving dinner??
- Why does this thing get to lick the plates, that should be my job.
- Ok, so I lied, I gained a couple of pounds!
- Whadya mean you found hairs in the soup bowls?
- Hhmm, chewed the shoes, bit the cat, dug a hole, turned over the trash, now i'm bored.
- I hate it when they get take out !!!
- Mop the floors, wash the dishes...but I`ll never get to go to the ball.
- Where do I insert the quarter?
- Suds McKenzie.
- I'm as lonely as the Maytag guy.
Results from Contest # 45 [November 23, 2003 - 189 entries]
Suddenly Amy realized she wasn't like the other kids on her block. |
col10 |
Excuse me sir, but what's top speed on this model? |
Shaun |
I'm too sexy for my bike.... I'm too sexy for my bows....  |
Ruth |
Honorable Mentions
- All I need is a leather jacket.
- My Other bike is a Harley!
- Puppy Cheesecake.
- So, I was supposed to make a right at the fridge. . . ?
- I feel pretty. Oh so pretty ...
- Biker babe.
- It's a Tri-Christmas: Tri-Jack and a Tri-cycle
- Where are the fast bikes? The big bikes! And get these stinkin' bows off me!
- No helmet, No Ride!
- I wonder if I would be disqualified using this thing to race.
- And that's when I fell for...the leader of the pack.
- Well, it's the thought that counts.
- Who ordered Meals on Wheels??
- If I could fit this through the Go To Ground tunnel...
- This is nice, but I was hoping for a pony.
Results from Contest # 44 [November 16, 2003 - 244 entries]
House: $150,000 - Carpeting: $1,000 - Your terrier & your kid are the same height: Priceless |
anon |
How long are ya in for?? |
Amy |
Yea, I'm potty trained, see that tree over there.. |
anon |
Honorable Mentions
- I smell pizza... two blocks away and getting closer as we speak! Thanks for dialing for me, Timmy.
- Here she comes, you act cute, I'll play dumb and she'll never know who did it.
- Time out sure is easier when it's with your best friend.
- I thought they were calling for snow!!
- Told ya not to dig that hole. The newspaper boy just disappeared in it.
- See the fresh dirt, that's where I buried your other yellow slipper!
- Ya know kid, one of these days this world wont look so BIG!!!!!!!
- Dude? Where's my car?!!!
- "When what to their wondering eyes should appear but a little old sleigh and 8 tiny Reindeer."
- Hey little buddy, pretty soon we'll be chasing that squirrel together.
- Did you see Dad's hair stand up when you plugged it back in?
- The first day of Kindergarten is so scary!
Results from Contest # 43 [November 9, 2003 - 218 entries]
I'm just a swinger, yeah baby! |
angigo |
Where do I insert the quarter? |
Dawn |
I don't think this Puppy Pants thing is gonna catch on. |
Rutledge |
Honorable Mentions
- Do you really think I need a chasity belt this big?
- My owners really think of me as their kid :)
- Okay...I think it's time for the monkey bars next!!
- These DEPENDS are so obvious!
- Not quite as good as Disneyland.
- Is this how the Sumo guys get started?
- Swinging in the rain!
- But mom.. all the other dogs don't have to use the baby swings.
- Help!! I'm swinging and I can't get out!!!!!
- Finally, the support I need.
- Give me a really big push this time...I wanna lick the sky!
- I'm just waiting for the wind to pick up.
- Girls just want to have fun, Ohhh, Girls just want to have fun...
- Dude! The guy at the gate told me this was an "E" ticket ride.
- So, what's a cute pup like you doin' in a playground like this? Hey! Come back!
- Jack was always thinking of new ways to impress the girls.
- How do you start this thing??
- I want my money back! - this aint going anywhere!
Results from Contest # 42 [November 2, 2003 - 285 entries]
"Jester" Average JRT |
Andy |
NO ... we said send in the hounds not clowns |
Danny |
Jack - now available for children's parties, JRTCA Sanctioned Trials... |
Terrier Treatz |
Honorable Mentions
- You are SO going to regret this when this is all over!
- Guess what treat I am going to leave on your pillow!
- You want to see something funny, just give me your slipper...
- Does this make me look fat?
- Whadda ya mean Halloween was yesterday?
- You might laugh, but my balloon animals are the best!
- Did anyone read the book "IT"?
- Dang! I thought earning a bronze medallion would get me out of this humiliation.
- My mommy dresses me funny.
- I despise Halloween.
- I'm the real Jack. That other guys just a clown.
- And this is the day they pushed him a little too far....
- Russell never understood why he couldn't get a date to the prom.
- Ever see the horror flick where the circus clown starts killing people? uh huh...keep on laughing.
- After being neutered, Jack didn't care about his pride anymore.
- " Trick or Treat"
- Jack Russell as Pennywise the Clown
- Never bite a clown...they explode and stuff gets all over you.
- When clowns go bad!
- No, Halloween is not a very good answer.
- Hey, wanna see some fun? Watch the catchers after my next race.
Results from Contest # 41 [October 25, 2003 - 341 entries]
Typical Dog & Pony Show |
Rebecca |
Litter mates very often take on different qualities, such as prick ears and height differences. |
Ken |
When does my quarter run out? |
Nina |
Honorable Mentions
- I'm English, we ride side saddle
- Where do I insert the quarter?
- One more minute of this and I'll show you a dog and pony show!
- What good is a saddle horn when you dont have thumbs?
- Hi ho Silver...... AWAY!!!!!
- On top of old Pony...
- On what planet is this supposed to be fun?
- got this one broke, who next?
- Boy, this is the last time I ask for pony rides at my birthday party!
- Seabiscuit your not!
- Closed course, professional rider.
- I was too sexy for my car and I got this.
- So, do you do gtg too???
- I am faster than this on foot.
- OH yea, right .... make me look like a circus freak in front of my friends.
- flanks are chapped.
- Have a great neigh.
- "The British are coming, the British are coming!"
- Hey Jack, kill anything today?.... day ain’t over yet.
- This looked easier in the brochure.
- I am never using that rental car company again.
- I am sorry they go as a pair
- Now this is a walkie!!!
- Rollin, Rollin, Rollin, keep this pony movin
- Oh give me a bone, where the buffalo roam!
- "Ride hard Aragorn!!!" "Dude...get off me, this is colorado, not middle earth"
- I know you said this relationship would work out but I have some concerns
- How do you start this thing?
- Yes, I'm Mr. Ed but that dog is so not Wilbur.
Results from Contest # 40 [October 12, 2003 - 274 entries]
Honey, I shrank one of the dogs! |
Oh no! It's my PARENTS!! They're home early!! |
Dee |
Dirt is our natural color; if you want clean, get a poodle. |
Chester |
Honorable Mentions
- We got conned! - no cats in here.
- Just wait you'll see...she'll be back with tomato juice !
- Ma! He's making those noises with the bubbles again!!
- Can you believe it, Jack? We smell like flowers again.
- No, Dad, "Head & Shoulders" is for humans, we use "Head & Withers!"
- Rub-a-dub-dub, Two Jacks in a tub...
- He did it...
- OK, no more chasing the black cat with the stripe down its back!
- You are not spiking my hair for halloween!
- "Don't worry...they will pay dearly for this"
- Don't just stand there, hand me a towel!!!
- "Why do I always get the deep end?"
- Say Hello to My Little Friend...
- Which one of us looks more guilty?
- You really shouldn't leave us alone in here, Scooter turned the water yellow.
- Never in my life have I been so humiliated.
Results from Contest # 39 [October 6, 2003 - 337 entries]
Ahhh, left the crate open, such fools. Where's the remote? |
Tanya |
I swear I ate "that many" crabs at the trial -- just look at my tummy! |
DelMarVa Trial fan |
Okay, next time I wont eat so much, just help me roll over please. |
Juliette |
Honorable Mentions
- Touchdown! Woo hoo!
- Look! No tan lines!
- It's amazing what you find between the cushions in your couch!
- Chunky but Funky!
- Clap on, Clap off!!!!
- Vote for me for governor, my abs are much better than Arnold's.
- Well, do you want me to hold your bunch of yarn or what?!?!
- I'm all ready for a night of reality TV
- "I love this song - Y-M-C-A"
- Hug me! You know you want to.....
- True Grit Centerfold - Mr. October.
- Hey, can someone get me a pina colada?
- Ok, you may rub the royal tummy now.
- Help I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up!
- And you thought your life was rough!
Results from Contest # 38 [September 29, 2003 - 265 entries]
Listen mister, I've seen Lassie and YOU are no Lassie. |
Kris |
This is where you go? While I'm in that cramped little box with 6 new puppies!!! You JERK!! |
Kari |
Come on in, Ben, I think the paparazzi have all gone. |
Carol |
Honorable Mentions
- Hey, I heard there was a new squirrel in the yard. Do you want to go terrorize it?
- Not tonight, darling, I have a headache...
- What did I tell you about eating from the garbage?!
- How can you sleep when there are birds all OVER the place out there?
- what do you mean you've fallen and can't get up
- Come on. Its time for school.
- Take me you fool!
- I told you not to drink the toilet water!
- Harold resorts to begging.
- And there I was standing over my lifeless body...
- Dude. How embarrassing! You lay like a cat!
- So, did he come...are our stockings filled?
- "I never should have ordered that last Cuba Libre"
- YES as a matter of fact I am very comfortable
- Did they change your food, too?
- And Jack looks on patiently, as Jill tests yet another dog bed.
- Not tonight, I'm dog tired.
- Five more minutes, dear, and then maybe some kibble over easy with a side of bacon?
- Waiter..there seems to be a dog in my bed!!
Results from Contest # 37 [September 21, 2003 - 214 entries]
I'm new in town, please bear with me. |
Al |
Hey, guys, don't you think its hard to nurse from mom...guys...are you listening?? |
Joe |
Skippy suddenly realizes he was different from the rest of the family. |
anon |
Honorable Mentions
- Finally found something with a bigger pot belly than me.
- Can't shake this crazy suspicion that I'm adopted.
- Man, I hope you guys aren't standard.
- Mom, tell me some more about Dad...
- Mom said that i was a bear to deliver.
- If I sit really still, they won't know which one of us did it.
- Psst! you see my little brother over there? He's the cookie jar.
- I think I need a bear hug.
- I'm hearing voices in my head again .
- And I thought MY head was huge!!! Haaaaa!
- All right guys...from what I see we've gotta hit the treadmill more often.
- Oops... wrong litter.
Results from Contest # 36 [September 14, 2003 - 194 entries]
And the guy says to the bartender, What cat? AAAhahahahaha! |
Angie |
Quick, show them your hissing cat impression. |
TP |
Kareoke night at the Jack's Bar. |
Erin |
Honorable Mentions
- She's a little bit Country, he's a little bit Rock-n-Roll.
- This week on Fear Factor . . .
- A Tic Tac wouldn't hurt!!
- "Stop it! I'm gonna pee!"
- Aaooohh!! Werewolves of London!
- We see dead people...
- Good Russels gone bad!
- Jeepers Creepers... Where's ya get those peepers?
- "I've got you and I, I won't let go...I've got you to love me so....I've got you babe"
- "she loves you....yeah, yeah, yeahhhh! "
- Feed me, Seymour! Feed me!
- I told you not to get jalapenos on that pizza!!
- "... and long may she wave - o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"
- Bacon!
Results from Contest # 35 [September 7, 2003 - 181 entries]
Maybe we should tell her that she put the baby in the crate again. |
Joe |
You want to see my license and registration? |
Owen's Mom |
The Dingos ate my baby! |
Jules |
Honorable Mentions
- Give us the cookie or we're getting out
- Moooom...he was touching me! !
- Think she'll take us out this time before she folds it again?
- Baby? What baby? We didn't see a baby.
- A breeders final try at getting rid of the last 2 of a bad litter
- How Embarassing, I sure hope the neighbourhood dogs don't see us.
- Oh no, here comes the kid with the dolls' clothes. Run!!!
- Kiss me Mr. President!
- The Olson twins disguised as Jack Russells in their latest WB adventure, "You don't know Jack."
- Excuse me, Sir, but could you give us a push down that big hill towards that cat.
- It's a dog's life...
- Double your pleasure, double your fun . . .
Results from Contest # 34 [August 31, 2003 - 240 entries]
What do you mean, you have the full outfit? |
Cathy |
I'm Senor Jack...your blind date. |
Pepe |
You mean I wasn't supposed to eat the worm??!! |
Honorable Mentions
- Si' Senor I turn down bed for you!
- My name is Juan Valdez, I grow the world's best coffee beans.
- Yo Quiero Taco Bell.
- Combination number 3 please.
- We dont need no stinking dog tags!
- This hat says it all! Glamor, sophistication,style....guts.
- The things I go through for a free meal at Taco Bell!
- Does this hat make me look like a tourist??
- Here Lizard, Lizard, Lizard!
- Drop the chalupa!
- Please dont let anyone see me like this.
- I'm too sexy for my hat, too sexy for my hat, too sexy !
- Hola, my name is Pancho. I will be your waiter tonight.
- My owners like to play dress up with me.
- Let me tell you about my vacation in Mexico
Results from Contest # 33 [August 24, 2003 - 222 entries]
Take Me To Your Alpha-Female. |
Whiskey Pete |
I'm the local meat inspector...please bring all your steaks to me immediately! |
Merlin |
Licensed to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations. |
Dan |
Honorable Mentions
- Can You Hear Me Now??
- I can't hear you now!
- OK Red Baron clear to taxi.
- Sparky takes his fly ball competition VERY seriously!
- Ear Protection $15, Eye Protection $10, Being able to enjoy a hurdles race...PRICELESS
- Gordon, do you copy that?
- "Safety is the basis for all quality stud service."
- Ground Control to Major Tom....
- I can see clearly now, the ring is gone.....
- The ultimate in flea control!
- Flyball after OSHA had their way with it!
- Roger that good buddy. Ball in a tree. I'm going in.
- It's in case that noisy rat spits at me again when I do go-to-ground.
- 10-4... I have the bunny in my sights.
- Houston, I think we have a problem here!
- What's so funny? I wear this to all the Baer and Cerf Clinics.
- As long as I don't end up on the caption contest page, then I'll wear it.
Results from Contest # 32 [August 17, 2003 - 360 entries]
If I start to drool, nudge me! |
JaS |
Man, I knew I shouldn't have drank from that toilet. |
LaKenya |
It looked like a dog treat, but tasted like "L". |
Stan |
Honorable Mentions
- Is this why they call it a "bored" game?
- Man this guy takes forever! Wake me when it's my turn.
- How long does it take to spell D-O-G?
- I think somebody spiked my milk.
- Scrabble... the natural way to get a good night's sleep!
- Awww Man! Just my luck! All "Q's" and "X's"!
- Escaping the blah, blah, blah....priceless
- This wouldn't be so boring if I could read or spell!
- I shouldn't have chewed and swallowed the "S".
- Doesn't this game involve jumping at ALL?!?!
- Scruffy lulls his opponents into a false sense of security!
- I can beat you guys with my eyes closed!
- S L E E P
- Playing this game with Spooky and Ohlucy is so boring!
- Zzzzzz....Book Worm is so much more exciting!
- Gee, I thought they said Scrapple not scrabble.
- D-E-A-D-D-O-G that will use all my tiles
- Hello! Can you spell "time limit"?!
- "WHAZZUP" is not a word! I'm challenging!
Results from Contest # 31 [August 3, 2003 - 236 entries]
I told you this was a scary movie. |
Lisa |
Watch!...when the priest comes in the room, I'll make my head spin around. |
DB |
Ever get that feeling someone was looking over your shoulder? |
Andy |
Honorable Mentions
- I vant to suck your blood.....
- And this is what she looked like when I told her I wasn't fixed !
- New this fall on FOX! Buffy, the Vampire-Dog Slayer!
- "Check out my gargoyle impression!!"
- I need my Ritalin now mommy.....
- They heard JRT's were little demons, but this was getting scary!
- Green-eyed lady, lovely lady...
- I'm getting very sleepy, very sleepy and when I wake up I'll look at this picture and scream!
- Is it time for our midnight feeding, Master?
- Hello, my name is Dr. Bruce Banner.....get ready to see GREEN!
- Probably another Blair Witch thing....
- Superstar!!!!!!
- No Food or Water after Midnight!!!!
- Fluffy the Vampire Slayer
- Oh yeah, baby...that sounds groovy.
- "I'm a super-freak, super-freak, I'm super-freaky!"
- .....and I gave the cat this face and the hairball came right out!
- Kiss me you fool!
Results from Contest # 30 [July 27, 2003 - 240 entries]
You're not playing by the rules! Didn't anyone tell you you're supposed to go UNDER ground? |
Maddy |
"'aint no mountain high enough...." |
Ashley |
Say goodbye to one of your nine lives, buddy! |
Lisa |
Honorable Mentions
- Here kitty kitty kitty.
- No really... I AM a fireman!
- Cat: Were did I put my Jack Russell Terriers for Dummies book!
- Oh Romeo, Romeo. Where for art thou, Romeo?
- Appears in Websters next to "Mexican stand-off"
- I must be dreaming, this kind of luck never happens to me.
- Don't worry Pal....if you fall, I'll be here to CATCH you. That's what friends are for, RIGHT?!
- Hey this is my post I already pee'd on it!
- No, really, Henry. There is a tick on your head.
- Jump!! I'll catch you!
- Don't do it've got everything to live for!
- I tawt I taw a putty-tat... I did! I did!
- Is there room up there for both of us?
- So near and yet so far away ...
- They told me to leave skunks alone but they didn't say anything about polecats.
Results from Contest # 29 [July 21, 2003 - 304 entries]
The force is strong with this one! |
Joe |
Handwash only. |
Terrierluv |
Why do I always have to play Joseph in the Christmas pagent? |
Carol |
Honorable Mentions
- Ode to Star Wars ...
- Remember the force, Luke!
- "Luke...I am your father!"
- Help me Obi-Jacka-Nobie; You're my only hope!
- The Force is what gives a Jedi his power.
- You have much to learn Luke, may the force be with you.
- And may the force be with you, my son
- Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
- Do I look like Yoda to you?
- In this corner, weighing 14 pounds....
- Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee...
- What round is it?
- Jackie Russell starring in "Les Miserables"
- What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
- I Jack-Hood will steal the biscuits from the rich, and . . .keep them for myself!
- "Aye Robin, tis true.........the Sheriff of Nottingham has indeed captured Maid Marion!"
- I could've been a contender!
- i'm a clean pup!!!!
- I'm gonna be the next Downey Fabric Softner Baby!!
- I am NEVER going after one of those stinky black and white things again!
- "I smell pretty, oh so pretty"
- You see? ...I told you Jaws was nothing but a punk...
- It's TERRYcloth? Oh, I thought you said TERRIERcloth!!
- Mona Lisa's dog.
- (sigh)... It ain't easy being green.
- It was awful! There was soap and water....
- Gee, your jack smells terrific!
- Look ma! I'm Noah
- "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"
Results from Contest # 28 [July 13, 2003 - 309 entries]
Mom said I'm going to be a working terrier, so I think I'll be a dentist! |
Jean |
Quick, check. Can you still smell the floormat on my breath? |
zips |
 |'ll fog up the car windows. |
Patrick |
Honorable Mentions
- Are you sure that there isn't a new tooth there? Look closer
- Mom, he's touching me!
- One more time..."and the wheels on the bus go round and round..."
- Ever hear of Tic Tacs?
- "I feel pretty, oh so pretty"
- He's gonna knock himself out if he keeps smelling my breath like this!!
- Mom... He's touching me again!!!
- Hey Jacko...take a look...I think that last cat gave me a fur ball.
- Oh, behave!
- ...and she was like, and then I was like Oh My God, and then Becky...
- 'Why do you look so happy, this is probably another booster shot ride'
- Never, I say NEVER, gobble up a hot pepper if it's dropped on the floor.
- I found my thrill...on Blueberry Hill.
- Wanna play doctor?
- "Pick me, I'm the CUTE one!"
- Just you wait. I'm going to tell mom you said that!
- Can you hear me now????
- Wow, do you lick your human with that breath?
- I still can't see your pedigree.....maybe it's tattoo'd on your butt.
- Think mom will notice the gold tooth?
Results from Contest # 27 [July 6, 2003 - 298 entries]
Driving Miss Crazy. |
Jennifer |
I wish they could get someone else to test-pilot these things. |
Melissa |
I come in peace! |
Diane |
Honorable Mentions
- I feel the need.... for speed.
- To infinity and beyond!
- I'm going in!
- Lucky now demands this kind of star treatment since she heard she'd be in the caption contest.
- Who cares if I look strange?? Chicks dig it!
- I'm too sexy for my car...
- Bandits at 3 O'Clock Maverick...
- Riding in cars with dogs
- It's a dog!!!!!! it's a car!!!!!!! it's dog in a car!!!!!
- Boy, That one in the middle is a fox.
- Get into my car! Step into my dreams!
- The lesser known WWII Flying Ace took over after Snoopy was discharged for a housebreaking accident.
- OK, who turned the sun off?
- Am I dead sexy or what?!?!
- You looking at me? I said,are you looking at me?
- "Bad to my bones" (and stuffed animals)
- "Get your motor runnin', Head out on the Hiway! Born to be Wild! Born to be Wild!
- I hate it when I get bugs in my eyes.
- I dare you to come over here and say that!
- Is their intelligent life out there other than me?
- Luke, I am your father!
- Go Speedracer Go !!!!!!!!!!!!!
- To the Bat Cave Robin............
- Are these goggles really necessary?
- Need more power captain!
- Ahhhhh.. how you doin officer?
- Dude your alarm system bites.
- Yes, I'll have a number 3 with no lettuce and an order of chicken nuggets please.
- What do ya mean, 'The Gatsby look' is out?
- Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away !
Results from Contest # 26 [June 29, 2003 - 179 entries]
I think I failed my math final. |
Ashley |
Dude....where's my car? |
Erin |
Ever have one of those nights that you had too many Cat Daquiris? |
Erin |
Honorable Mentions
- You always dress like me! Copy-Jack!
- It's the new thing, I'm tellin ya! Ladies love it! C'mon, flip yours back too!
- I guess we should go patrol the yard.
- Blah, blah, blah, I hate when she bends my ear talking.
- Watch, watch -- Judge Judy is gonna let him have it!
- Dog days of summer ...
- Can you hear me now?
- Having recently chased a cat, the two watch its owner try to get it off the roof.
- Hey Roger, that last cat did me. I got fur burn!
- What about me? She slapped my ear crooked.
- Like I told you man, she's not worth it. You gotta snap out of it.
- I'm not going to take this lying down!!!
- You're depressed?! Look at my ear!
- Timeouts stink!
- Who's cleaning THAT up?
- Wait for it, Wait for it, Wait for it, NOW! you missed it. Wait for it...
- Look, the mailman's coming. You hit him low and I'll hit him high.
- We have formed an alliance and are going to vote Wishbone off the island!
- Is that how mom and dad made us?
Results from Contest # 25 [June 22, 2003 - 218 entries]
Now that's going to leave a mark! |
Dan |
Last one in's a CAT! |
Erin |
Ah, the dog days of summer.... |
Jennifer |
Honorable Mentions
- Now this is what I call a water dish!!!
- I'm going in......someone told me thats a Baby Ruth on the bottom.
- Slippery when wet
- Jack Cousteau
- Crikey, Steve! I'll save you from that croc!
- Oh, the things I do just to get in the Caption Contest......
- Who says I can't doggie paddle!
- The Nestea Plunge!
- This belly flop is going to cost me points!
- The elusive Jack-ness Monster once again escapes into the blue lagoon . . . .
- Cannonball!!!!
- Jack suspects that his final high-board dive will fail to impress the judges.
- Ahoy mate, could ye push the backside in?
- "9.5", "9.0", "10", "10", "9.5", "10"
- Waterfront Dining
- Rinse and repeat
- You can take the dog out of the seal, but you can't take the seal out of the dog.
- Mmm... this looks just like the blue water from the toilet! I wonder how it tastes...
- Hey, where are my floaties??!
- Jumpin' Jack Splash
- I'm gonna wash that cheating stud right outta my hair!
Results from Contest # 24 [June 15, 2003 - 240 entries]
Say hello to my little friend !!! |
bighammermac |
Lions, Tigers and Bars....OH MY!!!!!!!! |
Lisa |
Oh yeah, just wait til I make parole. |
Dianne |
Honorable Mentions
- You want some of this???
- "I say, I say, who you barkin' at boy?"
- I'm serving 3 consecutive sentences for steak-lifting.
- Oh, my goodness, do you ever need grooming.
- And my little teeth are very sharp and sometimes I pee on my foot.
- I don't even have the bear necessities in here!
- " Whatta mean we lost the appeal? What kind of lawyer are you?
- "Dont worry about me Frizz, I'll make a break for it later--Save yourself!! Run Frizz, run!!"
- I may be small, but I have big dreams!
- JRT (sarcasticly): ooh, i'm soooooooo scared!
- Hey Buddy, I could use some Chow!
- Mentos!!! The Freshmaker!!
- I can't bear it!
- "Hey, aren't you that Cowardly Lion from Oz?"
- Ciao, baby!
- Honest, I'm innocent! I've never seen that bone before!
- Just slip the file into the kibble, they'll never know.
- Help! A giant squirrel is after me!
- Is it chow time? I am a little hungry.
- Butch was disappointed at the gales of laughter that greeted his new hairdo.
- Mini me
Results from Contest # 23 [June 8, 2003 - 433 entries]
Mildred ! Stop complaining about your 6th place or we're not taking you to another show! |
Becky |
Gotta go, Gotta Go, gotta go right now. |
Frank |
If you keep making ugly faces in the mirror, your face just might freeze like that. |
Clare |
Honorable Mentions
- BISMILLAH! No, we will not let you go. LET HIM GO! Bismillah!
- OK, who did it? Role the windowns down!!!
- Are we having fun yet?
- I'm thinking, Taco Bell and then a quick trip around the lake.
- On top of apholstry, all covered in fur...
- But he's breathing my air and touching me and looking at me!
- The notorious group known as the Tri Color Gang successfully complete another car jacking.
- We would have been there by now if you didn't pee on the map!
- For the last time, NO! I will NOT stop and ask for directions!
- Oh no. Pull over Sam's gotta hurl! I told you we shouldn't have stopped to munch on that road kill.
- Taxi Cab Confessions!
- What do you mean--"we left the people"???
- Oh yeah! American Idol here we come!!
- We would've gotten away with it if Frank hadn't been wearing that blasted locator collar!
- "Another chorus of doggie in the window and I'm driving off a cliff !"
- "How much is that doggie in the window ..."
- Do you hear a howling in the back? We may have a mechanical problem.
- Be quiet! We're almost there, you're not going to miss racing.
- Are we there yet?
Results from Contest # 22 [June 1, 2003 - 179 entries]
Why throw it home when you can take it home? |
John |
Run! Forest! Run! |
Erin/Lori |
He could go all the way... |
Jennifer |
Honorable Mentions
- Catch me if you can!
- 15 Loveeee!!!
- These ears do work like wings!
- "Foul Ball"
- If it were snowing - I'd be invisible
- Tastes like chicken.
- It's not a tumor!
- Hey, I'm as good as Anna K. and frankly, just as sexy!
- Why John McEnroe DOESN'T own a Jack Russell Terrier.
- What they don't show is the giant bird, trying to get her egg back!
- Perhaps if I let go of the ball.... my feet will return to the ground
- Flying through the air with the greatest of ease . . .
- "Don't drop the ball, don't drop the ball, whatever you do, don't drop the ball."
- Gone with the wind.
Results from Contest # 21 [May 25, 2003 - 254 entries]
Jackie on the cover of the new JRT Swimsuit Issue |
Cameron |
"Is this what you mean by true grit?" |
Jane |
Gilligan!!! |
Honorable Mentions
- The next joker that yells, "Wave Coming!" is gonna get bit
- Did someone say "clam bake"?
- G-T-S (go to sand)
- "Do I have anything on my face?"
- Arrgh, I's found's the treasure o Black Lab the Pirate
- Somebody help me! Think I'm in too deep!!!
- What do you mean there's no NHC to crab?
- "Don't just sit there . . . grab a shovel"
- Life is a Beach!
- Any one have an extra tissue?
- "Run or tunnel, run or tunnel....."
- Sand manages to get into the darnest places, doesn't it?!
- I don't have time for a photo op! I'm working here!
- Clams everywhere tremble at the mention of my name!
- Oh where? Oh where did my jellyfish go? Oh where? Oh where could he be?
- Were did I bury that Corona?
- OK, now am I under 15 inches?
Results from Contest # 20 [May 18, 2003 - 172 entries]
Proof that all species of females fight for the bridal bouquet. |
Erin |
The performers that didn't make the cut for Cirque de Soleil. |
Daniel |
Blue moon, I saw u bouncing alonnnnnnneeeee! |
Lydia |
Honorable Mentions
- And the Mets lost today due to 4 very confused outfielders.
- "Always a bridesmaid...never a bride"
- I got it! I got it! I got it!...
- The start of the JRT Basketball finals. The Lickers vs Spuds.
- The 1st Annual Jack Russell Ball, some sang, some danced and a good time was had by all.
- "The sky is falling, the sky is falling...COOL for us!!
- Newton's 1st Law: An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an equal or opposite force
- It is a is a foul....IT IS A FOUL, FOOL.
- Ah, the famous dance of the swans.
- Matrix moves won't help you win this time!
- "Spurs beat the Lakers!.......Spurs beat the Lakers!"
- These JRTs are inspired by a visit to Sea World
- As master hunters, JR's sometimes loose sight of their goal.
- They can sing but we can dance.
- When the working day is done, girls just wanna have fun. Oh girls just wanna have fun!
Results from Contest # 19 [May 11, 2003 - 307 entries]
Wait a minute, hold on.... NO! She's not spayed!!!! |
Jennifer |
Can you believe he swung at that pitch? |
Lee |
Are you sure we are facing the right way to get measured for height cards!?? |
Emmy |
Honorable Mentions
- Yeah buddy!!.....that welsh corgi has a NICE tan!!!!
- Officer, my ID is on my other collar !
- "Andrew and Afton weren't looking for the normal fox"
- It's two out in the bottom of the ninth inning . . .
- Smells like chicken.....
- Aren't we supposed to face our executioners?
- "Check out the tail on that one..."
- Hey, Wilson!
- Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha going do when they come for you?
- Man these urinals are nice
- Good Daniel-San, paint up, down, up down...long strokes.
- I told you the paint was wet, now our noses are stuck.
- See! I told you they were swimming around with their collars off!
- Do ya think we look cute enough to get in the caption contest?
- Avon Calling!
- Hilda: We're being robbed! Do something, Fred! Fred: I think I already have!
- I just can't wait until we're old enough to get in this joint!
- Clyde, I told you to wear the bandana over your face!
- HELP...Our thounges are thtuck
Results from Contest # 18 [May 4, 2003 - 134 entries]
Paws and Reflect |
Tim |
You're heard of pocket fuzz before... well I'm the real thing! |
Caroline |
Kilroy was here... |
anonymous |
Honorable Mentions
- "Yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away..."
- "...sigh...She had me at hello!"
- Stolen by a denim kangaroo at birth.
- "Sighhhhh, it's tough being the new Red Sox mascot"
- I'm tired and I want to go home.
- If I look a little pale, its because the circulation has been cut off.
- You have no idea the insanity I can cause.
- Why sometimes all you need is black and white film.
- Hey, who said I dont look good in my 501s
- I'm bored.
- I feel I'm watching my puppyhood slip away from me.
- Button fly guy
- Nothing beats a good pair of jeans!
- Ed, I know it's a disappearing act, but I can still see your paws and head.
Results from Contest # 17 [April 27, 2003 - 216 entries]
Doc, I tried the cream, but this thing keeps coming back. |
JaS |
Often mistaken for a parasitic twin, Winky longed for warmer days. |
DBScotland |
On top of old Smokey, all covered with hair... |
Becky |
Honorable Mentions
- Darn it Max!!! The papparazzi found us again!
- I won the bet so I get to call the shots for the whole week ;)
- Would someone please get the Frontline????
- OK, explain "Dog Bed" to me one more time.
- Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.
- Spidey sense tingling... "the goblin" must be nearby
- Once you reach the top, the air starts getting thinner!
- The ticks this year are ridiculous!!
- What? Can't you see I'm sleeping!!
- Does this rug come in any other colors?
- Cheese? Did I hear someone say cheese?
- Red tried for many years, but never did get the jack off his back...
- Now if only I could figure out how to get him into my crate . . .
- Okay...30 sec rest and then...around the block again!
- What do you mean, I can't keep him?
Results from Contest # 16 [April 21, 2003 - 209 entries]
The snack that smiles back - Goldfish! |
AmyBeth |
Moi, Jack Cousteau watcheez zee colorful clown feesh play along the reev. |
Don |
I love fishies cuz they're so delicious... |
Kayla |
Honorable Mentions
- "I'll get the Emeril's seafood seasoning!"
- I'd better wipe the nose prints off the glass before they get home.
- Please, don't pet the fish!
- HELP ME ! My tongue is stuck!
- Can I get fries with that order?
- Why can't they remember to fill my bowl before they leave?
- Don't go into the light!!!
- Which of you are regular and which are extra crispy???
- Jack liked to terrorize the fish by tapping on the glass...
- Hey, what's all that green stuff in my hot tub?
- Fish! The other white meat!
- What's a Catfish?
- I got to stop that noise before I pee!
- Would you rather me drink from the toilet?
- Whats your sign? Aquarium? Great, lets get tanked
- Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads, eat them up yum
- Jumpin' Jack Splash!
- Oh no...I see a floater!
- Cancel our Reservations at Red Lobster!
- I thought I ate that fish already
Results from Contest # 15 [April 13, 2003 - 298 entries]
I've left a list of my demands in my crate... |
Champ |
That picture just better not show up on the Internet! |
Marshall |
I'll never let go Jack, I'll never let go! (Titanic). |
Nicole |
Honorable Mentions
- Could I get some privacy, please?
- Rinse and what !?!?
- "I've fallen and I can't get out!"
- Okay ... Which one of you flushed?
- I said....This tub's taken.
- Calgon, take me away!
- How many times do I have to tell you... the mouse was THIS big!
- Bartender, I'll have a Jack and Coke.
- The dealer ceases all bets.
- Don't wash away the oils in my skin! Don't you ever read the forum?
- Come any closer with that shampoo and you're HISTORY!
- "I'm warning you, this isn't going to be pretty!"
- Will someone PLEASE get me a towel !!!
- Alright... who left the seat up?
- I was a St. Bernard when I got in here.
- Put Down the Camera and PICK ME UP!!!!
- Whoa! Whoa!, When I said Shower Me, I'm talking "LOVE"
- You are probably wondering why I gathered you all here...
- Good for 2000 flushes!!!
- You should see the other guy!
Results from Contest # 14 [April 6, 2003 - 250 entries]
Tail docking--this won't hurt a bit! |
Fran |
Needs salt. |
Angie |
You act like you’ve never seen a conga line. |
Dan |
Honorable Mentions
- Tenacity: taking a tiger by the tail
- Tail envy takes it toll
- Tastes like chicken!!
- Who's king of the jungle now? huh? huh?
- I caught clean it and cook it.
- Caaaaaan you feeeeel the teeeth tonight.
- And the flea was doing something like this...
- Run! Save yourself! I don't think I can hold him much longer!
- I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us Kid.
- Look up the word innocent in the dictionary, you'll find my picture.
- Whadd'ya mean, I bit off more'n I could chew?
- In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight...
- Jacks, and tigers and bears, oh my!
- I Thought It Was A Tweety Bird
- Why is everyone always bigger than me?
- Tastes ggrrrreat!
- Kitty must die...
Results from Contest # 13 [March 30, 2003 - 158 entries]
Bitten by a radioactive spider at a young age... |
Rich |
They said the circus was hiring. |
Randy |
I gotta pee... |
Danica |
Honorable Mentions
- He's out!
- I want off this ride!
- Desperate for answers, the Cincinatti Bengals set their sights low.
- Proof that gravity is all a big hoax.
- The gravity on this strange planet is throwing my game off.
- Ok, who's the wise guy with the glue.. A little help here!!!
- You'll never get to first base with me around!
- Hang 8
- The first four-legged ball girl in the history of Wimbeldon.
- Gravity doesn't apply unless you realize you're sideways, right?
- Hey! who put fly paper on this thing?
- The Matrix unleashed
- Help! I'm falling and I can't give up!!
- Why do I have to wear this life preserver lookin' thing?
- If I only had a skateboard, this ramp would be perfect!!!
- Jack had WAY too much sugar that he's now bounding off the walls!
- YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS! Clearly, that was my point!!
- I should've had a V-8!!!
- Scene from hot new movie Matrix 4:Jacked In.
- Come fly away, Come fly away, Come, fly away with me......
Results from Contest # 12 [March 23, 2003 - 343 entries]
Officer, I swear, she said she was spayed! |
I want to talk to my rescue rep! |
Toni |
Does he look like the fiend that stole your chewie, ma'am? |
Dev |
Honorable Mentions
- They're getting really serious about these height cards, huh?
- One little puddle on the carpet and the next thing you know I'm in cuffs.
- The usual suspect!
- "I'm tellin' ya, the bitch set me up!!!"
- Jack starring in "The Pawshake Redemption"
- When rats rule the earth.
- I'll be on the streets in the morning! I plead instinctual insanity!
- With good behavior, how much time am I looking at in dog years?
- Bad jack, bad jack, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
- 11 inches of agression baby!
- Just give me an inch and I will take a mile!
- Yea, I did it.
- This is a case of mistaken identity. I just look like I am wearing a mask!
- Do you know what they do to puppies like you in the clink?
- It wasn't me I tell ya, I can't go to the pen, I got a wife and three pups.
- It was the 3-legged dog! I swear!
Results from Contest # 11 [March 16, 2003 - 287 entries]
"Ma, tell me again I wasn't adopted. I need to hear it." |
Roosternj |
Heya big boy...wanna wrussell? |
DB |
I just can't concentrate with you peering over my shoulder like that! |
Liz |
Honorable Mentions
- Are we gonna get that cat Spike? Huh, are we, huh?
- Me and my shadow.
- "Look Boss! The plaaaaaane, the plaaaaaaane!"
- It's good to have friends in high places
- Hey buddy, this seat's taken!
- Raindrops keep fallin' on my head...
- I know you are, but what am I?
- So what do you think Bullwinkle???
- C'mon, I'll spot you a quarter mile...
- Oh webmaster, I promise to be good in chat, really I do, once more chance!
- When I grow up I really hope I dont look like you.
- No, I CAN'T see the parade, would you PLEASE put me on your shoulders?
- Oh my, I hope he doesn't drool again...
- Wow, you could get my biscuits off the top of the fridge! Ya' busy?
- Dude, you might be a big dog, but how about some dental health, man??
- Hehe! Thanks big guy, I never saw the dog catcher run that fast before!
- It's elementary Dear Watson
- If I am 150 pounds and 4 feet tall... then this guy must be just huge!
Results from Contest # 10 [March 9, 2003 - 285 entries]
OOOOOOOOOOklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain!!!! |
Kurt |
Can you believe this outfit? I know! The belt TOTALLY doesn't work! |
Holly |
Is it just me or is there a draft? |
Steve |
Honorable Mentions
- I still feel a draft.
- Ralph screams when he sees his reflection in the mirror!
- "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges"
- "Circle family, dosado, allemande left, couples promenade . . ."
- You best be outa town by sundown, partner.
- Are you ready for some football?!?
- "I TOLD you...I can only wear button fly jeans! These zippers pinch!"
- I hate when my owners get bored.
- Ol' Sparky's days on the trail just ain't what they used to be...
- Jack reaction when he realized that his owner had the camera.
- Why genetic research needs to be carefully controlled.
- I'm not going to stop screaming until you take this this off me!!!!!
- Welcome friends and neighbors to the Grand Ole Opry!
- Skippy -- Employee of the Mouth
- Reality TV's "Joe Western", but the girls don't know he's really from NY.
- Step away from the bone and nobody gets hurt.
- Cowboy Jim looked a little dogged.
- Home, home on the range, where I chase the deer and antelope.
- My hands! I can't move my hands! Oh, I don't have hands.
- I'm fine. Thank you for asking. Just got in from the airport...
- "Tell AKC I'm coming.....and I'm bringing Hell with me!"
- If you think this is sexy, you should see me in me Daisy Duke cutoffs!
Results from Contest # 9 [March 2, 2003 - 375 entries]
Doe: A Dear, a Female Dear. Prey: A Victim on the Run. Me: The Jack.... |
Whiskey Pete |
To cross this lake you must first answer these 3 questions correctly... |
I told you I could make her weak at the Knees! |
Sarah |
Honorable Mentions
- She wanted to break off the relationship, so she sent him a Deer Jack photo
- Your conformation stance is all wrong! Who is your coach anyways?
- Frankly, my deer, I don't give a damn.
- The standoff was hours old when the photographer captured a tail wag.
- What a JRT thinks when he see his own reflection.
- Hmmm...the buck stops here!
- Okay, okay....don't show fear, don't show man I think I just peed.
- I want to talk to Santa.
- Please don't tell me you're entered in the hurdles.
- Have you tried gluing down your ears???
- "Didn't we meet once in Venison?"
- "Are you my Mother?"
- She's got legs!!!! She knows how to use them!!!
- Aaah! The Lock Ness Monster, run for the hills!
- Dude... your bowl of water is huge!!!
- This has got to be the craziest funhouse mirror I've ever seen...
- Come back 'ere! I'll bite yer kneecaps off!!
- You're nobody's foal!
Results from Contest # 8 [February 23, 2003 - 450 entries]
Rusty getting sworn in before the terrier trial. |
Remmie |
For the last time, I'm NOT discussing my relationship with Britney. |
S. Davidson |
Please stop singing! You are NOT the next American Idol. |
Honorable Mentions
- Evan, how could you pick Zora over me?
- Talk to the left 'cause ya know ya aint right!
- Live long and prosper!
- STOP! in the name of love, before you break my heart...
- OOH OOH OOH I know the answer.
- Talk to the paw!
- Stop right there, I gotta know right now, do ya love me.!!!
- Be Healed!
- Got beano?
- Do you have this in a size 6?
- No Pictures! Please!
- Hold it right there buddy, I don't want to hear the word "fixed" - ever
- No more cat for me, I'm on a diet!
- Badges, I don't need no stinkin badges!
- Not tonight STUD, I have a HEADACHE.
- Are you okay? How many toes am I holding up?
- Tell me please! Should I paint my nails Foxy Red or Ground Hog Gray?
- Stop! Do I smell....BACON!!!!
- Are you lookin at me? Are YOU LOOKIN AT ME?
- Ya put your left foot in and you shake it all about.....
- Whoa! Can I see your JRTCA card, ma'am?
- The Teenage years have hit, and now Sam only talks to his human through his paw.
Results from Contest # 7 [February 16, 2003 - 350 entries]
OK real funny guys! Now who took my pants? |
Bizkit |
Don't go in'll poke yer eye out ;-( |
C Harwood |
Ooohhh, I think I had too many margaritas last night! |
Erin Schwartzkopf |
Honorable Mentions
- Hey Bob, will you hand me the pipe wrench please!
- Holy Jack, Batman! Someone's found the secret location of the Batcave!
- They call me Draino
- It's 5 a.m.!!!!!! What is wrong with you people?
- A new holiday... If the Jack sees his shadow, 6 more weeks of winter!
- Aw, man, you woke me up from a great pipe dream.
- I don't care what the guy told you; this is hardly a top-quality doghouse.
- Is this not the biggest chew stick in the world?
- Do look like a morning person to you!!!??
- You mean, I'm not Punxsatawney Phil?
- Are YOU my mother?
- No really, I'm awake.
- Rosy endures the harsh training for the upcoming Jack Russell Fear Factor.
- I'll never drink white zinfandel again!
- Two words "GO AWAY"
- I'm afraid you have a major plumbing problem! This is going to cost you!
- Last night is a total blur. Where am I?!
- Itsy bitsy puppy crawled up the water spout...
Results from Contest # 6 [February 9, 2003 - 326 entries]
Faster, Faster!! We have to get ALL the water out before they get home. |
Chris |
Convincing Sam to be a duck, Fred realized the hypnotism class worked. |
S. Davidson |
Look! A Baby Ruth!!!!! |
Jill |
Honorable Mentions
- My hair, My hair, watch the hair.
- "Nice Tan Lines"
- Sparky jumps in to save the little green fuzzy ball from a watery death.
- No! It was my turn to rescue Timmy!
- Last one in's a French Poodle!!!
- I said to wait 1/2 hour - you'll get cramps!
- Marco! ......... Poloooooooooo........
- Pool doesn't feel as cold since the neutering!
- Bert dives to the rescue of the bikini clad chihuahua.
- I see you raising your leg! You better not be peeing in the pool again!
- Get outta the water!!! Shark!
- And the swimming judge calls a false start...
- Ducks in the water! Ducks in the water!
- Free Willy!!! Free Willy!!
- Bad bad boys, what ya gonna do? What ya gonna do when they come for you?
- The "Baywatch" team has gone truly gone to the dogs!!!
- Ummm ... I think I feel a warm spot
Results from Contest # 5 [February 2, 2003 - 341 entries]
I can't believe they kicked me out of Petsmart. Harassing the mice?!?! |
Martini |
I believe we just lost the camper! |
Sharron |
What do you mean I don't look like the picture on the cab licence? |
Dianne |
Honorable Mentions
- Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
- If I hear "Are we there yet" one more time...!
- "Good evening, Clarice."
- Yes, you've been carJACKED and were going to the park!
- One more word out of you and im pulling over!
- Look, I only know how to chase them, not drive them.
- 99 milk bones in a bag... 99 bones in a bag...
- All terriers under 25 lbs must be strapped into an approved dog safety seat.
- That will be a belly rub and two dog bones. Have a nice day.
- Alright now, did everyone go to the bathroom before we get on the road?
- Lady, it looks to me like you're gonna need a new muffler real soon.
- They left me, they really left me...
- Look deeply into my will get me a hamburger, you will get .....
- 3 inches!!! This silly wicket, I thought I was 10 1/2.
- See, I'm under. Now gimme my height card!
- (sigh) my fourth speeding ticket this week....
- sniff..snifff....and they think my bed stinks...
- Ok everybody, what is that smell back there!?
- Halfway through his escape plan, Bob realizes his feet won't reach.
- Do I at least get my one phone call?
- JRT viewed in wide screen format.
- I've been framed!
- You don't really want to sit here, do you? It's a bit wet.
Results from Contest # 4 [January 26, 2003 - 367 entries]
Skipper considers his options when faced with neutering |
Jan Lovell |
I'm not a Sky Terrier, I'm not a Sky Terrier, I'm not a Sky Terrier |
John Thompson |
...and that makes three trainers already this week! |
EdII |
Honorable Mentions
- Okay, it "was" my favorite tennis ball.
- You're sure this was what they meant by 'flyball'?
- Disney's newest animated feature: The Terrier King
- Ummm... my agent said remote location... but...
- I'm tired of being the coyote!
- Bob considers his mother's advice about jumping off a cliff...
- Oh dear, why did I fall for that "triple dog dare"!
- Hey! Do you have any Grey Poupon?
- Uh, I suggest you read the small print...there is no certificate to Puma.
- Jack Daniels, straight up, on the rocks
- I'm Free.....Free Falling!
- Ok, Lassie, calm down...I'll go get Timmy!
- If my calculations are correct, I should land just in time for dinner!
Results from Contest # 3 [January 19, 2003 - 269 entries]
Left right, left right... Don't you eyeball me boy! |
Jackson |
"I'm a little tired of your hostile attitude, Ethel." |
Teresa Marsico |
No, no, no...for the last time, I'M a huntin' dog and YOU are the quarry! |
WVman |
Honorable Mentions
- Forget it! Lil Red Riding Hood is my mom.
- Ever have something stuck in your foot and you don't know what it is?
- Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
- Where were you last night? Do you love me? You never listen to me!
- Hey look at us! We are Mutt and Jeff!!!
- "You're a little snippy today, aren't you Mavis?"
- "I'm sorry, but a JRT never yields the right of way."
- Mr. Bigshot, you just HAD to enter the six-legged race!
- Hey kid, does my forehead say "Milkbone"?
- Tastes like chicken.
- "Nice blinker jerk!"
- Hut, two, three, four.... Come on, get moving, private. You're slacking!
- You put your left paw out and shake it all about, do the hokey pokey ..
Results from Contest # 2 [January 12, 2003 - 428 entries]
"Ahhh, senior pictures.....I looked like a dork back then!" |
Craig Alan Masson |
Ummm....I kina ate shome shuper glue. |
Erin Schwartzkopf |
Mug shot of the JRT known as: Mr. I. M. Innocent |
Jill Olson |
Honorable Mentions
- Hi, I'm from the federal government and I'm here to help you.
- I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggonit...people like me.
- This better be a good passport photo!!
- Got Rat?
- Do I have any squirrel in my teeth?
- "Hey, Doc, have you ever seen a better bite?"
- I'm a Hair Club member!
- I may not be the best looking guy here, but I'm the only one talking to you.
- Gee! Your hair smells TERRIER-IFIC
- I like Pina Colada's, getting caught in the rain, the feel of the ocean ...
- Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!
- If Shakespeare were a dog ...
- Hi, I'll be your waiter today.
- Yeah it was me.
- I'm Batman!!
- Excuse me, but don't I know you from the clinic?
- You like me! You really like me!
- I'm so pretty, I'm so pretty, I'm so pretty and witty and fine!
- Yup, cat does taste like chicken.
Results from Contest # 1 [January 5, 2003 - 128 entries]
Look, from up here you can Sparky's bald spot. |
Jesse |
"Crate trained" |
Lori Young |
OK let's get a move on, it's almost Happy Hour! |
LeeAnn |
Honorable Mentions
- We promise to Love, Honor and Obey you; well maybe just Love and Honor. Jill Olson
- Uneasy riders on the waggin' train! Anonymous
- Do they really think that this second crate is necessary? Tina
- I think we can break out of this joint, if we can clear that red fence." Chris Nigh
- "It's all there in black and white" Denice
- I guess I need to be more precise when I say bring home a six pack. Daisy
- If this is First Class, what's Coach like? Mary Jean Albanese
- I think you're going to need a bigger wagon. Tom Collmar
- I think it's time to call Century 21.. Terrier Treatz
- No wonder these tickets are so cheap! Erin Schwartzkopf
- Researchers have discovered a way to package pure energy! Allison Olcsvay
- Jacks in a Box. Stefania and Sarah Smith and Mellyne Sonoda