Results from Contest # 151 [December 25, 2005 - 335 entries]
Waasssuupppp!!!? [votes: 26] |
Lindsey |
Jingle bells, wet cat smells, what's this on my head??!! [votes: 24] |
Angie |
The Nightmare Before Christmas! [votes: 21] |
Kira |
Honorable Mentions
- Rudolph with your nose so bright, I can kick your butt tonight! [votes: 20]
- I'm a mean one, Mr. Grinch! [votes: 20]
- Another reason to only buy from reputable breeders. [votes: 20]
- What Santa takes along when parking in bad areas. [votes: 20]
- Help me, I have an elf bone stuck in my throat. [votes: 16]
- Jackalope [votes: 16]
- What do you mean "No more reindeer games"!!! [votes: 14]
- Jingle This!!!!! [votes: 14]
- In an effort to cut costs, Santa outsourced Rudolf this year. [votes: 14]
- I'll give YOU some reindeer games! [votes: 12]
- What's in YOUR wallet? [votes: 11]
- If you think this is funny, wait until you see what I left for you in the closet! [votes: 11]
- Reindeer gone wild... [votes: 9]
- When reindeers attack. [votes: 9]
- This makes me mad. You won't LIKE me when I'm mad! [votes: 9]
- Yeah, Santa, I have been really good, ...oh the antlers? Don't count your reindeer. [votes: 6]
- Take the picture!, Take the picture! [votes: 6]
- There's a ringing in my ears. MAKE IT STOP, make it stop. [votes: 6]
- That red nose sticks to the roof of your mouth! [votes: 6]
- Does it look like I am kidding? [votes: 5]
- Be scared. Be very scared. [votes: 4]
- Bad santa! [votes: 3]
- I think my ears are on too tight. [votes: 2]
- Caution deer crossing. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 150 [December 18, 2005 - 235 entries]
I told Santa I wanted something small and furry for Christmas..... He must have misunderstood... [votes: 36] |
Terrier Treatz |
And I want a cat, and a chew bone, and a cat, and a ball. Oh, and I did I mention a cat? [votes: 35] |
Kira |
Seriously, dude, what are you? [votes: 29] |
Jonne |
Honorable Mentions
- I saw one of these in a movie... don't let it get wet. [votes: 27]
- Jack contemplates breaking his record of destroying a stuffed toy in thirty seconds... [votes: 26]
- First they took my brothers away, then my sisters, and now they gave me this. [votes: 23]
- I don't know if i should play with this thing or feel bad for it?? [votes: 21]
- If you're one of Santa's elves, will you tell him I've been really good this year? [votes: 16]
- If I shake it hard by the neck, will it stop looking at me? [votes: 15]
- Go ahead blink, I dare you! [votes: 14]
- Is it true your mom was a gremlin? [votes: 14]
- I'm not touching you. [votes: 14]
- Talk fast while you can, Furbee. [votes: 13]
- You've got crumbs in your beard, I will get them. [votes: 12]
- So you gonna take that treat outta your pocket mister? [votes: 8]
- What?! You want me to pull your sleigh this year? [votes: 6]
- So, what's your plan? [votes: 5]
- Hey kid -- pull my finger. [votes: 4]
- I am NOT sitting on your lap! Just gimme a toy! [votes: 4]
Results from Contest # 149 [December 11, 2005 - 212 entries]
It's cold, I hate this sweater, it's cold, I hate this sweater, it's cold, I hate this sweater! [votes: 34] |
Debbie |
Hey let me in, all the cats are making fun of me. [votes: 30] |
Rusty |
But Mom, no one else has to wear a coat. [votes: 29] |
Nikkid25 |
Honorable Mentions
- I know you're in there! [votes: 28]
- Looking dashing in his Lands End fleece, Jack admires his reflection. [votes: 25]
- How much is that doggy in the window!!! [votes: 24]
- Hello....this ain't Jack Frost knocking at your door! [votes: 24]
- Baby, it's cold outside. [votes: 20]
- Too bad I left my keys in my other jacket. [votes: 19]
- Does this make me look fat? [votes: 18]
- Laugh it up cat! [votes: 16]
- When I mentioned my 'winter coat' this isn't what I had in mind. [votes: 15]
- Jack's back. [votes: 11]
- Lemme in! I felt a flake! [votes: 11]
- Uh Oh! I thought the Christmas party was casual dress. [votes: 11]
- Where are my pants? [votes: 11]
- Can your cat come out and play? [votes: 10]
- What are my humans doing???? [votes: 7]
- Big dog in a little coat. [votes: 6]
- The lady in red. [votes: 6]
- They said they were getting my dinner. It's been 10 seconds, where are they? [votes: 6]
- It's five o'clock... do you know where your parents are? [votes: 6]
- Who let the dogs out? [votes: 3]
- coat........I smell a rat! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 148 [December 4, 2005 - 224 entries]
Quarterjack [votes: 56] |
Tony |
Are you ready for some football? [votes: 31] |
Karen |
TOUCHDOWN! Who's the dog? Who's the dog? [votes: 28] |
Terrier Treatz |
Honorable Mentions
- Laugh all you want, but your not getting the ball back. [votes: 26]
- After further review, the dog on the field needs a haircut. [votes: 22]
- Jack Russell Carrier. [votes: 19]
- Jack Russells - they're in a league of their own! [votes: 17]
- We beat the Jaguars and the Panthers and the Lions are next - they're all just cats. [votes: 17]
- Ruffing the passer, Ruffing the passer! [votes: 16]
- Rawhide is Rawhide. [votes: 12]
- I promise I'll hold the ball, Charlie Brown. [votes: 11]
- I can smell it, I just can't see a thing. [votes: 11]
- Pigskin, it's what's for dinner. [votes: 10]
- Football & Jack. Man's two best friends. [votes: 9]
- That's a penalty for taunting after the play! [votes: 8]
- Pig Skin---the NEW rawhide. [votes: 8]
- I'm going to disneyland! [votes: 8]
- Hey guys did I hear you say you were one guy short for the game? [votes: 6]
- One more touchdown and we are in the bisket bowl! [votes: 5]
- I bet our running back is faster than yours. [votes: 4]
- Show me the money! [votes: 4]
- Man, ever since I took out the dreads I can't see! [votes: 3]
- That McNabb is always trying to make me look bad. [votes: 2]
- I'd like to thank... [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 147 [November 27, 2005 - 285 entries]
Jack in the box. [votes: 82] |
Cheryl |
Oh Boy! That cat I ordered finally arrived!! [votes: 56] |
Erin |
When it absolutely, positively has to be destroyed as soon as it arrives. [votes: 54] |
amywhoelse |
Honorable Mentions
- 50 dollars for a toy plus shipping and he plays with the box! [votes: 39]
- This second day air smells just like the regular air.....why'd we buy old air anyway? [votes: 22]
- When you absolutely have to get there over night... [votes: 18]
- I'll be home for Christmas. [votes: 17]
- HEY, popcorn... YUCK, styrafoam. [votes: 12]
- I thought the head was supposed to pop out of the Jack in the box. [votes: 12]
- Can you hear me NOW? [votes: 11]
- Sea Monkeys? Where? [votes: 9]
- When you need doggie treats NOW, brown is your shipper. [votes: 7]
- I wonder how many stamps this'll take.... [votes: 7]
- I'm leavin' on a jet plane! [votes: 6]
- No buts about it, 2nd day delivery. [votes: 6]
- UPS, he did it again... [votes: 6]
- Anything to declare? [votes: 5]
- Dang, it's for you again. [votes: 4]
- Cool! I made the cover of the new Jasper Calendar! [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 146 [November 20, 2005 - 235 entries]
You can wave that biscuit around all you want, I saw that shampoo & I'm NOT coming out! [votes: 68] |
dancer |
No! You're kidding! The roast chicken is missing? [votes: 48] |
anon |
I know, it's about that puddle in the kitchen... I'm all ready punishing myself. [votes: 30] |
Stan |
Honorable Mentions
- I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove ANYTHING! [votes: 30]
- How do I tell her the Jenny Craig ain't workin'? [votes: 22]
- OOPS, I did it again. [votes: 19]
- I'm still wating for FEMA. [votes: 17]
- No, please, don't take out Mr. Hoover. [votes: 17]
- Something tells me you're not a happy camper. [votes: 15]
- I swear on that cat's life, I didn't do it! [votes: 15]
- Jack splat! [votes: 12]
- Jack's going to ground for those dust bunnies that he's heard about. [votes: 11]
- The devil made me do it. [votes: 11]
- Sometimes it seems like the weight of the world is on me. [votes: 10]
- You don't even want to look under there. [votes: 9]
- I've got friends in low places. [votes: 9]
- I made in my bed, now I have to lie under it. [votes: 7]
- The monster under the bed. [votes: 7]
- May I help you? [votes: 6]
- Innocent is.... as innocent does.... [votes: 5]
Results from Contest # 145 [November 13, 2005 - 308 entries]
Pull my paw. [votes: 52] |
Anon |
You're FIRED! [votes: 41] |
Greggo |
I will never drink out of the toilet again. [votes: 36] |
Dani |
Honorable Mentions
- How you doin??? [votes: 24]
- Here's Licking at you Kid. [votes: 24]
- One eyed Jacks are wild. [votes: 23]
- Why would someone make Jalapeno treats? [votes: 18]
- That dog said he was an under, but I swear he was this tall!! [votes: 12]
- Here's lookin' at you kid! [votes: 11]
- Show me the way ta go home. I'm tired and I wanna go to bed... [votes: 10]
- Your Country Needs You! [votes: 9]
- Talk about leaving a bad taste in your mouth! [votes: 9]
- Gimme some paw, partner. [votes: 9]
- She never got the glass this clean before... [votes: 8]
- It's so shiny...I want to touch it... [votes: 8]
- Hey Baby!!! What's your sign? [votes: 8]
- What did I step in? [votes: 7]
- May I have this dance? [votes: 6]
- That's not a funny face, THIS is a funny face. [votes: 6]
- Now listen to this little bit of gossip I picked up ....that pup's daddy ain't registered! [votes: 5]
- Yeah yeah I know, I'm stuck. [votes: 4]
Results from Contest # 144 [Nov 6, 2005 - 312 entries]
Tequila! I wanted a Jack Daniels! [votes: 43] |
Tina |
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila,...FLOOOR! [votes: 40] |
Jordan |
..."some people claim that there's a Terrier to blame"... |
Nancy |
Honorable Mentions
- One more and that Pug at the end of the bar might look better. [votes: 27]
- I can't believe she left me for a Prench Foodle... Gimme 'nother drink, tarbender... [votes: 25]
- She just up and left me for a Golden Retriever, a Golden Retriever! [votes: 22]
- The urge to take off my collar, stand on the table and dance, has become strangely overwhelming. [votes: 22]
- What do you mean "Hair of the dog that bit you?" [votes: 20]
- Don't worry, it's 5 o'clock somewhere! [votes: 16]
- And they think drinking out of the toilet is gross! This stuff stinks! [votes: 13]
- Friends don't let Jacks dig drunk. [votes: 13]
- I know I'm gonna hate myself in the morning! [votes: 11]
- Don't Drink and Dig. [votes: 10]
- That glass is moving!!! [votes: 10]
- She's housebroken and has had all of her shots but one. [votes: 8]
- One time... at tracking camp... I... oh, hell, where was I? [votes: 7]
- I don't know who Jose is but this looks reaaaaal bad! [votes: 6]
- Betty Ford's dog "Mezcal". [votes: 6]
- My owner passed out two shots ago! [votes: 5]
- Set em up Joe. [votes: 5]
- Ok! Who's up for a game of quarters?!! [votes: 4]
- Another one bites the dust! [votes: 3]
- Hey!! I wanted one bourbon, one scotch and one beer!!! [votes: 2]
- Any one seen my keys? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 143 [October 30, 2005 - 334 entries]
Cattle "Russellers" [votes: 66] |
unknown |
If we start digging now, we should be over there by the morning!!! [votes: 38] |
unknown |
Beef - it's what's for dinner. [votes: 26] |
unknown |
Honorable Mentions
- I don't know what those are either, but they smell just like my favorite chew toy. [votes: 21]
- Who let the COWS OUT!! Whoop, Whoop. [votes: 13]
- That little one keeps eyeballin' me, What, you wanna piece of me?? [votes: 12]
- My milk shake brings all the dogs to the yard... [votes: 11]
- Rollin, Rollin, Rollin, RAWHIDE! [votes: 11]
- Hey! Your mama's a fat cow! [votes: 11]
- No-No - we're vegetarians.......c'on over! [votes: 11]
- Got milk?? [votes: 10]
- I'm telling ya, Spike they just won't go to ground when you chase them. [votes: 10]
- Where's the beef? [votes: 8]
- I want the one on the left, no wait! The one on the right! [votes: 8]
- Wanna go cow tipping dude? [votes: 7]
- Ok, I say we name them Rumproast, Chuckroast, Sirloin ... [votes: 7]
- Did that cow just say, "Eat More CAT?" [votes: 6]
- Hey look! Someone new moooooved in across the street. [votes: 6]
- I hate it when the steaks are undercooked. [votes: 5]
- I think the one in the middle's already been tipped... [votes: 5]
- Would you like fries with that? [votes: 5]
- What they are before they become Rawhid Chews. [votes: 4]
- They look friendly, but you can never tell with their tail between there legs like that. [votes: 4]
- Jack was caught MOOning over the girl across the road. [votes: 3]
- Hmmm....I wonder if the fences are for our protection or theirs? [votes: 3]
- Calm down... don't have a cow! [votes: 2]
- That's what I'm talkin' about! [votes: 2]
- Now all we have to do is wait till the cows come home... [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 142 [October 16, 2005 - 279 entries]
Where do I bite to make him squeak? [votes: 109] |
Kathy |
Can I rip the stuffing out, huh can I, can I? [votes: 57] |
Lisa |
Reason #1 Why Disney Doesn't Allow Pets. [votes: 41] |
lelleybean |
Honorable Mentions
- Who's the big dog now? [votes: 33]
- Damn, I think this is the biggest red fox i have ever seen. [votes: 30]
- Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumped over the big orange shtick. [votes: 26]
- JR's are little dogs that think they are bigger, often challenging dogs many times their size. [votes: 20]
- What do you mean this isn't an obstacle, I hit the yellow. [votes: 19]
- Suitability to 'Mascot'. [votes: 18]
- Do you give up? Do ya? [votes: 18]
- I don't know what it is, but do I get a Certificate for hunting it? [votes: 17]
- Hey, everyone... DOGPILE!!! [votes: 16]
- Mascot? I don't need no stinking mascot! [votes: 12]
- Whaddya mean, foul??!! [votes: 11]
- Who said I missed a pole?!? [votes: 9]
- Look at me and my bad self! [votes: 9]
- Take that, you poser! [votes: 7]
- Does size REALLY matter? [votes: 6]
- There can be only one! [votes: 6]
- I am Gladiator... Are you not entertained? [votes: 6]
- Never mock the hurdles again! [votes: 5]
- Unless I get a Q you're not getting up. [votes: 5]
- Now this was a real challenge. [votes: 4]
- I just can't stand this judge! [votes: 4]
- No quarry too large... [votes: 3]
- I told you, he neutered me. [votes: 3]
- I really didn't like the placement of the obstacles. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 141 [Oct 9, 2005 - 297 entries]
Jack-O-Lanterns [votes: 54] |
Julz |
Okay guys if this house doesn't give out cats then the flowerbed gets it. [votes: 44] |
Patrick B |
Trick or treat, bite your feet, gimme liver snaps to eat! [votes: 27] |
amywhoelse |
Honorable Mentions
- Rick - r - Reat!!!! [votes: 26]
- How embarrassing! We are all wearing the same costume! [votes: 21]
- We're not hunters, we're HAUNTERS! [votes: 19]
- We come for the 'black' cat. [votes: 16]
- Got bones? [votes: 15]
- The Jack-O-Lantern Club of America founders. [votes: 15]
- Trick-or-Treat...smell my feet...give me a tasty rat to eat... [votes: 13]
- Does anyone else feel violated? [votes: 12]
- Always use the "buddy system" when trick or treating! [votes: 11]
- Trick or Meat! [votes: 10]
- The dogs have torn up the sheets again. [votes: 9]
- I hate it when they make me stand in front. [votes: 9]
- I just want to know how you got them to that. [votes: 9]
- ...just when you thought the neighborhood was safe! [votes: 8]
- Trick O Treat, smell my butt, give me something other than coconut!!!! [votes: 7]
- Hand over the cats or we'll haunt you for life! [votes: 6]
- Sure you think they're cute, but do you know how long it took me to get them to cooperate? [votes: 6]
- This is what the therapist was talking about. [votes: 6]
- Tricks are fun, but treats are better. [votes: 5]
Results from Contest # 140 [October 2, 2005 - 326 entries]
In case of Bad Day, Open Case, Remove Jack, Play. [votes: 62] |
Bob/Diana |
I wish the cat would quit packing my lunch. [votes: 33] |
NikkiD25 |
A good example of a working terrier. [votes: 30] |
cb |
Honorable Mentions
- Finally, a cure for separation anxiety! [votes: 30]
- The Apprentice. [votes: 27]
- Bring your dog to work day... [votes: 21]
- A new computer by Apple, announcing........ the Jackintosh. [votes: 19]
- You're not working on Saturday; you're just NOT! [votes: 14]
- Jack sleeps in his briefs, what do you sleep in? [votes: 13]
- JRT... Don't leave home without it. [votes: 12]
- Martha says "always pack the essentials". [votes: 11]
- Honestly, the dog ate my report!!! [votes: 10]
- I promise I won't bark in your meeting this time. [votes: 10]
- Jack, don't leave home without him. [votes: 10]
- Sleeping on the job. [votes: 9]
- This isn't a Gucci briefcase... it's a Poochie briefcase! [votes: 9]
- JRT....don't leave home without one. [votes: 8]
- Despite pressures from his boss, Mike's lunch time naps were becoming more frequent. [votes: 8]
- This beats a crate any day. [votes: 7]
- Let me be brief. [votes: 6]
- The new crate by Armoni. [votes: 6]
- How much is that doggy in the briefcase? [votes: 4]
- This is my bed and its an open and shut case!! [votes: 4]
- I rest "in" my case. [votes: 4]
- Doggy bag? [votes: 4]
- He works like a dog! [votes: 3]
- Working 9 to 5. [votes: 2]
- Get off my case!! It's been a long day!! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 139 [September 25, 2005 - 244 entries]
Nine-forty-five p.m, target is sleeping. Move in, I repeat, move in. [votes: 59] |
Clare |
Why do all 9 of my lives flash before me when I look at this puppy.....WHY? [votes: 41] |
Stan |
Why do I have a bad feeling about this? [votes: 33] |
Dave W |
Honorable Mentions
- First they take my claws away... Now this!!! [votes: 26]
- Let sleeping dogs lie!!! [votes: 19]
- Look at him, sleeping like nothing happened! My tail will never be the same! [votes: 18]
- I still can't believe they brought one of those things home! [votes: 16]
- He'll never know what hit him. [votes: 16]
- Somehow, Mr. Smith couldn't help doubting he wasn't the true father of his newly born son. [votes: 16]
- I wonder if any one would notice if he went missing. [votes: 13]
- If I didn't know better, he almost looks peaceful. [votes: 12]
- I wish they would stop saying... do you like your baby brother? [votes: 11]
- cute. Now it's time to welcome him to the neighborhood! [votes: 9]
- Uh-oH! I've heard of this breed. Better get rid of it now! [votes: 9]
- Cat's Got Jack!! [votes: 6]
- C'mon over, Kitty.... make my day! [votes: 5]
- After this, they better never again say "look what the cat drug in"! [votes: 5]
- OK, he is the decoy, where's mama? [votes: 5]
- Time for REVENGE!!! [votes: 4]
- We attack at dawn!!! [votes: 4]
- Aw man! I thought i had a good hiding place. [votes: 3]
- Oh, a new toy, can't wait to pounce on it. [votes: 1]
- That neighbor is always staring at me over the fence. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 138 [September 18, 2005 - 277 entries]
Are those little guys making cookies? [votes: 50] |
Joey |
LumberJACKS! [votes: 48] |
Greggo |
Dude, you are like, so stuck in there! [votes: 29] |
Kira |
Honorable Mentions
- Aw, come on out, squirrel! Be a sport! We just wanna chew on you a little... [votes: 25]
- That's the last time I let you read Winnie the Pooh!!! [votes: 18]
- I think we're barking up the wrong tree here, Jack. [votes: 18]
- 7. You're right, that smells HORRIBLE. Let's check it out! [votes: 16]
- Hey, I think the cat with the white strip down its back went in here. [votes: 15]
- Jacks in the crack. [votes: 11]
- It may not be in the ground, but it's a hole, and that's good enough for us! [votes: 11]
- Dang, so thats what squirrels do with all those nuts! [votes: 11]
- I swear, these Easter Egg Hunts get harder every year! [votes: 11]
- Anybody home? [votes: 11]
- Tree's a crowd. [votes: 10]
- Tree mail! We got tree mail! Reward challenge! [votes: 9]
- Lead, follow or get out of the way... [votes: 8]
- Come on -- feel around for the light switch. [votes: 6]
- This is a fine mess you've gotten us into! [votes: 5]
- DIBS !! [votes: 5]
- Wanna try smokin him out? [votes: 5]
- Just say no to crack. [votes: 5]
- Eureka!!!...I think we hit the jackpot!!!! [votes: 5]
- A little help please. [votes: 4]
- Look at this! Indoor plumbing. [votes: 3]
- You take the high road, I'll take the low road... [votes: 3]
- Sure would make a helluva chew toy, wouldn't it? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 137 [September 11, 2005 - 236 entries]
Jumpin Jack Splash! [votes: 82] |
Andrew |
Singin' in the rain, I'm singin' in the rain, what a wonderful feeling, I'm happy again! [votes: 24] |
Kathy |
We're barking in the rain.. Just barking in the rain... [votes: 22] |
Angie |
Honorable Mentions
- Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head... [votes: 21]
- This sure beats drinking outta the toilet! [votes: 21]
- MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! (seagulls on "Finding Nemo") [votes: 19]
- Yippee! The St. Bernard is shaking his head again! [votes: 16]
- Why can't we just have a water bowl like normal Jacks? [votes: 12]
- The dog days of summer. [votes: 11]
- No, its my water - I was here first! [votes: 10]
- Ok, so long as they don't add soap, I think this is ok. [votes: 10]
- Someone didn't know what they were doing when they tapped this keg. [votes: 9]
- Retreat !!!!! there's too many of them!!! [votes: 9]
- Hey, pull the shower curtain, can't a dog have a little privacy round here? [votes: 9]
- A bowl would be much easier. [votes: 8]
- It's raining... it's pouring... these Jacks will be snoring soon. [votes: 7]
- Noooooooo! I just had my fur done!!! [votes: 6]
- Awe, something to wash the cat down with. [votes: 6]
- Water and watch them grow! [votes: 6]
- Now if only they would get this excited about baths... [votes: 5]
- Say it ....don't spray it!!! [votes: 4]
- Rain drops keep falling on my if only a cat would. [votes: 4]
- It's raining water, but I really wish it was raining cats! [votes: 3]
- The guy with the cucumber and no toilet paper couldn't hold it any more. [votes: 3]
- OH NO!!! The sky is falling! [votes: 2]
- Maaake it stopp!!! Pleeeeeease make it stop! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 136 [September 4, 2005 - 212 entries]
JACKass: The movie. [votes: 43] |
luckyduck326 |
If I bark once I need chips, if I bark twice I need a beer! [votes: 33] |
Rupert |
I sure wish I hadn't eaten that remote! [votes: 31] |
suez |
Honorable Mentions
- Dog day afternoon [votes: 22]
- Westminster is so DULL -- no racing, no rats... [votes: 21]
- I'll do my obedience school homework in a minute, mom. [votes: 20]
- Not right now Mom, I'm watching Frasier!! [votes: 19]
- Reruns... nothing but reruns. [votes: 19]
- The End [votes: 18]
- It's late at night; do you know what your Jacks are watching? [votes: 16]
- Don't get too close; I ate all that cucumber and you took away my toilet paper! [votes: 14]
- 180 channels and nothing to watch! [votes: 14]
- Kibble & Bits, Kibble & Bits. I wanna see the comercial for Kibble & Bits. [votes: 11]
- To answer Dr. Phil - How's that workin' out for you - I say this is working out great. [votes: 10]
- Let's paws for a station identification... [votes: 10]
- Yes, I am ready for some football!!! [votes: 9]
- I wish my "pets" would hurry up and get home from school! [votes: 9]
- I'm watching an Animal Planet special on wolves. It's good to know your history. [votes: 8]
- I thought only children were suppose to be left in front of the TV. [votes: 5]
- Wow... that Lassie has some set of teeth. [votes: 3]
- I think I need Glasses! [votes: 3]
- This is boring, when do the Incredible Challenge terrier races come on? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 135 [Aug 28, 2005 - 306 entries]
Don't worry mom, I showed dad how to rub his butt on the carpet! [votes: 47] |
Shane |
I was thinking of TPing the cat....wanna help? [votes: 43] |
Stan |
I'm not supposed to be doing this, am I? [votes: 25] |
Aussie Chick |
Honorable Mentions
- Gotta Go, Gotta Go, Gotta Go Right Now. [votes: 24]
- Please don't squeeze the Charmin. [votes: 19]
- Where's the guy who ate all that cucumber???? [votes: 16]
- Why was this toy in the bathroom? [votes: 16]
- Potty Mouth. [votes: 14]
- No need to say anything, I'll just go sit in the corner of my crate. [votes: 11]
- Yes, trust me, we will need this on my walk. [votes: 10]
- The calm before the storm. [votes: 10]
- Squeeze THIS, Mr. Whipple! [votes: 10]
- Take a stroll? I thought she said take a roll!! [votes: 10]
- Can I spare a square? You're kidding, right? [votes: 8]
- My dad is sitting in the part of this picture you can't see, and i am just out of reach... [votes: 7]
- This Jack is housebroken! [votes: 6]
- You couldn't have spent a few more dollars on a real chew toy? [votes: 6]
- Is this what they mean when they say "smoking gun"? [votes: 4]
- You're right, it is better BEFORE! [votes: 4]
- Give me the treat and nobody gets hurt! [votes: 4]
- Do not go in there! [votes: 4]
- When nature calls... [votes: 3]
- I got the paper, mom. [votes: 3]
- Jack decides he needs more fiber in his diet... [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 134 [August 21, 2005 - 308 entries]
I needed a Jack of spades... not a Jack that's spayed! [votes: 43] |
Greggo |
Nothing like a relaxing game of "Soliterrier". [votes: 39] |
Big Daddy |
Her best game ever, soon to be ruined by a knock on the door! [votes: 30] |
Mark |
Honorable Mentions
- Heck with the caption, how'd she get that jack to sit still? [votes: 28]
- Cheater! You can't put a two and a three on top of a Jack! [votes: 20]
- Jacks are wild. [votes: 19]
- Is this what you meant when you said you needed a Jack? [votes: 18]
- In the game of life, all Jacks are wild. [votes: 15]
- The 53 card deck---Contains 1 extra jack. [votes: 15]
- Ace is high, but Jacks are better. [votes: 15]
- Oh no, gotta sneeze . . . gotta sneeze! [votes: 12]
- Play the Jack! Just play the Jack! [votes: 12]
- Solitary confinement!!! [votes: 10]
- 14. Jack fills in for his owners missing "Jack of Hearts." [votes: 9]
- I have to watch her...she cheats! [votes: 7]
- Hit me momma! [votes: 5]
- Come on mom, you need a black ace... I can't feel my feet anymore. [votes: 5]
- That's right, jack on the queen and the ten on the jack. [votes: 5]
- I just knew obedience school was a bad idea... [votes: 5]
- I see your future! You're going to meet a tall, dark cat. [votes: 4]
- Now that's a poker face! [votes: 3]
- I like it better when we play texas hold em. [votes: 2]
- How did I get dealt into this? [votes: 2]
- Need to get out more? [votes: 2]
- Do I get paid for this? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 133 [August 14, 2005 - 327 entries]
Now, where is the darn squeaky in this thing??? [votes: 60] |
kelly |
How to shred cucumber for your in-laws' salad. [votes: 23] |
iluvsimba723 |
Where's the creme filling? [votes: 22] |
Nora |
Honorable Mentions
- Someone is going to be walking me A LOT tomorrow. [votes: 21]
- Dunno what it was, but wont try to get in my house again. [votes: 20]
- Die You Wretched Vegetable, Die! [votes: 19]
- Is ANY part of this actually edible? [votes: 17]
- Who needs a food processor when you have a Jack? [votes: 17]
- Jack chews his way into another big pickle!!! [votes: 16]
- Salad Shooter!! [votes: 15]
- Now, I'm in trouble and it didn't even taste good. [votes: 15]
- Now I'm Really In A Pickle!!! [votes: 13]
- This is much better than that Kong thing. [votes: 11]
- I found it like this!! [votes: 11]
- The chew toy from hell. [votes: 10]
- I'll show you "eat healthy"! [votes: 9]
- When Jacks go vegetarian... [votes: 8]
- Where's the candy center? [votes: 7]
- What do you mean there is no Suitability to Zucchini?? [votes: 6]
- Salt!! I need salt! [votes: 6]
- Salad's Ready!! [votes: 5]
- As bad as it tastes, I just can't help myself. [votes: 5]
- Now who's 'squash'...yeah, that's what I thought! [votes: 5]
- Jack learns that bigger is not always better... [votes: 4]
- My Precious Dog Would Never Do THIS! [votes: 2]
- I think I'm gonna be sick... [votes: 2]
- Didn't get what you wanted for Christmas this year? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 132 [August 7, 2005 - 260 entries]
Arewethereyet arewethereyet arewethereyet arewethereyet? [votes: 48] |
Erin |
Peddle quicker woman. The flying monkeys are gaining on us. [votes: 42] |
Jazmin |
Guarding Miss Daisy. [votes: 41] |
j |
Honorable Mentions
- Hit the road Jack. [votes: 27]
- I'll get you, my pretty! And your little dog, too! [votes: 26]
- I don't think I'm gonna be wearing that yellow jersey... [votes: 17]
- my dream, you were a "Biker Babe" and this contraption was a Harley... [votes: 16]
- Crate Trained. [votes: 12]
- Over the hill and through the woods to grandmothers house we go. [votes: 11]
- "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head" [votes: 11]
- I look sweet, upon the seat, of a bicycle built for two. [votes: 8]
- Well, that answers the age old question about bears in the woods!!!! [votes: 8]
- I got your back. [votes: 8]
- Toto wan't strapped in, where are the scriptwriters? [votes: 7]
- Jack dreams he's the heroic tail-gunner on a B-52 flying over hostile territory. [votes: 7]
- Back seat hunter. [votes: 7]
- We brake for everything. [votes: 7]
- Country roads... Take me home... [votes: 5]
- This is not what I meant when I said "crate"!! [votes: 4]
- Hey is that Bambi? [votes: 3]
- It's always the same view from second place. [votes: 3]
- Mom told me about the road less traveled...Is this it? Sure looks like it! [votes: 2]
- One for the road. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 131 [July 31, 2005 - 325 entries]
A real Dog and Pony Show. [votes: 34] |
Divot |
Jack Russeller. [votes: 33] |
Allen |
When I hold my ears like this it looks like we are going really fast, doesn't it? [votes: 30] |
jkrslkay |
Honorable Mentions
- Where does the quarter go? [votes: 26]
- You tell em' Jack's coming, and Hells coming with me! [votes: 23]
- What happens at the Mustang Dude Ranch, stays at the Mustang Dude Ranch. [votes: 20]
- Bare JACK riding. [votes: 16]
- I can't wait until momma gets tired of the new digital camera. [votes: 13]
- Why it's best to deal with licensed, JRTCA registered breeders. [votes: 13]
- Please remain seated until the ride comes to a complete stop. [votes: 12]
- Well, I'm horsebroken. Oh, you said housebroken. Oh. [votes: 11]
- What?! If that last guy can ride a lab, I can ride a horse!! [votes: 11]
- You have to move your feet. We won't get anywhere if you don't move your feet. [votes: 10]
- Prairie dog. [votes: 10]
- My jack would have tore that stuffed animal to shreads by now. [votes: 9]
- Can we please have some privacy? [votes: 8]
- Shoot lower sheriff...they're ridin' shetlands... [votes: 8]
- How the West was really won. [votes: 8]
- Howdy, Pilgrim. [votes: 8]
- Yeehaw!!!!! [votes: 7]
- Do my ears look big on this? [votes: 7]
- Where are my spurs and whip? [votes: 3]
- Reins! What are reins? Give me it's leash! [votes: 3]
- This wasn't what i had in mind when you said a 'cute picture'! [votes: 3]
- Jack never suspected his friend's ears had been "tampered with"... [votes: 2]
- The horses always look bigger on the website. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 130 [July 24, 2005 - 270 entries]
That's right - he wore blue shorts and stole my jet ski. [votes: 71] |
patrick b |
Russell Rescue [votes: 49] |
Paisley |
I wanted a jetski... but nOOoooo! [votes: 33] |
Erin |
Honorable Mentions
- Row, row, row your lab, gently down the stream... [votes: 30]
- DOG JACKING. [votes: 22]
- You're not going to tell the guys about this, are you Butch? [votes: 18]
- Jack gets his lab work done! [votes: 15]
- How do you steer this thing? [votes: 13]
- Unfortunately, Jack's new water toy had a mind of its own. [votes: 13]
- Wilson! Wilson, I lost Wilson! [votes: 11]
- Is that a candy bar floating over there?? [votes: 9]
- Up the creek without a paddle. [votes: 8]
- I ain't heavy, I'm his brother! [votes: 8]
- My frequent swimmer miles finally paid off. [votes: 8]
- My other ride is a limo. [votes: 7]
- Uh Oh! It says here "not to be used as a lifesaving device." [votes: 7]
- Mom said to watch out for the brown floaty things. [votes: 6]
- Pleeese dont put another quarter in it... [votes: 6]
- Why is this island moving? [votes: 6]
- "Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!" [votes: 5]
- Have raft will travel... [votes: 5]
- A Retrieving Labrador [votes: 4]
- Please dont sink. [votes: 4]
- Swim Forest, swim! [votes: 4]
- KNOT ON A LOG [votes: 3]
- Get off My back. [votes: 3]
- Is this the slow boat to China? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 129 [July 17, 2005 - 269 entries]
I'm too sexy for my shorts! [votes: 49] |
Jennie |
Oh yea, she looking - stomach in... [votes: 34] |
Lil' Bit's mom |
What do you mean, they cancelled Baywatch? [votes: 33] |
suez |
Honorable Mentions
- Russell Rescue [votes: 29]
- Jumping Jack Splash. [votes: 22]
- I just want a normal owner! [votes: 16]
- You think I am fast on the me on this thing! [votes: 15]
- Hey, I'm gonna need a longer leash... [votes: 11]
- Polaris promised me a life-time supply of bones for this. [votes: 11]
- Do these pants make me look fat? [votes: 11]
- Captain Jack [votes: 10]
- Darn...I left the keys in my other shorts! [votes: 9]
- That's right...I look good AND I'm gettin paid. [votes: 9]
- Anyone else feel a little draft in their shorts?? [votes: 8]
- Yea, I'm a stud. [votes: 8]
- I think I'm starting to freckle in all this sun. [votes: 7]
- Let's get this party started. [votes: 6]
- Yeah, Ma, I AM goin' out dressed like this ! All the guys are wearing these. [votes: 5]
- Remember Fonzie Jumping the Shark? [votes: 5]
- This Jacks got Back!! [votes: 5]
- Those new Victoria's Secret models sure are dogs! [votes: 4]
- Can't a guy wear trunks on his jet ski without remarks? [votes: 4]
- All the girls dig a Jack who has his own ride. [votes: 4]
- The weather is here - wish you were beautiful! [votes: 4]
- Would you at least poke a hole for my tail... the swimmers are heading into the beach in a panic! [votes: 3]
- And this model is perfect for those 'dog days' of summer! [votes: 2]
- This is mine, all mine!! [votes: 2]
- Want to go for a little spin? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 128 [July 10, 2005 - 204 entries]
You want a piece of me, goggle boy?! [votes: 47] |
jen |
Give me back my shorts. [votes: 42] |
Steve L |
You want to see my Jack knife? [votes: 39] |
Kathy |
Honorable Mentions
- Mom, there's a kid in my pool. [votes: 36]
- Squirrel chunks in the filter? Really ? How did THAT happen? [votes: 30]
- Ok, that was pretty good, but your doggy-paddle form needs some work. [votes: 28]
- You ain't gettin' out till I get my KONG back! [votes: 21]
- I said MARCO! [votes: 19]
- Quick! Jump out while Mom's not looking, and we'll go roll in some dirt! [votes: 17]
- I will jump, you know I will. [votes: 16]
- What are you doing in my water bowl? [votes: 15]
- I see those bubbles! [votes: 11]
- Come on jack, I promise it's warm... [votes: 10]
- Bottoms Up. [votes: 7]
- Timmy's in the POOL, not the well! [votes: 7]
- No I can't come in just yet. I just ate. [votes: 6]
- The new and improved pool urine test, if his tail goes up, there is pee in the pool. [votes: 4]
Results from Contest # 127 [July 3, 2005 - 241 entries]
Step away from the food and nobody gets hurt. [votes: 30] |
Chelsea |
There's 3 things I hate....and you're 2 of them... [votes: 23] |
Stan |
Ok, mom...I've got his grab the bone on 3! [votes: 20] |
pharvey |
Honorable Mentions
- Oh WOW! Now my bones come with toppings! [votes: 17]
- Step away from the bone! [votes: 14]
- Ruff vs. Fluff [votes: 14]
- You're standing on what's left of the last cat that ticked me off. [votes: 14]
- What we have here is a failure to communicate... [votes: 13]
- I don't remember Grandma having such big teeth. [votes: 12]
- Be very afraid!! [votes: 12]
- Waiter! There's a cat on my bone! [votes: 11]
- I'm the one your mother warned you about! [votes: 10]
- Back off Kitty, That's my bone! [votes: 9]
- Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. [votes: 9]
- Silence Of The Cats: Tell me about the lambs Clarice. [votes: 9]
- This is not going to be pretty. [votes: 8]
- Buy one get one free. [votes: 8]
- Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil... [votes: 8]
- Give it your best shot. It's one life to nine lives. [votes: 6]
- You dirty caaat! You ate my dinnaaa! You dirty caaat! [votes: 6]
- Bet ya can't eat just one!! [votes: 5]
- "Bone Apetite!" [votes: 5]
- Hows about a little kiss???? [votes: 2]
- Scardy Cats! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 126 [Jun 26, 2005 - 282 entries]
Yeah, there's still some squirrel in there, I can feel it. [votes: 46] |
DWhite |
Scrub harder. I use my tongue for toilet paper. [votes: 33] |
the silly goose |
My dentist told me to brush and floss after every cat. [votes: 29] |
jakes mom |
Honorable Mentions
- Your roommate wonders why his toothbrush was wet... [votes: 25]
- This JACK will have no Plaque! [votes: 22]
- 4 0ut 0f 5 Jacks prefer new Meat flavored Colgate. [votes: 22]
- Doesn't this come in tennis ball flavor? [votes: 19]
- Jack Plaque. [votes: 18]
- Little to the left. [votes: 17]
- All of this just because the cat is missing some fur. [votes: 17]
- But!!! I'm SUPPOSED to have Doggy Breath!!! [votes: 14]
- Is This Necessary!?? [votes: 9]
- Yeah, yeah, yeah... Grandma, what big teeth you have... I've heard it all before... [votes: 8]
- And you're supposed to do this HOW often? [votes: 8]
- Brush 'em! Brush 'em! Brush 'em! [votes: 6]
- Like I can't see that bottle of Listerine behind your back... [votes: 5]
- What, you don't like kibble breath? [votes: 3]
- That mail man tasted bitter! [votes: 3]
- Hey, what's wrong with VERMIN breath?? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 125 [June 19, 2005 - 338 entries]
Welcome to Jack in the box, may I take your order please? [votes: 65] |
My3babies |
Jack in the box. [votes: 42] |
Cheryl |
Jack was given a brand new child to play with, but he found the box she came in more interesting. [votes: 31] |
Ray |
Honorable Mentions
- You want to see the Wizard? NOBODY gets to see the Wizard!! [votes: 31]
- The great and powerful Oz will see you now... [votes: 21]
- Would you like fries with that? [votes: 20]
- Jacks only! No Girls Allowed! [votes: 17]
- How much is that Doggie in the window? [votes: 15]
- The entrance fee is 2 bones and a back scratch, kid. [votes: 12]
- They gave me 20 to life for 3 strikes of carpet soiling. [votes: 12]
- Jack in the Box? Like I haven't heard that one before, kid... [votes: 12]
- What can brown do for you? [votes: 11]
- Okay, thats 2 banana splits, a chocolate cone and a slurpy right? [votes: 9]
- Be good or they'll put you in the dog house too! [votes: 7]
- The Doctor is [In]. [votes: 7]
- Hey kid wanna buy a watch? [votes: 6]
- Jack aspires to think outside the box. [votes: 5]
- Why do I have to entertain her??? [votes: 5]
- ...and I shall taunt thee a second time!! [votes: 4]
- Password, please. [votes: 4]
- No ticket - no entrance. [votes: 3]
- Do you have an appointment? [votes: 2]
- Give me a break kid, I'm trying my best!! [votes: 2]
- Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair... [votes: 2]
- I gave at the office!!! [votes: 1]
- Tonight we have a really big shoe. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 124 [June 12, 2005 - 405 entries]
My two woofers. [votes: 54] |
Cheryl |
Stereo Jacks. [votes: 36] |
Cheryl |
You made the puddle, so why do I have to hide too? [votes: 29] |
trotter |
Honorable Mentions
- I see a dust bunny!! Attack!!!! [votes: 28]
- They'll never find the remote this time! [votes: 27]
- Do you think they can see us? [votes: 24]
- If we cant see them, they cant see us! [votes: 19]
- See that cable? If we chew on that we won't be able to watch animal planet...This one here is ok. [votes: 18]
- Turn her off! Turn her off! We can't stand Streissand! [votes: 14]
- Let's Jack up the volume! [votes: 14]
- Not the leash, not the leeeeash! [votes: 11]
- Uh-oh, I think the only thing stuck under here is our heads! [votes: 8]
- Butt Out! [votes: 8]
- Great Aunt Bess visits again. [votes: 8]
- Doggy time out. [votes: 7]
- The red wire goes where????.... darn these badly translated directions!!! [votes: 6]
- Wait til they found out we unplugged the system. [votes: 6]
- These captions are so funny, that if I was to laugh any harder, my head would fall off. [votes: 5]
- Mom says the washer eats socks but this is where it spits them out. [votes: 4]
- Sometimes it's hard to find good hunting music... [votes: 3]
- The music comes out....where??? [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 123 [June 5, 2005 - 445 entries]
You have done well young Leashwalker. [votes: 51] |
John |
Obi-Wan Jackobi [votes: 45] |
Ray |
Luke, I am your father. [votes: 43] |
Snickersmom |
Honorable Mentions
- I went to the dark side..... they have free milk bones on Tuesdays. [votes: 37]
- DogStar Wars: Episode III-Revenge of the Fixed [votes: 27]
- May the force be with you. [votes: 22]
- I buried the light saber. [votes: 20]
- Luke! I am your breeder... [votes: 19]
- The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of "the Jack Russell Terrier". [votes: 17]
- Jack, ---The REAPER! [votes: 15]
- Darth Mauler [votes: 14]
- The force is strong in this one. [votes: 13]
- Whut up...Jack in the hood... [votes: 11]
- Who's your daddy? [votes: 10]
- Someone has seen too much Star Wars. [votes: 10]
- You don't need my ID, You need to give me treats. [votes: 8]
- You underestimate my power Master! [votes: 7]
- Hunting vermin my job is! [votes: 7]
- George Lucas's dog [votes: 6]
- What is thy bidding master? [votes: 5]
- Friar Jacques [votes: 4]
- Sith's best friend. [votes: 4]
- Bring me another cat and you can go! [votes: 4]
- Don't fear the reaper. [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 122 [May 29, 2005 - 405 entries]
Have you kissed your Jack today? [votes: 45] |
Sarah |
Sealed with a kiss. [votes: 43] |
warmblood |
What makes you think I've been seeing other people? [votes: 30] |
Pooch |
Honorable Mentions
- I have not been out of the yard! What would give you that idea! [votes: 29]
- Yeah, the kiss is from the, the black eye's from her boyfriend. [votes: 24]
- Jack Smack [votes: 23]
- Kiss me I'm Irish! [votes: 20]
- Great Aunt Bess visits again. [votes: 18]
- So...I would be a tri-color, right? [votes: 14]
- And they call it puppy love... [votes: 13]
- Honey! I'm home! You won't believe what happened to me! [votes: 12]
- Excuse me, but do I have 'kiss me' written all over my forehead?? [votes: 11]
- Oh No....Here comes the cheek squeezes... [votes: 11]
- Lipstick on the collar I could explain. But this? [votes: 10]
- Next time, can I have a cookie instead? [votes: 8]
- Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's .... [votes: 8]
- Maybe It's Maybelline!!! [votes: 7]
- Honest, its a birthmark! [votes: 7]
- I'll take whatever he's having... [votes: 5]
- Don't laugh, it keeps the steak in the food dish. [votes: 4]
- She made Jack an offer he couldn't understand... [votes: 4]
- WOW, that's gonna leave a mark. [votes: 4]
- No dog should be left without one. [votes: 4]
- Why's everybody staring at me? [votes: 3]
- Dang! That girl should've worn a little bit less lipstick. Now i'm being questioned. [votes: 3]
- Now, how's this going to look for confirmation. [votes: 3]
- I may have kissed, but I will never tell. [votes: 2]
- You should see my collar! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 121 [May 22, 2005 - 283 entries]
AFFFJACK!!!! [votes: 53] |
Jim C |
Which one of you guys are regular and which are extra crispy? [votes: 43] |
Erin |
I love cheese and quackers. [votes: 34] |
Cheryl |
Honorable Mentions
- Comeback fellas !The 'Peking duck' thing was a joke!!! [votes: 33]
- You guys are SO lucky I just ate and have to wait an hour to swim! [votes: 28]
- Are any of you responsible for those AFLAC commercials? [votes: 21]
- Hey Guys!... Free Bread Crumbs Over Here!! [votes: 19]
- Yeah, you better swim away! [votes: 14]
- How am I supposed to go to ground if you keep floating on the top? [votes: 11]
- Ah, how I love a buffet. [votes: 11]
- Jack putting his ducks in a row. [votes: 10]
- If I was a Lab you guys would be dinner! [votes: 10]
- Come to PAPA. [votes: 9]
- Please, No Fowl Language! [votes: 7]
- Can I earn a hunting certificate for ducks? [votes: 6]
- I told you, it's not the alligators we have to worry about!! [votes: 6]
- I've waited for this all my life! [votes: 5]
- I said.....come in for dinner!! *my dinner!* [votes: 4]
- I just hate it when the neighbor comes to our parties. She always muddies up the water! [votes: 4]
- Dead ducks. [votes: 3]
- These look like sitting ducks... [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 120 [May 15, 2005 - 276 entries]
The 5 minutes of the day a JR owner looks forward to. [votes: 79] |
DWhite |
No shirt, No shoes, No problems. [votes: 31] |
Roxy |
This collar is going to leave a tan line. [votes: 26] |
Misty |
Honorable Mentions
- For now, Little Jack dreams of his people's reaction when they see he has dug up the entire yard. [votes: 23]
- It's been a hard day's night, and I been working like a dog [votes: 20]
- Dog day afternoon. [votes: 20]
- Jack In The Rack! [votes: 19]
- (Twitch) Mmm, rabbits... [votes: 17]
- Oh waiter, I'll have a Jack and Coke, Please. [votes: 15]
- t's a dog's life. [votes: 12]
- All I need now is a pool boy and a Margarita! [votes: 11]
- No grass to mow, no rats to chase, I'm taking a nap, get outta my face! [votes: 10]
- Boy what a hangover. Do you really have to look at me that loud? [votes: 10]
- Waiter... I'll take a margarita & a milk bone. [votes: 10]
- Wouldn't it be nice...Squirrel-burger in paradise!! Medium rare with bird sauce be nice! [votes: 9]
- Let sleeping dogs lie. [votes: 9]
- Dog tired! [votes: 8]
- I've got it made in the shade!!! [votes: 6]
- Spring Break 2005....The Aftermath.... [votes: 6]
- Did I dance on the bar? Did I start any fights? [votes: 5]
- All I need is a Corona. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 119 [May 8, 2005 - 266 entries]
We know you're home Grandma, the car is in the driveway. [votes: 72] |
Jazmin and Dianne |
Do you have a home for four jacks and a Queen? [votes: 36] |
Phyllis |
How much is that doggie in the window? [votes: 29] |
Jim K |
Honorable Mentions
- Hi. We're with the girl scouts. Would you like to buy a box of cookies? [votes: 27]
- See that spot on the carpet?.........I did that !!!! [votes: 27]
- What time did you say this place opened? [votes: 21]
- Hellooooo.... Can Jack come out to play? [votes: 19]
- Oh come on! It was just one cat! [votes: 17]
- Another Windex moment... [votes: 17]
- Mom, look, new carpet. [votes: 17]
- This WAS the day for the party, wasn't it? [votes: 17]
- Ooooh, look at all the great stuff we can wreck!!! [votes: 14]
- Trick or Treat! [votes: 14]
- The rental sign says NO DOGS, just tell'em we're Dingos! [votes: 12]
- Hey guys, the cats are all in there... [votes: 11]
- You may not know Jack, but open up and you're going to learn! [votes: 7]
- Baby it's cold outside! [votes: 7]
- Welcome Wagon. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 118 [May 1, 2005 - 394 entries]
Dating outside your breed and maintaining a healthy relationship..... on the next Dr. Phil. [votes: 31] |
Zoe |
Say Hello To My Little friend! [votes: 29] |
Stevie |
YOUR STANDING ON MY FOOT! ! ! ! [votes: 27] |
Jeff M |
Honorable Mentions
- Jake and the Fat Man. [votes: 24]
- Just smile so we can get this over with. [votes: 16]
- Can I keep him? [votes: 16]
- That was super glue in my dog food, wasn't it? [votes: 15]
- 4 out of 5 russells recommend Crest toothpaste. [votes: 14]
- I AM smiling... [votes: 14]
- Smile darling, this is our honeymoon photo. [votes: 13]
- Damn, the beer goggles wore off. [votes: 13]
- Yours may be bigger, but mine are straight. [votes: 13]
- Beauty and the Beast [votes: 12]
- Quick, act natural! [votes: 12]
- How long do I have to do this before my face stays that way, too? [votes: 10]
- Handsome Dan poses with a fan. [votes: 9]
- I hate these arranged marriages!!! [votes: 9]
- One of these days he is going to notice me doing this! [votes: 9]
- When in doubt, smile and nod. [votes: 7]
- Now this is what a correct scissor bite should look like! [votes: 7]
- Yeah, I said it. You're full of bull! [votes: 6]
- Come on dad, say cheese. [votes: 4]
- Who has the ugliest mug? [votes: 3]
- We're glad to be Americans! [votes: 2]
- I just love the strong silent type. [votes: 1]
- It's true, opposites DO attract! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 117 [April 24, 2005 - 336 entries]
Excuse me, but, have you seen my ball? [votes: 46] |
swtmdmboo |
So THAT'S what Wilson looks like! [votes: 45] |
Diane |
OUCH! Oh man---I think I just neutered myself! [votes: 38] |
Becky |
Honorable Mentions
- You were right...The grass IS greener over there. [votes: 36]
- The hurdle races were so much easier last year! [votes: 29]
- A fence is more of a guideline than a rule, right? [votes: 25]
- Jack be nimble, Jack be quick... [votes: 22]
- Hidee Ho good neighbor! [votes: 22]
- Did somebody say bath? I'm outta here! [votes: 16]
- Jack in the box, Jack out of the box. [votes: 13]
- Peeping Jack [votes: 11]
- I smell bacon. [votes: 11]
- I'm outta here! [votes: 10]
- And I like big butts and I can not lie!.... [votes: 9]
- I'll teach that cat to mock me!!! [votes: 8]
- Coming Attractions for Desperate Housedogs [votes: 7]
- Desperado, please come to your senses-you been out ridin' fences for so long now... [votes: 6]
- Don't fence me in. [votes: 6]
- Cyclone...Picket... Makes no difference to me! [votes: 5]
- Kinda makes you wonder how long the photographer waited to shoot this, doesn't it? [votes: 5]
- He's at it again. I'll get the hose. [votes: 5]
- Now let's see if that cat likes his water bowl flavor now. [votes: 4]
- How come it looks like the ground is farther away on this side??? [votes: 4]
- Penalty or not, I'm going into the stands after that guy! [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 116 [April 20, 2005 - 394 entries]
Let's GO PEOPLE! We've got 7 days before the family gets home!! Ty, where's the megaphone! [votes: 42] |
Greggo |
Now THIS is what I call a pooper scooper. [votes: 41] |
Dianne, Jessie and Jaz |
Here kitty kitty KITTY!!!!!!! [votes: 31] |
Amanda |
Honorable Mentions
- This sure beats the way I used to dig! [votes: 22]
- She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy!!!! Sing it now!! [votes: 20]
- Move it or lose it, pal! [votes: 20]
- Thank God I'm a country boy! [votes: 19]
- Say hello to my little friend! [votes: 19]
- I am going to ground!!!! [votes: 15]
- Ain't no ground hog hole deep enough, Ain't no burrow wide enough... [votes: 15]
- HEY! YOU! Get outta the way! Where'd you get your license, a cereal box? [votes: 14]
- Reach the quarry in 30 seconds? Not a problem! HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!! [votes: 13]
- Mamas... don't let your puppies grow up to be show dogs! [votes: 12]
- Too late, Jack realized he couldn't reach the pedals... [votes: 11]
- Fight fire with fire, fight cats with CAT. [votes: 11]
- Jack Russells ARE happiest when they are working! [votes: 11]
- Land spreadin' out so far and wide...keep Manhattan...give me that countryside! [votes: 10]
- Fricken sunday drivers!! [votes: 10]
- Wiper switch....WIPER do you turn off the dang wipers???? [votes: 9]
- I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll doze your house down! [votes: 8]
- Don't make me come out there! [votes: 7]
- The flower bed never saw this coming. [votes: 6]
- I LOVE doing this home makeover show! [votes: 5]
- That concludes the portion of the tour where you stay alive. [votes: 4]
- On the Road Again, Lord I Gotta Get On the Road Again! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 115 [April 13, 2005 - 346 entries]
It was squeaking, so I had to go look for it. [votes: 33] |
anon |
Hmmmm, I'm guessing you don't need Grissom to figure this one out, huh? [votes: 23] |
LeeLee |
It wasn't me honest, this has cat written all over it!! [votes: 22] |
Heather |
Honorable Mentions
- That's funny, it didn't taste expensive. [votes: 21]
- I thought we were trading spaces! [votes: 20]
- I told you that cat couldn't be trusted!!! [votes: 20]
- Wasn't Me! [votes: 19]
- Hey.... Don't yell, you're the one who left me alone! [votes: 17]
- You should've seen the guy who just came in here and did this. [votes: 16]
- I haven't a clue what happened here. It was this way when I woke up. [votes: 15]
- Well at least I didn't remove the under penalty of law tag!!!! [votes: 14]
- Huh? Video Camera? OH NO!!! [votes: 13]
- Now just remember, things are not always as they appear. [votes: 12]
- God please just grant me one wish.. Fix it before mom gets home. [votes: 11]
- Aren't you even going to ask about the down comforter? [votes: 10]
- Man,...we really need a scratching post for the cat!! [votes: 10]
- Beam me up Scotty! [votes: 9]
- Sleepless In Seattle [votes: 8]
- Great! You brought some ketchup! [votes: 6]
- Mmmm, that light fixture looks pretty tasty too! [votes: 6]
- By the look on your face I think you agree, blue really isn't my colour. [votes: 5]
- Framed by the cats again!!! [votes: 3]
- I heard you say the sheets need changing so I didn't think you would mind. [votes: 3]
- Now, you might want to check the "Bad Dog Talk" on this web site. [votes: 3]
- Time to hide! [votes: 3]
- It was just a little too firm for my taste. [votes: 2]
- No counting sheep here!!! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 114 [April 3, 2005 - 375 entries]
Ahh-ha! You may be big, but I am not afraid! Behold, my cat-like reflexes....hi-ya! [votes: 37] |
Cody's mom |
Boo!! [votes: 23] |
jkrslkay |
Ok! I admit it! I ate all your food AND the treats!!! [votes: 19] |
Erin |
Honorable Mentions
- Get back! I'm warning you, I know Kung-fu! [votes: 18]
- I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything! [votes: 17]
- Put 'em up, put 'em up! [votes: 14]
- Hold it Mom! Homeland Security requests I screen you! [votes: 13]
- Raise your hands if you're sure. [votes: 13]
- Shut up and hug me, big boy. [votes: 13]
- Keep your paws where I can see them !! [votes: 12]
- Look Mom, if I flap my arms really fast I can fly! [votes: 9]
- HEY! If you shave all of your hair off you'll be my size too! [votes: 9]
- As you can see, there's nothing up my sleeves......wait...where's my sleeves! [votes: 7]
- You had me at hello. [votes: 7]
- Look now there will be no upstaging my cuteness around here, ya hear? [votes: 7]
- Fear Me! [votes: 6]
- Okay, you caught me messing with the razor again. [votes: 5]
- David and Goliath [votes: 4]
- Halt, who goes there? [votes: 4]
- There's no need to view the mug-shots, Officer. That's him! [votes: 4]
- I come in Peace!! [votes: 3]
- Go pick on someone your own size. [votes: 3]
- Are you trying to impress me? Sorry, I'm not interested in younger men. [votes: 2]
- The Karate Kid, Part 12 [votes: 2]
- That's not the Stay Puff Marshmellow Man! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 113 [March 27, 2005 - 288 entries]
Watch & learn... first we get all dirty & then we go and jump on their bed. [votes: 61] |
Julie |
Notice son that just a little deeper and the cat should fit nicely! [votes: 42] |
Keyser Soze |
Are you sure this is the way to China? [votes: 29] |
Phyllis |
Honorable Mentions
- And this, son, is how to drive your owner crazy! [votes: 24]
- The Apprentice. [votes: 22]
- Partners in grime. [votes: 19]
- Cover me, I'm going in !! [votes: 16]
- I've forgot, are we burying or digging up? [votes: 14]
- GO SON! You only need to eat one more bloodworm to be the Fear Factor JRT Champion. [votes: 14]
- Can you dig it? [votes: 13]
- I'm telling you now, whatever we find, we split. [votes: 11]
- We've been robbed! [votes: 10]
- This is fun!! Can we do this on the living room carpet next??? [votes: 9]
- Do you think we were so naughty,we really have to dig our own graves? [votes: 9]
- Go ahead, grab him like you mean it! [votes: 5]
- Trench warfare. [votes: 4]
- Don't say I never taught you anything! [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 112 [March 20, 2005 - 258 entries]
I really thought cats could swim. Honest! [votes: 55] |
Keyser Soze |
Do I look like a Lab to you? YOU go get it! [votes: 46] |
Brenda |
Don't look at me, you were the who dropped it! [votes: 32] |
Leash |
Honorable Mentions
- Can I swim now mom? It's already been 30 minutes! [votes: 25]
- You go first. [votes: 19]
- I think I found Nemo! [votes: 19]
- Everyone knows white dogs can't jump!!! [votes: 13]
- Well, So much for the "Nine Lives" theory! [votes: 13]
- No, I mean it! Say 'vet' once more & I'm gonna jump. [votes: 11]
- Jack on the docks. [votes: 11]
- The world's my toilet. [votes: 11]
- Please keep in mind, when I get out, that shrinkage DOES occur! [votes: 10]
- Ok, you go first and I'll follow. [votes: 8]
- Where are my water wings? I need my water wings! [votes: 8]
- Eddie be reasonable, I'm sure Niles and Frasier aren't taking it this badly! [votes: 7]
- It looks cold. [votes: 4]
- Isn't water supposed to be in a bowl in the kitchen? [votes: 4]
- Do you see any webbing between these toes??? [votes: 3]
- I'll jump when I'm good and ready. [votes: 3]
- Sink or swim! [votes: 3]
- I watched JAWS last night on Bravo, no way I'm going back in that water!!! [votes: 2]
- Don't temp me, I'll jump! [votes: 2]
- Goodbye cruel life! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 111 [March 13, 2005 - 264 entries]
The best part of waking up is a Russell in your cup!! [votes: 52] |
Amy B |
Terror Alert: Caffeinated Jacks [votes: 51] |
anon |
OK, we dug up their flowers, drank their tea.....what next? [votes: 30] |
Marianne |
Honorable Mentions
- Tea for Two and Two for Tea. [votes: 22]
- Even with the prick ears ... Charles is still better looking than Camilla. [votes: 18]
- What the queen's dogs do when she's not looking. [votes: 18]
- This is better than drinking from the toilet! [votes: 16]
- JRTparty [votes: 15]
- I know proper etiquette would be to hold my pinky out, but which one is my pinky? [votes: 13]
- Good to the last drop. [votes: 11]
- Drink up before someone sees us drinking from these sissy cups. [votes: 8]
- I told you we could get in, nobody even noticed! [votes: 8]
- Oh Ethel! A lady properly sips her tea! [votes: 7]
- Alice and the Mad Hatter. [votes: 6]
- See, no elbows on the table. [votes: 5]
- Man!! I think I'm stuck! [votes: 4]
- Enough of this foreplay. Can't we do what they brought us here for? [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 110 [March 6, 2005 - 200 entries]
Where will you be when your diarrhea comes back? [votes: 39] |
Vicki |
Moon over my-mammy. [votes: 31] |
nizmot |
I hope that was just the wind that blew through my hair. [votes: 27] |
Annie O/Barbara |
Honorable Mentions
- To get to the top, sometimes you just have to go over someone's head. [votes: 25]
- Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest Jack of them all? [votes: 17]
- Don't worry I will alert you if I see your mother in law coming. [votes: 16]
- Ma, that squirrel is sticking his tongue out at me again! [votes: 15]
- Mary couldn't understand why she only had white hair in the back of her head. [votes: 13]
- I just wish she would take the hint. [votes: 12]
- How much is that doggy in the window?!!! [votes: 12]
- I wish I may, I wish I might, let me catch that squirrel tonight! [votes: 12]
- It's saucer-shaped & has bright flashing lights...should I bark? [votes: 11]
- She lets me walk all over her. [votes: 10]
- Some day my prince will come. [votes: 8]
- Carol Ann, stay away from the light! [votes: 8]
- Gotta go, gotta go right now. [votes: 8]
- They're heeeeeere.... [votes: 7]
- Best seat in the house. [votes: 7]
- Some are content to remain on earth, some aspire to the stars. [votes: 5]
- Mind if I borrow your head? [votes: 4]
- By the light of the Silvery Moon... [votes: 3]
- A round opening to the heavens, and thus the same to your mind. [votes: 2]
- Warmed on both ends... [votes: 2]
- Uh oh, the paratroopers are landing! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 109 [February 27, 2005 - 302 entries]
I hope that's just your tail !!!! [votes: 50] |
Jordan |
It was just someone's leg, it meant nothing... [votes: 34] |
Jon |
After a long day of torturing the neighbors cats. [votes: 17] |
Karly |
Honorable Mentions
- The Honeymoon's Over! [votes: 17]
- My sleep number is 85. Hers is 45. That's why we sleep so well together. [votes: 16]
- uh oh. I don't remember a thing, and here I am in bed with...what was his name again? [votes: 16]
- No huggy and kissy till I get a wedding ring. [votes: 15]
- Say you're sorry first. [votes: 13]
- Honey, it happens. Don't worry about it. [votes: 13]
- I said sassy...not Lassie. Please believe me. [votes: 12]
- Never go to bed mad... [votes: 11]
- Your turn to hit snooze. [votes: 9]
- I got your back... you got mine? [votes: 8]
- Remind me to order that queen size dog bed on QVC. [votes: 8]
- Cheek to cheek :) [votes: 7]
- The silent treatment. [votes: 6]
- Cover hog! [votes: 5]
- Oh no, I think there is someone behind me! [votes: 3]
- Silent Night. [votes: 3]
- No spooning here! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 108 [February 20, 2005 - 221 entries]
A rare horse 'jacking' caught on film. [votes: 49] |
Fincher |
The kids wanted a horse and I get stuck walking it! [votes: 43] |
anon |
HOLD YOUR HORSES!!! [votes: 31] |
Amanda |
Honorable Mentions
- What happens when I pull this string? [votes: 23]
- Ma Can I Keep Him? [votes: 22]
- Jack started to think this tug of war was alittle unfair. [votes: 21]
- Nothing is too big for a Jack Russell to play with! [votes: 18]
- Mom said stay in the yard ! and she put me in charge. [votes: 17]
- C'mon, hurry! Mom said to have the mowing done before she gets home! [votes: 16]
- I will NOT be ignored! [votes: 12]
- If we hurry we can make the daily double at Hollywood Park !!! [votes: 11]
- Sometimes you can't even lead a horse to water... [votes: 11]
- Does eating the grass make my ass look big? [votes: 11]
- Not the NEW grass! That's my favorite spot! [votes: 10]
- Who's walking who. [votes: 9]
- Aw come on -- you're not trying... [votes: 8]
- I always wanted my own pony! [votes: 5]
- Jack really wasn't in the mood for horsing around... [votes: 4]
Results from Contest # 107 [February 13, 2005 - 272 entries]
Four Jacks - A winning hand! [votes: 31] |
Betty |
The Usual Suspects [votes: 28] |
Kaiser Soze |
We got this far, now how do we get that cat off the ceiling? [votes: 27] |
Patrick |
Honorable Mentions
- 3 Kings, Ha I got four Jacks. [votes: 20]
- All in favor--raise your ears!!!! [votes: 18]
- What do you mean, "the tribe has spoken"????!! [votes: 17]
- Mouse? We're not getting it - you get it ! [votes: 16]
- Bachelor # 3 - What is your favorite type of treat? [votes: 14]
- We have a strict rule about feeding the dogs "under" the table... [votes: 13]
- I don't know officer, they all look the same. [votes: 12]
- So, you're tellin' us that this is not the line for free cats? [votes: 11]
- Suppertime for Eenie, Meanie, Miney and Moe. [votes: 7]
- Guess who's coming to dinner!. [votes: 7]
- It was number 3, he did it... [votes: 7]
- The Beatles are Back! [votes: 6]
- Why Lysol wipes are so popular in this household. [votes: 6]
- Jacks are wild. [votes: 6]
- Where's the beef? [votes: 5]
- And here's your lunch, and your lunch.. and your lunch... [votes: 4]
- Just put the food on the table and step away slowly... [votes: 4]
- This is who we are. [votes: 3]
- The label says "do not take internally"....Hmmm...whaddya reckon THAT means!! [votes: 2]
- Why haven't we ever been in the caption competition? [votes: 2]
- When Jack got close enough to hear the Doc say, "Turn your head and cough," he knew it was too late. [votes: 1]
- The who done-it game. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 106 [February 6, 2005 - 232 entries]
Jack Cousteau. [votes: 50] |
Divot |
Life jacket: $30.00, boat rental: $50.00, soaked and not looking at funny as your owner....priceless. [votes: 43] |
Steph |
Just wait, you'll be feeling the warm spot in few seconds! [votes: 25] |
Ruth |
Honorable Mentions
- SCUBA dooby doo!! [votes: 22]
- dude,... I just thought you should know... I peed in the pool. [votes: 22]
- Sure, I would be smilling too if I had a mask and snorkel. [votes: 15]
- Look, all I caught was this human ! Should I throw him back? [votes: 12]
- Look mom, I found Scuba Steve!!! [votes: 12]
- That's the last time I let him talk me into going out for 'fresh seafood'! [votes: 12]
- It was sooo coool, I saw a huge CATFISH!!! [votes: 10]
- I think this lure course has gotten a little out of hand! [votes: 10]
- Yeah, keep smilin' pal...the water isn't getting in your eyes every time you dive! [votes: 9]
- Look what I found at the bottom of the ocean! [votes: 7]
- X-treme trailing and locating - the new class. [votes: 7]
- Experienced JRT providing free scuba diving lessons for vacationers. [votes: 7]
- Jack was searching for Dog fish and came up with a Clown fish. [votes: 6]
- Man ! That first step was a doozy !!!! [votes: 5]
- I'm a mer-jack. [votes: 5]
- Come on in, the waters fine! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 105 [January 30, 2005 - 228 entries]
Trick or treat---smell my feet! [votes: 39] |
k stein |
"Jack the Slipper" [votes: 31] |
T.A.W. |
Ah........the smell of defeet. [votes: 27] |
Denise |
Honorable Mentions
- If I can't see him, he can't see me. [votes: 24]
- Are you gellin'? [votes: 24]
- Disgusted by the out of date decorations, Jack finally finds a place to hurl. [votes: 23]
- Making me sit in the corner with my face in the remaining shoe is not punishment, hee hee. [votes: 22]
- Go to your happy place... go to your happy place... [votes: 18]
- I hate Mondays... [votes: 17]
- The separation anxiety was just too much when Jack decided to end it all. [votes: 14]
- If I hear one more "Jack-o-lantern" crack, I'm going to barf in the shoe. [votes: 14]
- There was a little Jack who lived in a shoe... [votes: 11]
- Ahhhh, I love the smell of fresh slipper in the morning! [votes: 10]
- Jack's shoe fetish was finally confirmed. [votes: 9]
- Jack coudn't bear to go into Wal-Mart and see the Halloween stuff put out. [votes: 7]
- Have I died and gone to heaven? [votes: 5]
- That Halloween rug is staring at me. [votes: 5]
- Aah, there's no smell like home. [votes: 5]
- Couldn't you use a different item for me to pick up the scent? [votes: 5]
- I will do anything for love. [votes: 4]
- If the shoe fits... [votes: 4]
- Is it on right? [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 104 [January 23, 2005 - 244 entries]
Single white dog, loves sports, seeking playmate [votes: 59] |
Suez |
Life-long, no-trade clause with a 10% increase in treats or I sit this season out. [votes: 24] |
Marc |
David Beckham, eat your heart out. [votes: 22] |
Joel |
Honorable Mentions
- Just wait til it's MY turn to dress YOU up and take YOUR picture... [votes: 20]
- Jack, the only child, wishes that he wasn't. [votes: 19]
- All right ladies, one at a time, there's plenty of me to go around. [votes: 17]
- Which way to the beach, MAN? [votes: 11]
- Has anyone seen WILSON??? [votes: 11]
- Rasta Jack readies for some beach volleyball. [votes: 10]
- It's a little hard to "serve" but I'm great at "digging" and "attacking"! [votes: 10]
- Yes, mommy, this would be cool IF YOUR BIG HEAD DIDN'T SHOW UP IN THE GLASSES!?! [votes: 10]
- Team Jamaica's new goalie recruit....Jack Throwitagain. [votes: 10]
- Please don't take the photo, please don't take the photo, please don't take the photo. [votes: 9]
- People don't recognize me unless I use my American Express ... Jack E. Russell, Famous Soccer Player [votes: 8]
- Jack Kool [votes: 7]
- You got game? I got game!! [votes: 7]
- Got sand? [votes: 7]
- Just Do It [votes: 7]
- Jacques attempts to explain "European" culture. [votes: 6]
- Pick me, pick me!! [votes: 6]
- Goooooooooal! [votes: 5]
- I'm just too cool for words... [votes: 5]
- Hopefully no one will notice that I am a celebrity. [votes: 4]
- Do you think the hat's overdoing it? [votes: 4]
- I hope your not gonna show this to anyone. [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 103 [Janaury 16, 2005 - 313 entries]
Seriously....He was this tall and he jumped up on the table and ate your cereal! [votes: 41] |
chloe |
There, I did the stupid paw thing, now gimmie' the cereal! [votes: 38] |
zips mom |
Give me a High 4 Dude. [votes: 26] |
schoony |
Honorable Mentions
- Anyone who wants a dead squirrel for breakfast instead of cereal, raise your hand. [votes: 24]
- Going for a walk, all those in favor... [votes: 23]
- I, Jack, do solemnly swear, never to eat the cat again! [votes: 21]
- Okay, I'll play along. But you should know... I can take that bowl anytime I want. [votes: 17]
- I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... [votes: 17]
- That's it - keep looking into my eyes - now move the bowl slowly towards me... [votes: 16]
- She's about this tall, cute little tail, nice firm hind quarters... [votes: 14]
- "Rock - paper- scissors" ... Winner gets the oatmeal!! [votes: 14]
- No....You're Fired! [votes: 13]
- The cat that got away was t-h-i-s high. [votes: 12]
- I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth... unless it incriminates me. [votes: 12]
- Up high, down low, too slow! [votes: 12]
- I'm not going to try it...You try it!!! [votes: 11]
- Jack and Thing become good buddies. [votes: 4]
- Waiter, check please! [votes: 3]
- Oh please, sir, can I have more gruel? [votes: 3]
- "Please, Sir, I Want Some More" (with apologies to Charles Dickens) [votes: 3]
- Now I tell yah kid. Porridge is good but bacon strips are better. [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 102 [January 9, 2005 - 229 entries]
I will perform the perfect Jack knife. [votes: 31] |
Heidi |
CANNON BALLLLLL!!!!!!!! [votes: 26] |
Sarah |
The ball is not worth it... yes it is ! no it's not ! Oh, who am I trying to kid. It's worth it! [votes: 23] |
Riva E |
Honorable Mentions
- I know I can out jump those retrievers, throw the duck! [votes: 22]
- I heard Jack's going off the deep end... [votes: 21]
- I'm not taking any chances, I thought I saw a fin. [votes: 20]
- Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, can Jack do a back flip? [votes: 16]
- That's one heck of a water bowl. [votes: 15]
- Look at the concentration... this next dive has a 3.0 degree of difficulty!! [votes: 15]
- Drumroll, please? [votes: 10]
- I don't see any Cat Fish... [votes: 10]
- This would be much more fun if it was mud. [votes: 8]
- Famous last words: "Hey ya'll watch this!" [votes: 7]
- You can take a jack to water; you just can't make him dive. [votes: 7]
- You call that a doggy paddle? Watch this! [votes: 7]
- Yah Right...I'm not falling for that one again! [votes: 7]
- What'd they say... something about peeing in the pool? Yes? No? [votes: 6]
- I don't care if you say it's a Baby Ruth bar; I am not going in that pool until its cleaned! [votes: 6]
- And now atempting his signature triple lundy is ... [votes: 6]
- Hey ! It's January folks. Get serious. [votes: 5]
- Heated or not, I'm not jumping in... [votes: 4]
- What's in it for me?? [votes: 3]
- Shorty could never jump as high as all of the long legged Jacks...He would show them! [votes: 3]
- I don't think the water is warm enough yet. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 101 [January 2, 2005 - 272 entries]
Santa left it. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. [votes: 37] |
Superchikk |
Why are they calling me Mike Tyson? [votes: 23] |
cooper |
He said, "You wanna piece of me?" What was I to say??? [votes: 20] |
BrendaW |
Honorable Mentions
- Happy New Ear! [votes: 17]
- Prick ear? I got yer prick ear right here buddie! [votes: 16]
- Nobody puts Baby in a corner! [votes: 12]
- This is all that's left of the last guy who called me Eddie. [votes: 12]
- Ear today, Gone Tomorrow. [votes: 12]
- I know what you're thinking, did he take 2 bites or 3? Are you feeling lucky, punk? [votes: 11]
- I have NOT bitten off more than I can chew!! [votes: 10]
- I think his name was VanGough. [votes: 9]
- Even though cornered with his stolen loot, Jack swore he wouldn't go down without a good fight. [votes: 9]
- To "ear" is human, to chew, divine! [votes: 9]
- Yeah, but this is worth having to sit in the corner. [votes: 9]
- After being made fun of for his "semi prick ear", Jack developed a complex. [votes: 8]
- Oh, you meant this ear????? [votes: 7]
- Here piggy, piggy, piggy. [votes: 6]
- I am listening, I'm all ears... [votes: 5]
- Little Jack Horner... [votes: 5]
- Friends, countrymen, lend me your ear. [votes: 5]
- Sometimes, David still does beat Goliath. [votes: 5]
- You shoulda seen the part that got away! [votes: 4]
- I can't believe I ate the whole thing... [votes: 4]
- Thanks to me this is one little piggy who never made it to market... [votes: 4]
- I just wanted a new ear. I don't like the way my left ear sticks up. [votes: 4]
- Tell the pig I'm sorry - I didn't know he still needed it!!!! [votes: 4]
- Ears lookin at you, kid. [votes: 3]
- I double dog dare you! [votes: 3]
- Geez.. Who knew they liked the pig so much. [votes: 2]
- One more step and you may trade a hand for a ear. [votes: 1]
- So, I guess you'll be wanting your ear back... [votes: 1]