Results from Contest # 403 [December 26, 2010 - 128 entries]
You said not to get my feet dirty. [votes: 60] |
allie |
What? [votes: 23] |
Marty |
Next time, you go get the stick! [votes: 14] |
Brian |
Honorable Mentions
- Hello0000000.... Mudda! [votes: 13]
- Okay.....I'm ready for the ride home now. [votes: 11]
- I wanted to see how I would look as a brunette. [votes: 11]
- I went to ground and brought it back with me. [votes: 11]
- Is there something on my face? [votes: 10]
- I need a hug! [votes: 5]
- The way you are looking at me, I guess I'm in trouble now!!! [votes: 5]
- Do Not Dare even mention bath time!! [votes: 4]
- Well, that was fun, let's eat. [votes: 4]
- You should have seen what I looked like BEFORE I went in the water! [votes: 4]
- Some go green, I go brown... [votes: 4]
- You should see the other guy. [votes: 3]
- Why did you let me do that? [votes: 3]
- Cats definitely can not swim. [votes: 2]
- We really need to clean out the pool. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 402 [December 19, 2010 - 86 entries]
Oh Christmas tree! Oh Christmas tree! get this sweater off 'a me!!!! [votes: 22] |
KristenWJ |
Why are we going outside? There's a tree right here! [votes: 19] |
Dextersmom |
To jump, or not to jump, that is the question! [votes: 15] |
Rita |
Honorable Mentions
- Wouldn't you know, the one I want is on the very top! [votes: 11]
- Oh if you are a real angel...please save me from this nightmare! [votes: 10]
- Don't say it, Grandma made it. [votes: 10]
- Santa baby, put a sable under the tree. [votes: 9]
- I said I wanted a cat UNDER the tree. [votes: 8]
- To his horror, Jack discovers the Festivus Aluminum Pole has been decorated! [votes: 8]
- OOOOO, shiny! [votes: 7]
- It moved! Did you see it move?!!? [votes: 7]
- The tree's fake, the coat's fake, what next? [votes: 6]
- Pleeeease Santa I need a new coat. [votes: 4]
- Jack just loved his christmas cat coat. [votes: 4]
- Prepare to die tree. [votes: 3]
- See what Santa brought me for Christmas. [votes: 1]
- A cat, for the top of the tree? That is just WRONG! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 401 [December 12, 2010 - 136 entries]
I'm not getting a signal yet...try putting your left ear out... [votes: 17] |
Lilo's mom |
Save a horse... ride a human. [votes: 14] |
Nikki |
I can see Alaska from up here, and Russia too. [votes: 13] |
easyriderstable |
Honorable Mentions
- I found her frozen like this, still texting, only her thumb could move, Teens! [votes: 12]
- I can't see a cell tower for miles. We're lost. [votes: 11]
- 10 million colors to choose from and you decide to throw a white tennis ball! [votes: 11]
- Don't worry I got your back! [votes: 9]
- rrriiicccooolllaaahhh!! [votes: 8]
- Quick, call for reinforcements! Snowball bombardment on rear and right flank. [votes: 7]
- When it comes to winter squirrel hunts, Jack uses his resources wisely. [votes: 7]
- If you are checking your I-phone for the weather, let me help. COLD! [votes: 7]
- Maybe if you paid your phone bill, we wouldn't be stuck out here! [votes: 6]
- Hunting is important, stop texting! [votes: 5]
- You have gotta love these sherpas! [votes: 4]
- Yes, I can see it's a very big snowman! [votes: 4]
- Hold still. I can barely count the number of wolves in that pack. [votes: 3]
- Oh my gosh, it's Oprah and Gail! Quick, hand me the camera! [votes: 3]
- Jack just loves backpacking in the snow. [votes: 2]
- Everyone needs a backup. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 400 [December 5, 2010 - 105 entries]
Mom! He's doing it again! [votes: 38] |
Emily Skelton |
Smooth Coat Snobbery [votes: 23] |
Jill |
Ever since licking the frozen hydrant he just wasn't the same. [votes: 15] |
Hermann |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack was on the fence when it came to french kissing... [votes: 14]
- I've seen where that tongue has been, and I refuse to go anywhere near it. [votes: 12]
- Jill lets Jack know exactly how she feels about his new Guy Fieri look. [votes: 9]
- Just kissed a cat and I didn't like it... [votes: 8]
- He started it.....I did not......You did too... [votes: 8]
- Ha-ha. Mom loves me best. [votes: 7]
- I know you are, but what am I? [votes: 6]
- Can I bite him? Just once, please... [votes: 5]
- How humiliating. He won and still stuck his tongue out at me. [votes: 3]
- Last ditch effort at defense. [votes: 2]
- Quick! Hand me some pepper! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 399 [November 28, 2010 - 112 entries]
This is even more humiliating than last year's Christmas card with the garden gnome! [votes: 29] |
Jill |
Hey, got another jacket for my little buddy? He's frozen solid here! [votes: 24] |
Sonny |
Jack gets ready for his LLBean catalog shoot. [votes: 23] |
swtmdmboo |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack's red tux delighted his date. [votes: 13]
- I hate Christmas card pictures!! [votes: 13]
- Jacket Russell. [votes: 11]
- I'm fully vested... he isn't. [votes: 9]
- He's adopted. [votes: 8]
- Say hello to my little friend. [votes: 6]
- Don't let the look fool you - he ate the cat. [votes: 6]
- Sometimes I get the feeling that somebody's whispering about me behind my back. [votes: 6]
- We have a rock solid friendship. [votes: 5]
- I know it's not a squirrel, but I caught it and I'm keeping it! [votes: 5]
- Don't make eye contact - don't make eye contact! [votes: 4]
- This is my Facebook friend..... he's fake. [votes: 4]
- So I date out of my species... what of it? [votes: 3]
- I can sit here as long as you can. [votes: 2]
- It is too early for this... [votes: 1]
- Nature bites!! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 398 [November 21, 2010 - 125 entries]
I already went............ in the house! [votes: 29] |
carol |
Okay,I may be young, but I'm not pulling your finger! [votes: 22] |
Ken |
Why does he keep doing that? [votes: 18] |
Nancy |
Honorable Mentions
- sit! sit! sit! sit! SIT! SIT! SIT!................ SIT! [votes: 17]
- Okay, I'll stay ... until I see a squirrel. [votes: 13]
- To bite or not to bite; that is the question. [votes: 10]
- No, kitty is not burried there. [votes: 8]
- Am I supposed to look at your finger or where you are pointing? [votes: 8]
- You want me to do what? [votes: 8]
- Why do I always get picked last? [votes: 5]
- Don't even think about it! [votes: 4]
- Definitely a Michelangelo moment. [votes: 4]
- Go there? Are you kidding? [votes: 4]
- Young Jack is learning to read sign language. [votes: 3]
- Looking cute won't cut it! [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 397 [November 14, 2010 - 158 entries]
I was just bringing it to you, honest... [votes: 27] |
Marilyn |
RUH ROH! [votes: 20] |
Susan Stoltz |
Was this yours? [votes: 17] |
Thom |
Honorable Mentions
- Remember, before you get mad: Thanksgiving is when we share with others... [votes: 16]
- Mine. [votes: 15]
- Yikes, I thought everyone went to bed. [votes: 13]
- I found it on the floor... after I knocked it off the table. Five Second Rule applies, doesn't it? [votes: 11]
- Hot Pocket - Cat flavored [votes: 10]
- Do you really want it back? [votes: 8]
- Well, are you going to believe what you see or what I tell you about this? [votes: 8]
- I did NOT take it from the table. Why would you say such a thing? [votes: 8]
- I don't know what happened to your lunch. [votes: 5]
- I could just run... they would NEVER catch me. [votes: 5]
- Wasn't me... [votes: 4]
- Got milk? [votes: 4]
- The rest is buried next to the cat. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 396 [November 7, 2010 - 127 entries]
How long does time-OUT last? [votes: 31] |
Pat |
I promise my paws are clean. Just look. [votes: 29] |
Toby |
Don't make me use the puppy face... [votes: 21] |
meghan |
Honorable Mentions
- Just quit with the 'knock-knock' jokes and let me in! [votes: 15]
- Helloooooo in there. [votes: 14]
- What happened to the 'No Dog Left Behind' program? [votes: 11]
- It's not a party without me you know. [votes: 9]
- Baby, it's cold outside! [votes: 8]
- Ok, I buried the cat. Can I come back in now? [votes: 7]
- I'll tell you something you don't know about Stacey if you let me in. [votes: 6]
- Back from vacation and no-one has the housekeys. [votes: 5]
- Hoarder Jack summons the courage to ask for help. [votes: 5]
- Get out here and clean off the deck! [votes: 4]
- Send out the milk or the shoes get chewed! [votes: 3]
- Get me any angrier and I'll stand on one leg! [votes: 3]
- No one knows what goes on behind the screen door. [votes: 3]
- That Capt Crunch decoy trick won't work anymore...let me in, please! [votes: 3]
- His reflection only reminded him of how odd his master really looked. [votes: 1]
- Trick or treat! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 395 [October 24, 2010 - 174 entries]
If I order now I get free shipping. [votes: 23] |
Erich Bender |
Much to Jack's chagrin, he discovers he cannot order red squirrels for home delivery online. [votes: 22] |
Jill |
Thats ok, she thinks I am a gray squirrel from South Carolina! I love the internet! [votes: 13] |
Zackery |
Honorable Mentions
- Best. Google. Search. EVER!! [votes: 12]
- Jack was shocked to see his cyber girl was not the hot redhead he expected! [votes: 11]
- Jack knew it was bad. But he just couldn't keep off the squirrel websites. [votes: 11]
- You have your "Food Network", I've got mine. [votes: 10]
- My favorite site: [votes: 10]
- Jack moniters squirrels on his webcam & takes squirrel hunting into the 21st Century. [votes: 9]
- I'll just print this and post "lost squirrel, reward offered..." [votes: 8]
- Hmmm...I think is barking up the wrong tree with this one... [votes: 6]
- Closer, closer... [votes: 6]
- Jack is using a mouse to catch a "irodent". [votes: 5]
- Jack secretly had "friended" Scamps in his Facebook account. [votes: 3]
- Delete delete delete [votes: 3]
- Jack prepares to download Trojan Squirrel Virus. [votes: 3]
- I hope this computer is still under warranty! [votes: 3]
- Their affair was doomed, when Jack discovered he liked nuts more than she did! [votes: 3]
- Watch this... [votes: 2]
- Thank Goodness for the internet, it's vermin all the time! [votes: 2]
- This is how he looked before I met him, he doesn't look that good any more. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 394 [October 17, 2010 - 135 entries]
Look! Cat bait! [votes: 32] |
sam's dad |
They were much more fun when they were flopping around. [votes: 26] |
Joplins Mom |
I saw it move. Did you see it move? I saw it move! [votes: 24] |
jkrslkay |
Honorable Mentions
- How did I get into the Cat's dream? [votes: 17]
- Can I roll on that? [votes: 16]
- Jack now began to understand cat breath. [votes: 14]
- Six little fishies, all in a row; hook, line, and sinker, no place to go! [votes: 12]
- What kind of muzzle is that? [votes: 10]
- How do they get them in those little cans? [votes: 8]
- I'm keeping my mouth shut around here! [votes: 8]
- Jack was glad his leash was never used like that! [votes: 8]
- One for me, one for them... two for me, one for them. [votes: 7]
- 6 to 0 in 2.5 Seconds. [votes: 6]
- Dinner for Mon, Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri and Sat.....then Sunday...leftovers!!! [votes: 5]
- Sea Trout - It's what's for diner! [votes: 4]
- WOW! I better work on my sad face. [votes: 4]
- My sole for a hamburger. [votes: 4]
- Now THIS IS A TRIAL !!!!! [votes: 3]
- I could run with that one. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 393 [October 10, 2010 - 115 entries]
Hey, do I make fun of the teddy bear YOU sleep with? [votes: 31] |
Lori |
It's not a doll, It's an Action Figure!!! [votes: 23] |
3 Jack Night |
The wings come off in 3...2...1... [votes: 17] |
Melinda |
Honorable Mentions
- I don't care if it is cute. If it moves, I'm gonna eat it! [votes: 16]
- I hate it when the tooth fairy comes BEFORE they fall out! [votes: 15]
- No, I have not seen Peter Pan! Now buzz off! [votes: 14]
- I can't sleep with her watching me! [votes: 11]
- Every Jack needs a little fairy dust before The National Trials. [votes: 10]
- Somebody help me! Make it go away! [votes: 9]
- The fairy's last appearance. [votes: 7]
- I will never live this down! [votes: 4]
- That cat thinks it's so funny... [votes: 3]
- I wanna believe. [votes: 3]
- Hey, get your eyes off my fairy! [votes: 2]
- This is a test. It is only a test... [votes: 2]
- Yikes, I'll never bark at the Peter Pan Video again, I promise! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 392 [October 3, 2010 - 116 entries]
The car came equipped with the optional pup-holders. [votes: 40] |
Herman |
Jack on ice. [votes: 22] |
Ziggy |
I still can't see out the window, this stinks... [votes: 16] |
Sassy's mom |
Honorable Mentions
- I need a taller booster seat. [votes: 13]
- Chillin' [votes: 13]
- Jacks! Always keep a fresh one on ice. [votes: 10]
- That ain't lemonade. [votes: 7]
- Wait till they see what I left them. [votes: 7]
- Jack your seat is a flotation device. [votes: 5]
- Jack has the coolest seat of all! [votes: 4]
- Find my happy place...find my happppy placeeeee... [votes: 4]
- Ah, no. This is MY lunch. [votes: 4]
- I think I'm gonna be sick! [votes: 3]
- Are we there yet?? [votes: 3]
- I just made a boo boo. [votes: 3]
- Go fast. [votes: 2]
- If you want a rootbeer then bring me the cat! [votes: 2]
- Nobody gets between me and my dog food hamper. Nobody! [votes: 2]
- We're gonna need a bigger boat! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 391 [September 26, 2010 - 104 entries]
A Jack, his Jill and a tennis ball. Life doesn't get any better than this! [votes: 27] |
Pam |
Son, when I was a pup, I had to walk to obedience school barefoot in the snow... [votes: 17] |
kvines |
Uh oh! Did you hear a car door slam?? [votes: 14] |
Sniggy |
Honorable Mentions
- Dad, it's okay, the mailman will be back tomorrow! [votes: 12]
- You are the apple of my eye, honey, but what's that cat doing in that tree out there? [votes: 11]
- Oh Jack! You, me, the ball. Want more kids? [votes: 10]
- I've got you babe... [votes: 10]
- Dog day afternoon. [votes: 9]
- The world's just like a window. When yer in, ya wanna get out. When yer out, ya wanna get in. [votes: 9]
- Are you thinking what I'm thinking? [votes: 9]
- Look! Paul is getting bathed using a hose! [votes: 7]
- The Honeymooners. [votes: 7]
- What plays in Vegas stays in Vegas! [votes: 5]
- OMG you dated a Ruff Coat! [votes: 5]
- And this one time at go to ground camp... [votes: 4]
- They're HEERREE. [votes: 3]
- Whadayamean, the fog comes on little cat feet? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 390 [September 19, 2010 - 129 entries]
I am not in my happy place. [votes: 34] |
Barbara |
I spend 8 hours getting the smell just right and he has to wash it off. Not fair! [votes: 29] |
jkrslkay |
Remember it's the hand that feeds me, remember it's the hand that feeds me. [votes: 16] |
carol |
Honorable Mentions
- Jumpin Jack Bath. [votes: 13]
- Why? Every so often they do this! Why? [votes: 11]
- You know I'll get even for this. Water flows many ways. [votes: 10]
- Cold water! Cold water! [votes: 9]
- Unless you leash me after this, I'm going back to the mud puddle! [votes: 6]
- That skunk's not going to get away with this! [votes: 6]
- This is totally unnecessary. She was just a poodle. [votes: 6]
- A little more to the left, yeah, that's the spot! [votes: 5]
- If you can't lead Jack to the shower, bring the shower to Jack. [votes: 5]
- I'm not really happy about this, [votes: 4]
- Hope the cat does not see this, it's humiliating. [votes: 4]
- If wanted to take a bath, I would have done it myself in the water bowl. [votes: 4]
- Wait till the cat realizes he's next. Hehehehe... [votes: 3]
- You've got the wrong dog! I swear I'm innocent! [votes: 3]
- Just because YOU want to be clean, doesn't mean I want to be clean!!! [votes: 3]
- When I am clean, I am 51%. [votes: 3]
- Ok, I promise not to pee in the bathtub next time. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 389 [September 12, 2010 - 147 entries]
Don't just stand there - grab a shovel! [votes: 19] |
Captain Jack's Mom |
I hope it's deep enough, it's the LAST time I'm burying this cat! [votes: 18] |
Pat |
What? [votes: 17] |
sam's dad |
Honorable Mentions
- Is this deep enough for the umbrella? [votes: 14]
- Life's a 'ditch'! [votes: 14]
- Again, put the camera down, go get some butter, and I'll get the crab. [votes: 13]
- What hole? [votes: 13]
- Can YOU dig it? [votes: 11]
- It's the pirates life for me! [votes: 10]
- Ooh, just wait till high tide comes in. Here kitty, kitty, kitty.... [votes: 8]
- Hey kid, my hole is better and you have a shovel. [votes: 8]
- Even on vacation, Jack maintains his Go-to-Ground training. [votes: 8]
- What do you mean it is to early to dig, It is NEVER to early to dig. [votes: 5]
- I'm on vacation. [votes: 4]
- Jack's idea of spring break. [votes: 4]
- You wouldn't be laughing if it was YOUR dinner you were trying to retrieve! [votes: 3]
- Practicing for the go to ground. [votes: 1]
- You do realize I will require a bath!!! [votes: 1]
- Whadaya mean, "Go to ground?"...I been tryin' for 8 hours! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 388 [September 5, 2010 - 84 entries]
SEAL training. [votes: 19] |
Norm |
Jack had obviously bit off more then he could chew. [votes: 17] |
Prince Zack |
Ok, my serve. [votes: 16] |
Vic |
Honorable Mentions
- It wasn't this difficult when the seal did it! [votes: 13]
- They're gonna put me in Sea World. [votes: 11]
- Uhh, a little help here... [votes: 10]
- You kids REALLY don't want this back, do you??? [votes: 10]
- Mustnotpop mustnotpop mustnotpop... [votes: 8]
- Who picked out this toy anyway? Couldn't you find something a llittle smaller? [votes: 6]
- I think I have something stuck in my teeth. [votes: 6]
- They said bounce it, not bite it!! [votes: 5]
- I got it! At least I think I do! [votes: 5]
- I wish I had a bigger mouth! [votes: 4]
- Jack would have been better off just hitting the ball with the top of his head... [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 387 [August 29, 2010 - 99 entries]
Oh, man, I can't wait to roll around on your carcass... [votes: 21] |
Herman |
Whew!....and they say my breath stinks! [votes: 18] |
Pat |
HOLY CARP. [votes: 17] |
cARP |
Honorable Mentions
- Bait to catch the cat.... check. [votes: 15]
- We are gonna need a bigger boat!!! [votes: 12]
- When does it start singing? [votes: 11]
- I usually win staring contests, but this guy's a real challenge. [votes: 10]
- Holly mackerel. [votes: 8]
- Forget it buddy. I've tried sitting still with my mouth open but it didn't get me any extra treats. [votes: 7]
- Fetch?! I thought you said "Fish". [votes: 6]
- Oh, no! I'm stuck in a cat dream! [votes: 6]
- Yuck! Cat food! [votes: 6]
- Whats he carping on about? [votes: 4]
- Wait until my Go to Ground buddies get a load of this! [votes: 4]
- I don't think anyone will miss just the head!! [votes: 2]
- Don't you roll you're eyes at me! [votes: 1]
- You just had to swim in the deep end! [votes: 1]
- Fillet, broiled, fried...the possibilities are endless! [votes: 1]
- Where's your leash, buddy? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 386 [August 22, 2010 - 103 entries]
Did it move? No... Did it move? No... Did it move? No... [votes: 23] |
Ken |
This was a LOT more fun before we ate the hamster! [votes: 22] |
Divot |
He is just no fun, look he's fainted again! [votes: 19] |
Queen Lilly |
Honorable Mentions
- Check out the sqeaker in this toy. [votes: 17]
- If I knew how it got in there, don't you think I could tell you how to get it out? [votes: 15]
- I hate this new package but it keeps them fresher longer. [votes: 13]
- Don't worry little buddie, we're going to bust you out of there. [votes: 12]
- Crunchy on the outside, Chewy in the center! [votes: 12]
- Either I need glasses, or your future is real fuzzy. [votes: 6]
- Ya think there's a treat in there? [votes: 5]
- Lunch!! [votes: 5]
- Jack watched as Jill put her mind to it... [votes: 5]
- The future looks great for you my friend, lots of go to grounds, lots of fun... [votes: 4]
- I see in your future a juicy hamster... [votes: 3]
- Double Dribble! [votes: 3]
- We looked everywhere, and can't find Mr. Juju anywhere. [votes: 3]
- The vet gave this to me after i was neutered. [votes: 3]
- If this is the latest trend for dog crates, then we're in trouble. [votes: 3]
- Jack and Jill window shop for new toys for the kids. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 385 [August 15, 2010 - 168 entries]
The dreaded cone of "licklessness". [votes: 19] |
oz |
Jack on his way to see his Personal Injury lawyer. [votes: 18] |
daisy's mom |
You could see the gears turning as Jack plotted his revenge. [votes: 17] |
ken |
Honorable Mentions
- I come in peace. [votes: 13]
- You ought to see the other guy! [votes: 12]
- Cat 1 Jack 0 [votes: 11]
- I wear the cone. The cone does not wear me. [votes: 11]
- Do me a favor and scratch behind my ear. [votes: 8]
- Hey-I'm picking up Animal Planet with this thing! [votes: 8]
- Wanna see my impression of a floor lamp? [votes: 8]
- Just keep tossing the treats in! [votes: 7]
- Stupid porcupine. [votes: 7]
- "RCA" Dog [votes: 6]
- Okay, I had it we have to advertise it to the world? [votes: 6]
- I'm doin' the best I can, Captain! [votes: 5]
- Yes, this particular model comes with a windshield. [votes: 5]
- I just hate it when it rains! [votes: 4]
- Gemme a break...this won't fit in a fox hole. [votes: 3]
- Boy, this isn't all that I'm mad about! [votes: 3]
- Jack wanted to try out his Halloween costume: a garbage disposal. [votes: 3]
- This is the last time i play truth or dare! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 384 [August 8, 2010 - 131 entries]
Jumpin' Jack Splash! [votes: 45] |
Genna Magan |
Cannon Ball! [votes: 23] |
agarcia |
Hot fun in the Summertime! [votes: 19] |
Genna Magan |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack the Dipper! [votes: 14]
- Splash And Go! [votes: 12]
- Gonna need some more water here, lots more water! [votes: 11]
- Splish-splash, I'm taking a bath! [votes: 7]
- Was jack actually walking on water?..... discuss. [votes: 7]
- Ah life is good! [votes: 6]
- Shark Week!!! [votes: 6]
- LAND SHARK! [votes: 6]
- Where's the rest of the pool?! [votes: 6]
- Pool's open! [votes: 5]
- Bath - I defy you! [votes: 5]
- Marco? Polo? [votes: 4]
- Jack could only hope the children would not return anytime soon! [votes: 4]
- How I love the smell of a wet dog! [votes: 3]
- COME ON IN.....THE WATER'S FINE!!! [votes: 2]
- Wipe out! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 383 [August 1, 2010 - 134 entries]
Ahhh...thank goodness for air-conditioning! [votes: 34] |
Antoinette |
When they renovated the kitchen, they put in this fabulous bun warmer just for me! [votes: 28] |
Jill |
Air Dry!! [votes: 14] |
jkrslkay |
Honorable Mentions
- Half of me wants a belly rub...half wants a nap! BOTH will do!! [votes: 12]
- Being raised by opossums - Joe's first reaction when he is in trouble... [votes: 10]
- It's not the heat, it's the humidity... [votes: 10]
- Cool buns. [votes: 10]
- I always play dead when I have to go to obedience class. [votes: 9]
- Jack has a nip of the 'ol cooking sherry yet again. [votes: 9]
- CSI's only clue was the air conditioning vent but no one wanted to touch it. [votes: 7]
- I know it doesn't look nice, but I'm comfortable. [votes: 7]
- Rollover, interrupted. [votes: 7]
- Free and breezy. [votes: 6]
- I love it when I get to the pizza delivery first. [votes: 5]
- Went-to-ground dog. [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 382 [July 25, 2010 - 133 entries]
Our middle child is quite ... unique. [votes: 23] |
Lori |
Hey, there is a smell in here and I know it's not me. [votes: 20] |
Jen |
There are not enough cookies in the world to make up for this... [votes: 18] |
SpitFyre |
Honorable Mentions
- Our wagon comes equipped with a siren. Just pull his tail. [votes: 17]
- Larry, Moe, and Curly. [votes: 16]
- Jack The Sitter. [votes: 15]
- They are contained, now what do you want me to do? [votes: 15]
- Babe magnet. [votes: 9]
- One of the triplets talked funny, but everyone loved him anyway. [votes: 8]
- You do know I can't understand a thing they are saying! [votes: 6]
- Heeeelp! [votes: 5]
- 1st you tell me to sit at the childrens table, now you want me to ride with them? [votes: 5]
- These guys need treats! Hurry up. [votes: 4]
- There's always room for one more! [votes: 4]
- Help, I'm surrounded by hairless dogs. [votes: 4]
- Why do I have to ride with the kids? [votes: 3]
- The cats understood "MUSH" and soon they would overtake the SUV. [votes: 1]
- Can I please stay in the car? I promise not to chew the upolstery! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 381 [July 11, 2010 - 150 entries]
Go on admit it, you're strangely and compulsively attracted to me aren't you? [votes: 23] |
Derek Field |
Say Cheese? Did you say cheese? I like cheese! [votes: 22] |
sam's dad |
I know something you don't know. [votes: 18] |
jkrslkay |
Honorable Mentions
- Cheeeese. [votes: 15]
- I have 5,956 facebook friends, how many do you have? [votes: 15]
- This will be a great passport photo. [votes: 15]
- What hamster? [votes: 14]
- Well, now that you have noticed, there was a bit of a problem with the cat... [votes: 14]
- Nope, Wasn't Me! [votes: 11]
- Smell? What Smell?? [votes: 11]
- Admit it, you adore me. [votes: 11]
- What missing cookie? I've not seen nor eaten it. Did you ask the rest of the family? [votes: 10]
- Trust me, I'm great with cats! [votes: 9]
- I heard it was rude to chew your cat with your mouth full. [votes: 9]
- I don't have my teeth in. [votes: 8]
- I'm not opening my mouth whatever you say... [votes: 7]
- Do not attempt to adjust your television set, I am in control. [votes: 7]
- I love cats. [votes: 6]
- I have minty fresh breath too! [votes: 6]
- Why, Johnny Ringo. You like someone just walked over your grave. [votes: 5]
- All this picture taking is getting a little annoying... [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 380 [July 4, 2010 - 141 entries]
Roll him again....let's see if we get a six! [votes: 85] |
Melinda |
And the moment came when Jack Jr realized he had been spotted. [votes: 19] |
swtmdmboo |
I think we should call him etcetera... [votes: 19] |
Mary Lou |
Honorable Mentions
- www.jackrussellDOTcom [votes: 12]
- Now, you sit right there until you get your story straight. [votes: 10]
- It's small and squeaky, but I feel the need to protect it instead of hurt it. Strange. [votes: 8]
- You guys have about 30 seconds before I go jurassic on you. [votes: 7]
- He's smart like me, but he looks just like you! [votes: 6]
- The name is Ellipsis; 3dots. I know it is odd. My parents were old hippies. [votes: 6]
- Is he supposed to look like that? [votes: 6]
- What 3 dot rule? [votes: 5]
- You can't deny this one, it looks just like you! [votes: 4]
- I bet your name's SPOT. [votes: 4]
- I dunno...He looks more like that jack down the street than me... [votes: 4]
- Yeah I got 3 spots on my back, but at least I dont have 1 spot on my butt like you guys. [votes: 2]
- All we need is one with 4 spots and we have lucky 7! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 379 [June 27, 2010 - 108 entries]
Put your right foot in, take your right foot out.....u grab the critter and u shake it all about... [votes: 40] |
Shingle Oak |
Diggin a hole, diggin a hole, diggin a hole, diggin a hole... [votes: 25] |
jkrslkay |
They will never find the cat here. [votes: 24] |
kristyvines |
Honorable Mentions
- Cat's about yea big, so the hole has to be... [votes: 21]
- My GPS said I left a bone right here. [votes: 14]
- And they said I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder!! [votes: 13]
- Can you dig it? [votes: 11]
- I sure do wish the would get their own post hole digger! [votes: 10]
- Dog gone it! I broke a nail. [votes: 7]
- This is my favorite thing to do. [votes: 4]
- I hate moving day and trying to find all of my bones. [votes: 4]
- I'm outta here! [votes: 3]
- Ignore me will ya! I'll go to ground myself! [votes: 3]
- Jack does what a dog's gotta do. [votes: 2]
- In the hole again, just can't wait to be in the hole again. [votes: 2]
- You can't get away silly wabbit. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 378 [June 20, 2010 - 101 entries]
I'm just pooped, but he is stoned! [votes: 26] |
Frank G. |
I've exhausted myself trying to get that pig to play ball. [votes: 22] |
Lily's Mom |
I hate when the beer goggles wear off! [votes: 18] |
Tam Bone |
Honorable Mentions
- No more pig jokes! My sides are killing me! [votes: 16]
- My roomate's a real pig. [votes: 16]
- Was it worth it? Oh yea... [votes: 14]
- You think I look bad ? Look at the pig! [votes: 12]
- He goes to ground... but it's weird to watch. [votes: 10]
- A face only a mother could love. [votes: 10]
- He started it. [votes: 5]
- I like my bacon extra crispy. [votes: 4]
- Hog Heaven! [votes: 3]
- Jack's home with dinner! [votes: 3]
- My eyebrows are gone! [votes: 3]
- Ahhh's not just for breakfast anymore! [votes: 3]
- I think I need glasses and a bath. [votes: 3]
- Another job well done! [votes: 2]
- I LOVE bacon! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 377 [June 13, 2010 - 87 entries]
I bet those fancy Westminster dog's can't drink and pee at the same time. [votes: 27] |
Sophies Mom |
Multitasking! [votes: 21] |
Amy |
These fountain drinks just go right through me. [votes: 20] |
Sophies Mom |
Honorable Mentions
- Got a little captain in ya? [votes: 16]
- In with the new, out with the old. [votes: 12]
- Jack the SIPPER! [votes: 11]
- Has the cat come out of the waterslide yet? [votes: 8]
- Boy, what a dog has to go through to get a drink around here! [votes: 6]
- Mountain Hooch for a mountain pooch. [votes: 6]
- A full service station for jacks. [votes: 5]
- Emptying and filling at the same time. [votes: 5]
- Mountain dew. [votes: 5]
- Jack thinks holding his leg up will allow him to hold more water. [votes: 3]
- Excrement marks the spot! [votes: 2]
- Jack is having another pipe dream. [votes: 1]
- Camping out has had its better days. [votes: 1]
Webmaster Note: A caption was removed from contest 377 due to a user complaint.
Results from Contest # 376 [June 6, 2010 - 162 entries]
Am I breaking your heart yet? [votes: 26] |
jkrslkay |
If they can't close it, they can't leave. [votes: 23] |
Peg C |
Carry-on Jack. [votes: 16] |
Ken |
Honorable Mentions
- No I don't have separation issues... [votes: 12]
- I'll be vewy, vewy qwiet. [votes: 12]
- They cant leave home with out me. [votes: 12]
- Do you think I have room for a ball? [votes: 11]
- I miss them already. [votes: 9]
- The customs officer was not amused. [votes: 9]
- Whaddya mean you have nothing to declare? I'm priceless! [votes: 9]
- I took my tags off, so i won't set off the metal detector! [votes: 9]
- I'm packed. [votes: 7]
- Nobody in here but us thongs. [votes: 5]
- I'm leaving on a jet plane... [votes: 4]
- I'm Going to Disney World! [votes: 3]
- The 'berth' of a Jack. [votes: 3]
- Still to cheap to buy the travel crate huh? Carry on AGAIN! NOOOO! [votes: 3]
- I never leave home without my jack! [votes: 3]
- Has anyone seen the dog? [votes: 2]
- Junk in the Trunk. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 375 [May 30, 2010 - 115 entries]
You were right - the cat can't swim. [votes: 22] |
diane |
Towel please. [votes: 21] |
Jeff Kipp |
I'll have a cat & coke, please! [votes: 18] |
stemlodge |
Honorable Mentions
- That's the LAST time that cat pushes me in! [votes: 16]
- Barko? Polo! Barko? Polo! Here I come... [votes: 16]
- This is NOT a Jackuzzi! [votes: 14]
- Potty? noooooooo not any more... [votes: 12]
- You would think that they would have a pool ladder that was doggie friendly. [votes: 7]
- Since when did they get a pool?! [votes: 7]
- If you don't pee in my pool, I won't drink out of your toilet. [votes: 7]
- Yep, wet dogs smell GREAT! [votes: 5]
- Yes, I like pina coladas... [votes: 5]
- Wow! Does anyone else smell wet dog? [votes: 5]
- I'm 51% dry. [votes: 4]
- I'll be glad when they get this jacuzzi fixed, my legs are killing me. [votes: 3]
- It's not cold, it's refreshing. [votes: 2]
- I think I'm ready for the English Channel. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 374 [May 23, 2010 - 101 entries]
Little Ditty 'Bout Jack & Diane... [votes: 26] |
Julz |
We're the woofers. [votes: 25] |
Jackie's Mom |
Two Jacks - just in case! [votes: 21] |
Thom |
Honorable Mentions
- The guitarist was a crooked gambler and hid a pair of Jacks in his case. [votes: 17]
- We had to pull some strings to get this new doggy bed... [votes: 14]
- I'm Rhythm, he's Blues. [votes: 12]
- On the road again. [votes: 12]
- If he drops another quarter on my head, I'm gonna pee all over this case! [votes: 10]
- For his next selection our owner will play Hit the Road Jack. [votes: 10]
- It's only rock n' roll but we like it. [votes: 8]
- Told you the begging would get us a permanent gig! [votes: 5]
- Mister, can you spare a dime? [votes: 5]
- I hope she doesn't set us out on the sidewalk for tips again... [votes: 5]
- Will work for food! [votes: 5]
- Guess we're gonna hafta howl for our supper. [votes: 3]
- Play with me next! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 373 [May 16, 2010 - 132 entries]
Cat? What Cat? I don't see a Cat. [votes: 33] |
Rita |
Say "I'm a dumb kitty!" Say it!! Say it!! I am not getting up til you do... [votes: 28] |
Mary Mc |
On Top Of Old Smokey [votes: 19] |
Pat |
Honorable Mentions
- You said you wanted a cat sitter. [votes: 18]
- Well, you told me not to sit on the furniture... [votes: 15]
- Much to Jack's disappointment, Kitty won this round of musical chairs. [votes: 14]
- Jack's catsitting rates are very competitive. [votes: 12]
- I swear it's legal! I saw this move on WWF! [votes: 9]
- Squatter's rights! [votes: 7]
- Jack loved his new tempur-catric. [votes: 5]
- Cat: the seat cushion of choice for Jacks with discriminating tastes. [votes: 5]
- Hey, has anyone seen the cat? He was here a minute ago. [votes: 5]
- This bed is lumpy. [votes: 5]
- Hey cat! How do you like me now? [votes: 4]
- I so win! [votes: 3]
- Look, Ma... no hands!! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 372 [May 9, 2010 - 134 entries]
I kissed a cat and I liked it! [votes: 30] |
Chris |
Oh yeah? Make me. [votes: 27] |
Sophies Mom |
Show me the rule in the manual that says I can't use it. [votes: 23] |
Derek Field |
Honorable Mentions
- Treed by a cat, How humiliating. [votes: 16]
- I marked it, it's mine! [votes: 15]
- You two go get a few more cats so it can be even when I take y'all on. [votes: 9]
- I'll take the top bunk. [votes: 9]
- Dad knew there was a problem when Jack started 'playing house' with the cats. [votes: 7]
- The kids reenact the siege of Masada. [votes: 6]
- Can't Touch Me [votes: 6]
- Yes, you can kiss this toy goodbye! [votes: 5]
- Kiss of death. [votes: 5]
- The cats put Jack on a pedestial hoping this would bode well for the future. [votes: 4]
- And then there were two... [votes: 3]
- Jack mistakenly thinks he's safe [votes: 2]
- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... (insert fighting noise here). [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 371 [May 2, 2010 - 156 entries]
When I smell like that they make me go outside... [votes: 40] |
Divot |
Cool! It has a squeaker!! [votes: 16] |
kryswyn |
OK, she's cute, but what does she do? [votes: 14] |
AnnieP |
Honorable Mentions
- I still say I'm cuter. [votes: 13]
- What is it? Can we send it back? [votes: 12]
- I'm way cuter and I will never ask for money. [votes: 12]
- He'll never pass JRTCA breed standards. [votes: 12]
- Are you sure that was his tail that you had docked? [votes: 11]
- Do you think she looks more like my side of the family or yours? [votes: 11]
- Omg!! What is that??!! Why is it looking at me?! [votes: 10]
- I bet they name him Jack. [votes: 9]
- Is that my new squeaky toy? [votes: 9]
- Excuse me! Isn't that MY pillow? [votes: 8]
- Big head, realy big head... [votes: 7]
- Hope I'm showing enough interest... [votes: 5]
- Replaced with something with thumbs! [votes: 4]
- You're replacing me with that? [votes: 3]
- A new puppy...l feel your pain. [votes: 2]
- Is he my new jr. handler? [votes: 2]
- I don't see the point, it can't even go to ground! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 370 [April 25, 2010 - 118 entries]
Four on the floor. [votes: 31] |
Norm |
Playing dead will not prevent the vet appointment... [votes: 29] |
Lilly Mae |
You just never know when you may need a floor jack. [votes: 25] |
Frank P |
Honorable Mentions
- A good Jack Russell is a tired Jack Russell. [votes: 20]
- Known for their high energy and instinctive love of the hunt, the Jack Russell... oh. [votes: 19]
- Just wake me when we get there... [votes: 15]
- Jack was floored by the new cat scented air freshener. [votes: 9]
- Playing possum gave Jack deniability for the cat's current condition. [votes: 6]
- Jack rode always shotgun... well kind of... [votes: 6]
- All these Toyota recalls are killing me! [votes: 6]
- Jack thought by hiding under the seat, he'd avoid the breathalizer test. [votes: 4]
- Oh man, what a night. Did anyone get the number of that truck? [votes: 4]
- If that cell phone interrupts my nap one more time, it's history! [votes: 3]
- You drive awhile. [votes: 3]
- Jack volunteers to co-pilot on the drive to nationals. [votes: 3]
- This guy's weekend is just to much for me. [votes: 2]
- Comes standard with the vehicle. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 369 [April 18, 2010 - 111 entries]
Ever vigilant, Jack once again gave the rasberries to the dog catcher. [votes: 21] |
Hermann |
Collar .......too tight !!! [votes: 20] |
Norm |
Can't make me. [votes: 18] |
Penelope |
Honorable Mentions
- Is it me or did that cat taste a little funny? [votes: 12]
- 250 Christmas cards to send and she doesn't get self adhesive stamps. [votes: 12]
- Does my tongue taste funny to you? [votes: 11]
- MOM he's doing it again! [votes: 10]
- Jack continues to taunt the puppies showing in the conformation class. [votes: 9]
- Yuck! The cat just kissed me! [votes: 9]
- This is what I think of your idea. [votes: 8]
- Peanut Butter Crackers.... YUM! [votes: 8]
- This is what I think of me going to the vet! [votes: 8]
- blaahh! that cat tasted awful!! [votes: 7]
- I know how many licks it takes til I get to the center of the tootsie pop! [votes: 5]
- Cat got my tongue! Ouch. [votes: 5]
- Cat food should taste like CAT. [votes: 5]
- Hurry with the envelope! I'm dryin' out here! [votes: 4]
- Having had his tongue rolled up in the window, Jack pondered his next move. [votes: 2]
- Now I'm their stamp licker. [votes: 1]
- Jack was angry......but he was a gentleman! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 368 [April 11, 2010 - 70 entries]
Jumpin Jack Splash [votes: 46] |
Mike B. |
bevansley |
Russell rescue! [votes: 19] |
annie |
Honorable Mentions
- Release the Kraken! [votes: 17]
- It's always, Jack, Go Fetch the Fish. [votes: 15]
- She thinks I'm just a dumb dog. But around that bend there's a 800ft waterfall. [votes: 9]
- Jack Knife! [votes: 9]
- Be right back mom! I have to go free Willy. [votes: 8]
- Excuse me, but did I just hear the Bungie Cord snap? [votes: 6]
- Jack the dipper. [votes: 6]
- New event - go to water to get to ground. [votes: 5]
- Don't they know I'm a great swimmer. I don't need this stinkin vest. [votes: 4]
- This is going to be sooo cold! [votes: 3]
- I'm telling you it is stupid to jump out of a perfectly good boat! [votes: 3]
- Be right back - gotta take a leak. [votes: 3]
- Marco... [votes: 3]
- An example of Jack handle failure. [votes: 3]
- I hope this thing floats! [votes: 2]
- Here BUOY, here BUOY, come back! [votes: 2]
- dive....dive....dive... [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 367 [April 4, 2010 - 70 entries]
I know they think of me as their kid....but this is ridiculous. [votes: 25] |
bevansley |
Ah, a bowl of cocoa puffs and SpongeBob... can't get any better'n this! [votes: 22] |
millie's mom |
Gordon couldn't deal with the day until his Fruit-Loops were done and Spongebob was over. [votes: 19] |
Herman |
Honorable Mentions
- And thank you God for the food we are about to receive. [votes: 15]
- Gordon had breakfast with Sponge Bob every morning. [votes: 14]
- Sometimes, you have to go to ground... Other times, you just need to go to table. [votes: 13]
- Sometimes waiting for Rocky and Bullwinkle could be tedious. [votes: 9]
- Jack paused, realizing he had just ate the remote... [votes: 8]
- Breakfast club. [votes: 8]
- The vet warned Jack to put down his spoon and remote and get out there and run. [votes: 7]
- Jack always has to sit at the little kids table. [votes: 6]
- Jack was expanding his body, if not his intellect. [votes: 5]
- Oh jeez, it's so hard using a spoon without thumbs! I keep spilling my milk. [votes: 4]
- For me the best part of watching TV is deciding which character I want to chase. [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 366 [March 28, 2010 - 162 entries]
The jack goes in the trunk, not under the hood! [votes: 26] |
Lorna |
Jack of all trades! [votes: 25] |
PJ |
I see your problem, there's a cat in your fanbelt. [votes: 18] |
suez |
Honorable Mentions
- I thought you said this thing had 300 horses......where are they? [votes: 17]
- JRTCA certified mechanic at work. [votes: 16]
- Ok Mom crank it! [votes: 14]
- Oh, I see what's wrong! Didn't you have a black and white cat? [votes: 13]
- I'm sure the problem has nothing to do with all those bones I've hidden in here... [votes: 11]
- Anything that squeeks, has to be alive. [votes: 11]
- There seems to be a squirrel stuck in the intake valve... that can't be good! [votes: 10]
- Jack declares yet another recall. [votes: 5]
- Yep, it's a Hemi! [votes: 5]
- And me with a hot date tonight. [votes: 2]
- Okay,we will just SEE who wins the racing championship next time! [votes: 2]
- Do I have to do everything around here? [votes: 1]
- Squirrel squirrel squirrel. [votes: 1]
- I fixed Mom's car, but I blew my fuse when I saw Dad playing catch with the neighbor's dog. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 365 [March 21, 2010 - 139 entries]
The Captain secretly thought his crew was a bunch of babies. [votes: 35] |
Peg C |
Captain Jack [votes: 33] |
peanut's pop |
There's a little Captain Jack in all of us. [votes: 26] |
Gizmo |
Honorable Mentions
- I said "Paddle", not "Piddle"! [votes: 16]
- I'm the only two year old here who can swim. [votes: 15]
- "Just sit right back and you'll hear a tail...." [votes: 11]
- Jacks Bare Belly Boat Tours was Booming! [votes: 10]
- Row, you scurvy dogs! [votes: 8]
- Babe watch. [votes: 7]
- ... and humans don't believe in spaying and neutering - really! [votes: 7]
- Row! Row! Row! Somebody Row! [votes: 6]
- A three hour tour... a three hour tour. [votes: 5]
- No shirts, no shoes and Captains don't wear pants either!! [votes: 4]
- OK, who brought the oars? [votes: 4]
- Stay focused crew...we're almost there! [votes: 3]
- I hope i get paid for this! [votes: 2]
- Carry on luggage must fit in the overhead compartment or under your seats! [votes: 2]
- HELLO, is anybody working here? [votes: 1]
- I've heard of a motley crew, but this is ridiculous! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 364 [March 14, 2010 - 119 entries]
Jack regretted his hardwoodflooraphobia. [votes: 35] |
Herman |
Wait on it, wait on it... [votes: 26] |
Zacery Tee |
Be afraid, Tennis Ball... Be very afraid! [votes: 21] |
sophie rose |
Honorable Mentions
- You know how this is going to go. [votes: 14]
- If Yoda can lift a spaceship, I can lift that ball. [votes: 10]
- Game, Match, Set, Jack. [votes: 10]
- Go ahead make my day. [votes: 9]
- I can almost taste your delicate yellow fuzz, please roll my way! [votes: 8]
- Jack patiently awaits the inevitable attack. [votes: 7]
- Amazingly the ball froze, waiting for Jack to blink. [votes: 6]
- You are history, Dunlop. [votes: 6]
- I saw it move, really I did. [votes: 5]
- Boy, that cat left a big fur ball! [votes: 5]
- Come to Daddy! [votes: 5]
- Blink I dare you. [votes: 3]
- Oh, that succulent green... [votes: 3]
- You know you want me! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 363 [March 7, 2010 - 109 entries]
Jack Rabbits [votes: 28] |
Shingle Oak |
I'm pretty sure one of us is adopted. [votes: 24] |
suez |
This is the last time I'll ever use an on-line dating agency. [votes: 20] |
Derek |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack was fooled momentarily by Peter's clever disguise. [votes: 19]
- What happens on the farm stays on the farm. [votes: 18]
- If I go in there, will I come out looking like that? [votes: 15]
- Very Bad HARE Day. [votes: 13]
- The day after the night before....jack hangs his head in shame! [votes: 12]
- Any bunny home? [votes: 10]
- Jack pretended not to hear as the barber shouted, "Next!" [votes: 9]
- Wow, I can have chicken or rabbit for lunch! [votes: 9]
- Who does your hare? [votes: 8]
- Come on mom - he smells, don't put me next to him. [votes: 7]
- He shows up every Easter, looking for goodies. [votes: 6]
- You don't have to ask me twice! [votes: 1]
- Do I stay or do I go? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 362 [Feb 28, 2010 - 126 entries]
A thousand colours to choose from and he buys me a white ball. [votes: 46] |
Derek |
Squirrels bury their nuts for the winter... Jack buries his squirrels for the summer. [votes: 20] |
swtmdmboo |
Go to ground? I cant even find the ground. [votes: 20] |
john |
Honorable Mentions
- Neither rain, nor sleet , nor snow....NOTHING stops a Jack Russell. [votes: 16]
- SNOW to ground. [votes: 12]
- Where's my cat-sicle? [votes: 8]
- I wear red during hunting season! [votes: 7]
- The British are coming! [votes: 7]
- I'm going to have to start putting on the brakes sooner [votes: 7]
- Anybody home? [votes: 6]
- Ummm, the cat is NOT down this hole, I repeat the cat is NOT down this hole. So don't look. [votes: 5]
- Now where'd I put my bone. [votes: 4]
- I lost my earmuffs! [votes: 3]
- Jack was always a slave to fashion. [votes: 3]
- Digging for accessories. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 361 [Feb 21, 2010 - 125 entries]
What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine. [votes: 32] |
Mary Lou |
The smell from your shoe killed my little friend. [votes: 26] |
terri |
But...he laughed at my ears! [votes: 21] |
gaijin5 |
Honorable Mentions
- Proof that 9 out of 10 JRT prefer Squirrel over shoe! [votes: 15]
- What? I did NOTHING, I found him like this! [votes: 14]
- Give me the other sneaker and I let him go! [votes: 11]
- Two new chew toys, isn't life grand!! [votes: 10]
- Walk away and don't look back, it'll be over in a minute. [votes: 10]
- Walk away or I'll add you to the collection. [votes: 8]
- Oh yes I did!!!! And I'm proud of it! [votes: 6]
- JRT Trophies. [votes: 5]
- If the shoe fits... [votes: 3]
- I come in peace... I bring you gifts... [votes: 3]
- My favorite things. [votes: 3]
- All in a days work... [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 360 [Feb 14, 2010 - 140 entries]
Did you REALLY think the cat was gonna float?!?! [votes: 52] |
ShannanC19 |
Canine baywatch! [votes: 19] |
Boraya |
I don't think Mr. Scruffers is coming back. [votes: 12] |
Nick |
Honorable Mentions
- Trust me kid, dock diving isn't for sissies. [votes: 11]
- Ain't no water dog in my pedigree. How about you? [votes: 11]
- This is my favorite sushi spot, Junior. [votes: 10]
- Dad - I don't think this is a good idea! [votes: 10]
- Hey dad, look, is that the cat that used to live with us? Nevermind son, just look away. [votes: 9]
- I think I dropped the bone in this area. [votes: 5]
- Go ahead, Junior! The water's warm. Honest. [votes: 5]
- I swear it was there before you walked up! [votes: 5]
- Go ahead...I'll be right behind you...I swear!!! [votes: 5]
- I wonder what we'll catch today? [votes: 4]
- What did you say that was? [votes: 4]
- Son...I'll wait swim for help! [votes: 4]
- Hey Dad, we're gonna need a bigger dock... [votes: 3]
- You go first little one, I have your back!! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 359 [Feb 7, 2010 - 108 entries]
I don't know what it is...but I'm killing it. [votes: 30] |
bevansley |
moira |
Vancouver, HERE I COME !!!! [votes: 21] |
Jan |
Honorable Mentions
- It's mine, it's mine, I saw it first, whatever it is. [votes: 20]
- I got it! I got it! I got it! [votes: 19]
- Jack Frost [votes: 14]
- Throw one more at me and you'll be eating yellow snow. [votes: 10]
- The snow matrix.. [votes: 10]
- Mmmmm, a snow biscuit! [votes: 8]
- How am I supposed to catch it without thumbs? [votes: 7]
- Happy Happy Joy Joy! [votes: 7]
- Yes, we can throw snowballs too. [votes: 7]
- Neutered Jack knows there's no balls like snowballs. [votes: 5]
- Come to Daddy! [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 358 [Jan 31, 2010 - 123 entries]
It's okay buddy... I do it in here all the time! [votes: 39] |
Squiggy |
If you happen to find a squirrel in there, it's mine... [votes: 27] |
Dextersmom |
Push it over, then we both can play in the dirt. [votes: 20] |
Pat |
Honorable Mentions
- I won't tell if you won't. [votes: 13]
- Mom won't recognize this when we get finished. [votes: 13]
- Hey kid, I don't think you should eat that! [votes: 13]
- You go first. [votes: 11]
- yeah, I saw him, the cat stuck your GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip in this plant! [votes: 8]
- I told the cat this wasn't a good hiding place. [votes: 8]
- Yup...I fertilized it good! [votes: 8]
- This is your fault. [votes: 6]
- Quick, kid, hide in here before anyone sees your outfit. [votes: 6]
- I didn't move it - did you? [votes: 4]
- Jack! is that a cat's tail in the dirt? [votes: 3]
- Finders keepers. [votes: 2]
- Jack begs to water the planter. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 357 [Jan 24, 2010 - 154 entries]
 | own personal Jack-cuzi! [votes: 54] |
gaijin5 |
Huh. Cats sink. Who knew?? [votes: 38] |
Jill |
I .. can.. almost... reach... the... [votes: 23] |
Ken |
Honorable Mentions
- Bottoms Up! [votes: 14]
- I am really liking this new water dish. [votes: 14]
- This sure beats drinking out of the toilet at our house. [votes: 13]
- How much longer before the cat stops kicking? [votes: 11]
- Can someone please come shampoo me? [votes: 9]
- Drink or Swim? [votes: 8]
- I just love watching the cat go in circles when the drain is opened. [votes: 7]
- The cat can only swim so long... [votes: 4]
- Jack regretted the "bargain" vacation immediately. [votes: 4]
- This will not end well... [votes: 2]
- You'll never take me alive! [votes: 2]
- Oh, the woes of having a seven-year old put in charge of your care! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 356 [Jan 17, 2010 - 138 entries]
Those look just like what the vet took from me! [votes: 20] |
Herman |
Dear God, thank you for the meal I am about to enjoy... [votes: 17] |
Bernie |
I'm telling you, you need to be afraid! [votes: 15] |
carol |
Honorable Mentions
- Look, you've got to tell them the necklace is cheesy. [votes: 14]
- Request permission to approach the bench. [votes: 12]
- You ate my mouse! I can still smell it on your breath! [votes: 12]
- YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!! [votes: 10]
- Wait for it....wait... [votes: 9]
- I see you've been hitting the catnip a little hard lately. [votes: 9]
- This the "Before" picture to last weeks Caption Contest #356. [votes: 6]
- Oh I am so sorry - I didn't know that was your sister. [votes: 5]
- Obituary Picture. [votes: 5]
- What to do today?!, What to do today?! [votes: 4]
- You MUST remember me, I LIVE with you. [votes: 4]
- I hope this is just a visit! [votes: 4]
- Don't feel so bad. My legs are too short. [votes: 4]
- I could get up there if I wanted. [votes: 3]
- Aw, don't be mad, I only gave her a little sniff. [votes: 3]
- If looks could kill. [votes: 3]
- Kids, time for Dinner. [votes: 3]
- How much do I owe you? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 355 [Jan 10, 2010 - 105 entries]
Okay...Ready?!?! Make a wish!!! [votes: 34] |
ShannanC19 |
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am... [votes: 28] |
honey |
Cat Test Dummy. [votes: 18] |
Jorro |
Honorable Mentions
- Torn between two rovers. [votes: 17]
- Divide and conquer! [votes: 14]
- You let go first! No, YOU let go first! No, You let go first! [votes: 13]
- On the bark of three we pull the legs off. [votes: 13]
- Mr. Cat is totally about to experience seperation anxiety if ya know what I mean. [votes: 13]
- If you think this is good wait until we get a real one! [votes: 12]
- Why is it still smiling? [votes: 7]
- Shall we split the proceeds? [votes: 6]
- Cat's face says it all... [votes: 5]
- Catnip [votes: 4]
- Jack 's class - How to treat a cat 101. [votes: 3]
- I know it's your toy. i just thought we could do something together for a change. [votes: 3]
- We will see who gets the biggest piece. [votes: 2]
- A catastrophic lunch. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 354 [Jan 3, 2010 - 121 entries]
Sorry I thought you were Mike Vick. [votes: 41] |
gizmo |
Jack the Ripper!! [votes: 25] |
Lesley Chambers |
Ring the doorbell, pay the price. [votes: 16] |
Lilly Mae |
Honorable Mentions
- Barbie was bad enough, but the Ken guy had to go. [votes: 13]
- Tails I Win ... Heads you Lose! [votes: 13]
- Heads will roll if Jack is displeased. [votes: 12]
- Head games. [votes: 12]
- I told you, if you didn't take me to the terrier trial, heads would roll! [votes: 8]
- Looks like he didn't read the "GUARD DOG ON DUTY" sign. [votes: 7]
- Call it, heads or tails... [votes: 6]
- Oh Sorry, was this a friend of yours? [votes: 5]
- Don't bite the head that feeds you. [votes: 4]
- Look what the cat dragged in! [votes: 4]
- I better put this back - it doesn't have a squeaker in it! [votes: 4]
- He bit off more than he can chew! [votes: 3]
- Jack's separation anxiety was over the top. [votes: 3]
- I think I yanked a little too hard... [votes: 2]