Results from Contest # 606 [December 28, 2014 - 36 entries]
What a bunch of stiffs. [votes: 15] |
mike b |
I swear she said she was spayed! [votes: 12] |
Vickie E |
Jack meets the ghosts of Christmas Past [votes: 11] |
Ken |
Honorable Mentions
- Keep telling yourself--it's only a dream, it's only a dream. [votes: 10]
- Will the real Jack Russell please step forward. [votes: 8]
- 6 pack of jacks! [votes: 7]
- I have gathered you all here today... [votes: 5]
- Okay guys, we need to present a united front... [votes: 4]
- And then there were five... [votes: 4]
- I ate way too much stuffing at Christmas! [votes: 3]
- I must have had one to many kibbles last night... [votes: 3]
- Oh no! I knew the alien invasion would start someday! [votes: 2]
- After a glass of stolen champagne, Jill recognizes it was way too much! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 605 [December 21, 2014 - 45 entries]
The KEYS, WHERE ARE THE KEYS???? [votes: 13] |
Erich C.Bender |
I hope he doesn't expect us to put the fence posts in as well. [votes: 11] |
JR Molly and Him |
For Sale: 4 Legged Post Hole Diggers - Cheap [votes: 9] |
Shingle Oak |
Honorable Mentions
- I'm telling you Sparky, I buried the bones right here. [votes: 8]
- The ball is here... No the ball is here... No here. [votes: 7]
- I know we buried those bones somewhere on this beach... [votes: 7]
- Dig, sniff, repeat... [votes: 6]
- Holey Moley [votes: 6]
- I take it yours bought you a white ball as well? [votes: 4]
- Great sand dunes national park; JACK RUSSELL STYLE! [votes: 3]
- Paradise!! [votes: 3]
- Who needs a metal detector when you've got a pair of Jacks? [votes: 2]
- Teamwork, Jack style [votes: 2]
- I shouldn't have had all that thai food. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 604 [December 14, 2014 - 54 entries]
Quick, take the picture, take the picture. [votes: 10] |
Kat |
BOING! [votes: 8] |
Jill |
Jack Rabbit! [votes: 7] |
Becky |
Honorable Mentions
- To catch a deer, you must BE a deer. [votes: 6]
- Breakfast espresso was NOT the best idea. [votes: 6]
- Jack a Roo [votes: 6]
- I fly through the air with the greatest of ease... [votes: 6]
- Jack Russells don't run, they FLY! [votes: 5]
- Did you hear that? [votes: 4]
- OH! -- dear -- I thought you said DEER. [votes: 4]
- I thought I saw a Puddy Tat!!!!! [votes: 3]
- Look at my gait! Look at it! [votes: 3]
- You talking to Me??? [votes: 2]
- A hunting I am going! [votes: 2]
- Christmas is only a hop, skip and a jump away. [votes: 2]
- Freeze frame [votes: 1]
- One, two, three, RED LIGHT. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 603 [December 7, 2014 - 27 entries]
This Jack has your back! [votes: 25] |
Becky |
Jack's friend, bodyguard and sofa bed. [votes: 11] |
Charlie |
I get by with a little help from my friend. [votes: 10] |
mike b |
Honorable Mentions
- Love my heated pillow! [votes: 9]
- We are brothers from a different mother! [votes: 7]
- Don't worry big guy, I'll guard the your flank. [votes: 6]
- Who's gonna mess with me now? [votes: 5]
- No fridge treats unless we get some too. [votes: 3]
- Don't move! She can't see me if I don't move... [votes: 2]
- Dis is a nice pillow... [votes: 0]
- I will keep watch. [votes: 0]
Results from Contest # 602 [November 30, 2014 - 51 entries]
Hot Pocket! [votes: 16] |
Sandog |
All together now----AAAAHHHHH [votes: 10] |
JR Molly and Him |
I ain't afraid, just cold. [votes: 9] |
judy |
Honorable Mentions
- Now this is the way to travel!! [votes: 7]
- I'm on pocket watch! [votes: 6]
- Kangaroo Jack [votes: 5]
- Pocket Jacks [votes: 5]
- Mom always said I had a little Kangaroo in me. [votes: 4]
- Hmm wonder when he will notice I'm NOT his iphone... [votes: 4]
- Hand Warmer! [votes: 4]
- That frozen ground is just too much for my little feet. [votes: 3]
- Am I just the cutest thing or what??? [votes: 3]
- A pocket sized miracle! [votes: 3]
- Jealous? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 601 [November 23, 2014 - 41 entries]
Shhh, I heard mom mention bath time, pass it on. [votes: 15] |
Kris |
We breakout after dark....pass it on! [votes: 12] |
Charlie |
Something yummy is stuck in your ear! [votes: 10] |
Ken |
Honorable Mentions
- Psst...Mom loves me more!!! [votes: 8]
- I'm sure I can wash off the spot. [votes: 8]
- Don't look now, but somebody stole my spots. [votes: 8]
- hmmm... Peanut Butter! [votes: 7]
- Stick with me and we'll blame the mess on the others! [votes: 6]
- She said her eye patch is prettier than yours! [votes: 6]
- I don't like to gossip, but... [votes: 5]
- No longer a rumor, everyone knew Jill was sweet on Jack. [votes: 5]
- Just a little dirt here... got to look good for Grandma. [votes: 4]
- Yeah, you're 51% cute, but I'm 100%! [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 600 [November 16, 2014 - 77 entries]
Here I Come to Save the Day! [votes: 15] |
Titus |
What every Jack Russell owner has always known...they're super. [votes: 13] |
Lily's Mom |
I belieeeeve I can flyyyy! [votes: 12] |
honeydog |
Honorable Mentions
- There's no need to fear, Underdog is here.... [votes: 10]
- This is what you get when you breed a dog named Tarzan to a bitch named Wonder Woman! [votes: 6]
- It's a bird. It's a plane. It's...JACK! GET DOWN FROM THERE!!! [votes: 4]
- And that was the last time superman made fun of jack [votes: 3]
- Hold on Superman, I'm coming!! [votes: 3]
- Eat your heart out Rudolph! [votes: 3]
- Stylish, poised and graceful, Jack had the perfect accessory for every occassion. [votes: 3]
- Born free!! [votes: 2]
- Up, Up, and Away! [votes: 2]
- Super dog tries out his new cape. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 599 [November 2, 2014 - 46 entries]
He ain't heavy, he's my brother! [votes: 30] |
Jill |
Another awkward family portrait. [votes: 12] |
Marty |
X marks the spots. [votes: 11] |
vicki |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack Cross. [votes: 10]
- A subtle hint for Santa: we need a bigger doggie bed! [votes: 10]
- I've got your back Jack. [votes: 10]
- Dogpile. [votes: 8]
- I was here first. [votes: 6]
- I know how this looks, but I can explain... [votes: 5]
- Double crossed. [votes: 4]
- Say Uncle... [votes: 4]
- yes we are always this cute! [votes: 3]
- Sadly unaware that NOTHING keeps a Jack down. [votes: 3]
- It's our impression of a jigsaw puzzle. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 598 [October 26, 2014 - 53 entries]
I don't think you appreciate how hard it was to get those smells ON me. [votes: 17] |
Lily's Mom |
honest, the skunk started it. [votes: 13] |
philsmom |
I completely fail to see what's the big deal about my new black and white friend!? [votes: 11] |
Jill |
Honorable Mentions
- You know I'm only going to go back out and get dirty again! [votes: 10]
- where is my duck? [votes: 9]
- Where's my conditioner? [votes: 5]
- Getting wet is a lot more fun outside in the puddle. [votes: 4]
- An unhappy Jack is a Jack to be reckoned with. [votes: 3]
- Dog Tank [votes: 3]
- This is SO wrong in SO many ways! [votes: 2]
- YOU like clean, I like to roll in stuff! [votes: 2]
- Hey, what about the rinse? [votes: 1]
- my odors are gone! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 597 [October 19, 2014 - 49 entries]
Mom must be really tired! She gives me the pacifier and the baby the tennis ball! [votes: 18] |
Jill |
I was the first baby.....and I intend on staying the baby. [votes: 14] |
0001Nitro |
Maybe the dingo ate your baby... [votes: 13] |
Herman |
Honorable Mentions
- Everything the new kid has is mine. [votes: 9]
- Jackifier [votes: 7]
- 5 second rule... [votes: 5]
- Here, I think she lost this. [votes: 4]
- I am trying to quit smoking. [votes: 4]
- Wow, Dad just took the baby to the groomers! [votes: 4]
- I'm cleaning it for the baby!!!! [votes: 3]
- It's kitty flavored. [votes: 2]
- Jerry Springer Show here I come. [votes: 2]
- Here, kid. Now shut up! [votes: 2]
- I hope you're not planning on putting this on fb. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 596 [October 12, 2014 - 36 entries]
Sigh...It's just not the same since the cat next door moved away.... [votes: 19] |
Lilo's Mom |
Knawshank Redemption [votes: 9] |
mike b |
Neighborhood Watch [votes: 8] |
Carole |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack's parole was denied when he nipped the warden. [votes: 7]
- I was framed...framed I tell you! [votes: 7]
- Politically, Jack was on the fence. [votes: 7]
- Sometimes I need help keeping my chin up. [votes: 6]
- Nobody knows the trouble I've seen! [votes: 6]
- Grounded, Jack watches Jill go up the hill without him. [votes: 6]
- If you leave me, I will cry [votes: 5]
- Jack is 'bored' again. [votes: 4]
- Mommy and Daddy went hunting without me. [votes: 3]
- I'm dreaming of a way outa here. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 595 [October 5, 2014 - 40 entries]
The deck is stacked with Jacks. [votes: 30] |
mike b |
Lineup--the Usual Suspects [votes: 13] |
Linda |
Neighbors positively identified second suspect from right. [votes: 10] |
Charlie |
Honorable Mentions
- Do you think he made it through? [votes: 7]
- Okay, guys. Our objective - get that squirrel. [votes: 6]
- Nothing like a SIX PACK! [votes: 6]
- Jack's whole family was behind bars. [votes: 6]
- JRT Security System [votes: 5]
- I told you we were running too fast. [votes: 4]
- We're in the jail house now. [votes: 3]
- Minimum security resort style doggie prison! [votes: 3]
- Anyone waiting to get rid of 6 cats...please leave your number! [votes: 3]
- We are family! [votes: 2]
- This jailhouse rocks. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 594 [September 28, 2014 - 49 entries]
Thanks for the steak...I left the veggies for you. [votes: 11] |
Dexter |
Is this the Drive Thru window? [votes: 10] |
Lilo's Mom |
You can have the green stuff, I'm finished! [votes: 9] |
Kimba's Mum |
Honorable Mentions
- Please Sir, may I have some more? [votes: 8]
- Oh No! It's the creature from under the table!!! [votes: 7]
- Up Periscope! [votes: 6]
- Guess who's coming to dinner? [votes: 5]
- Gonna eat that? [votes: 5]
- I see it is time to clear the table and do the dishes! [votes: 4]
- You need to eat your veggies! [votes: 3]
- Where's the meat? [votes: 2]
- Am I late? [votes: 2]
- The cat ate it, honest! [votes: 2]
- You had your dinner, where's mine? [votes: 2]
- I came back for the main course. [votes: 1]
- I'd love some! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 593 [September 21, 2014 - 60 entries]
Jack's first selfie. [votes: 16] |
Linda |
But first, let me take a selfie! [votes: 10] |
Stacy P |
No more pictures!! Just walk!!! [votes: 9] |
mp |
Honorable Mentions
- Rule three........ MINE! [votes: 8]
- Jack knew early on that everything up to 5 feet off the ground was his. [votes: 8]
- You say cheese and I think snack! [votes: 6]
- The youngest member of the anti-paparazzi team! [votes: 6]
- Mom! He is trying to steal my camera!!! [votes: 3]
- I said, NO PICTURES!!! [votes: 3]
- I am cute; don't you want to take my picture? [votes: 3]
- It's a Kodak, scratch that, Nikon moment. [votes: 2]
- Photobomb! [votes: 2]
- Hey you, what does a fella have to do to get his picture taken? [votes: 2]
- And just where do you think you're going? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 592 [September 14, 2014 - 47 entries]
You teach me to point, I'll teach you to dig... [votes: 21] |
judy |
I know where they hide the treats! [votes: 15] |
Lynn M |
Just stand still, I'm sure I can lick this chocolate off of you. [votes: 12] |
Kat |
Honorable Mentions
- You know I'm tougher than you, right? [votes: 9]
- They love me more than you. [votes: 8]
- You tell them you accidently pushed the cat off the deck. [votes: 7]
- Don't eat the tootsie rolls in the litterbox...pass it on. [votes: 6]
- The cat ate your dinner and it's in the bedroom. [votes: 4]
- WANNA DANCE, BIG BOY? [votes: 4]
- Your brother sleeps with the cat. [votes: 3]
- Hmm, you don't smell as funny as you look! [votes: 3]
- Telephone, telegraph, tell-a-Jack! [votes: 2]
- I don't care what they say. I thought you were a great addition to the agility trial. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 591 [September 7, 2014 - 64 entries]
Let's stay away from him, he's a pothead. [votes: 15] |
mike b |
It keeps the aliens from invading my brain. [votes: 9] |
Queenie |
They all rolled over and one fell out. [votes: 8] |
Kris |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack wore a food bowl to bed, while visions of kibble danced in his head! [votes: 7]
- Food Coma! [votes: 6]
- There's always that one brother... [votes: 6]
- Hey guys! I'm picking up Animal Planet in here! [votes: 5]
- Oh look! We can name them Dorothy, Toto, and the Tin Man. [votes: 5]
- Party hard, guys, party hard. [votes: 4]
- Can't believe i ate the whole thing! [votes: 3]
- The siblings snoring problem solved once and for all! [votes: 3]
- There's always one in every crowd! [votes: 3]
- PAWTY Animal! [votes: 2]
- Under the Dome [votes: 2]
- I don't want to sleep through dinner. [votes: 2]
- Food bowl: the Jack equivalent of a lampshade! [votes: 2]
- Did you meet the new kid? His name is Brillo. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 590 [August 31, 2014 - 92 entries]
The prewash cycle [votes: 40] |
Divot |
A good licking keeps food from sticking! [votes: 13] |
Bart |
The Maytag repair man isn't lonely anymore! [votes: 6] |
Sam |
Honorable Mentions
- Buffet's Open!!! [votes: 5]
- C'mon guys, Mom promised treats when our chores are done! [votes: 5]
- Don't bother...We've got this! [votes: 4]
- Let's take it for a spin! [votes: 4]
- Breaking News: Dawn detergent secret revealed!! [votes: 4]
- OMG they had steak for supper!!!! [votes: 3]
- Hey, extra dinner over here, come quick. [votes: 2]
- The one with the black ears does the rinse cycle. [votes: 2]
- Saves on the electric bill [votes: 2]
- Blue plate special. [votes: 2]
- Hey! The beef gravy's MINE! [votes: 2]
- we always clean our plate [votes: 1]
- If only their future guests knew!! [votes: 1]
- OK boys, there's lasagne residue in here and I'm gonna find it! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 589 [August 17, 2014 - 44 entries]
Jack Pack [votes: 18] |
mike b |
Lesson one in 'How to Train Your Human'. [votes: 15] |
Becky |
He ain't heavy, he's my buddy! [votes: 14] |
Otis |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack was head and shoulders above the rest! [votes: 12]
- The joys of back packing ... Jack Russell style! [votes: 10]
- Take my picture! Take my picture!!! [votes: 10]
- He won't be smiling when he feels a warm trickle down the back of his neck. [votes: 9]
- I've got your back. [votes: 8]
- I can see Alaska from here! [votes: 8]
- who's the boss now? [votes: 4]
- The hills are alive...! [votes: 3]
- So much for hiking; Jack prefers to RIDE! [votes: 2]
- Nothing like a height advantage! [votes: 1]
- Lean on me [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 588 [August 10, 2014 - 56 entries]
Come closer Clairice... [votes: 12] |
Adam Bair |
So close and yet so far away! [votes: 9] |
Jill |
Day 3: Squirrel still unsuspecting of my plans. Must find way out. [votes: 8] |
Lola H |
Honorable Mentions
- There but for a pane of glass go I... [votes: 7]
- Psst!! Hey, there are acorns beside the pet door! [votes: 6]
- How much is that squirrel in the window? The one with the big bushy tail... [votes: 5]
- Squirrel under glass. [votes: 5]
- What a nut job. [votes: 4]
- Whoever invented glass should have to sleep with cats! [votes: 4]
- Squirrel, you don't know how lucky you are! [votes: 4]
- You are getting very sleepy...the dog is your friend, the dog is your friend... [votes: 4]
- Mama said there would be days like this! [votes: 3]
- This is intolerable, simply intolerable! [votes: 3]
- Welcome, Welcome, Welcome [votes: 2]
- I'm watching you Rocky and one day this glass won't be here! [votes: 2]
- Mom, the squirrel is eating the seed again! [votes: 2]
- I'll deal with you later [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 587 [August 3, 2014 - 51 entries]
Jacks a la carte. [votes: 17] |
Charlie |
I couldn't help it. They were on sale!! [votes: 13] |
Terry P. |
PetSmart will be rethinking their admission policy in 3, 2, 1. [votes: 11] |
Lily's Mom |
Honorable Mentions
- haha, that ain't no spill in aisle four. [votes: 10]
- This shopping cart prison is totally unnecessary, Mom! We swear we were just looking at the hamsters! [votes: 8]
- How are we going to explain all these 'waffle prints' on our bottoms?! [votes: 6]
- Can you guess which one of us was up all night hunting rats? [votes: 6]
- The great benefits of bulk buying! [votes: 5]
- Treat aisle please!! [votes: 4]
- Buy one, get one free. [votes: 4]
- We are all pick of the litter. [votes: 3]
- Move it....We're in the cat food aisle. [votes: 3]
- Um...yah we ate the groceries. [votes: 3]
- We're going to pick out our own treats and squeaky toys! [votes: 2]
- I'll take one of each! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 586 [July 27, 2014 - 62 entries]
Please note: My elbows are NOT on the table! [votes: 16] |
Jill |
I've decided.... I'll have the meat with meat sauce over meat. [votes: 12] |
Libby D |
I'll take my cat---medium rare please. [votes: 10] |
kelly |
Honorable Mentions
- I washed my paws...where's my plate? [votes: 9]
- Wow, first time at the big person's table!! [votes: 9]
- No shirt, No shoes, No service? [votes: 8]
- Bring on the Squirrel appetizers!!! [votes: 6]
- Enough with the pictures, Mom! Where's the grub?! [votes: 4]
- Please don't say get down. Please don't say get down... [votes: 4]
- So, we are all agreed? Chicken every night for a year? [votes: 2]
- Now...let's renegotiate the terms of our housing agreement. I get this one, and you get the little one in the back yard. [votes: 2]
- Could you please pass the grey poupon. [votes: 1]
- Look, no crumbs! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 585 [July 20, 2014 - 38 entries]
Honestly... I wasn't in the snack bag. [votes: 10] |
Peter |
Really? Being cute isn't good enough? [votes: 9] |
Julie |
Dude! This ain't right! [votes: 8] |
andy g |
Honorable Mentions
- You do realize that this makes us both look stupid???? [votes: 7]
- Why doesn't she know where my mouth is? [votes: 7]
- Gimme the command, already! My nose itches!! [votes: 7]
- Help! The cat got ahold of the super glue again! [votes: 6]
- I make you do tricks for a treat!!! [votes: 5]
- Now????? [votes: 5]
- Doggone frustrating. [votes: 4]
- Just wait until tomorrow! You are never going to forget what I put on YOUR nose! [votes: 4]
- A cat couldn't do this [votes: 4]
- Alas! 'Parting with this biscuit is such sweet sorrow.' [votes: 3]
- Really? I don't work for peanuts you know. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 584 [July 13, 2014 - 44 entries]
To war my brothers! To war! [votes: 12] |
Lola Helms |
I said, stay BEHIND ME! [votes: 11] |
Vicky |
Phew! Get a mint [votes: 9] |
Bob L |
Honorable Mentions
- Run with the big dogs. [votes: 6]
- I said, Show'em your HAPPY face! [votes: 6]
- Oh stop your bellyaching.....there are plenty if squirrels to go around! [votes: 6]
- ...was TOO throught the hay first!!! [votes: 5]
- Incoming!!!!!!!!! [votes: 4]
- Don't give me that look! [votes: 4]
- Pull to the side of the road, show me your license! [votes: 4]
- Don't blame me. You lost the cat! [votes: 4]
- Pipe Down.. This is SNEAK Attack! [votes: 3]
- Sometimes 3rd place is nice. [votes: 2]
- Dirt track racing is in Jack's blood. [votes: 2]
- Hey man, that cat's stealing our human! Let's get him! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 583 [July 6, 2014 - 46 entries]
Mom! She's touching me again! [votes: 23] |
Brooke and Jackie |
Eww, Eww - it's a cat, it's a cat!!!! [votes: 11] |
jkrslkay |
Ugh! Cat cooties! [votes: 8] |
Vickie |
Honorable Mentions
- Not on a first date. [votes: 7]
- Pssst....wanna be in the picture caption contest? [votes: 6]
- One step closer and you'll be down to 9 lives. [votes: 5]
- Something is wrong with this picture, really wrong.... [votes: 3]
- I promise I'll leave your cat food alone [votes: 3]
- Yes scratch right there....ahhhh...that's it [votes: 3]
- Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. [votes: 3]
- I don't believe one word of it! Mom NEVER said anything about my going to a farm! [votes: 2]
- Just wait until the parentals are gone. [votes: 2]
- Opposites attract. [votes: 1]
- You're cute, but not that cute! [votes: 1]
- You will be talking to my lawyer about this [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 582 [June 21, 2014 - 46 entries]
It's all fun and games till someone ends up in a cone. [votes: 19] |
Lilly's Mom |
Lick me please...I'll pay you! [votes: 12] |
Wally |
You should see what they did to the other end of me! [votes: 11] |
Vickie |
Honorable Mentions
- Just be aware, I have a VERY long memory... [votes: 7]
- I absolutely refuse to leave the house in this thing. [votes: 6]
- Ground control to Major Jack [votes: 6]
- Can you hear me now! [votes: 4]
- I dont want Satellite I want Cable. [votes: 4]
- When I bark, my ears ring. [votes: 4]
- What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. [votes: 4]
- I can't even think with this thing on. [votes: 3]
- No... I can't pick up Amimal planet with this! [votes: 2]
- OK !! First one to come up with a treat gets to pick my channel. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 581 [June 14, 2014 - 72 entries]
Jack Pot [votes: 40] |
Bakerman |
I thought you said we were getting a swimming pool! [votes: 9] |
Jill |
If I stay right here...the food will come to me! [votes: 5] |
Adam Bair |
Honorable Mentions
- This bowl used to fit perfect! [votes: 5]
- Some days just any old pot will do! [votes: 3]
- Did I hear the Dinner Bell? [votes: 2]
- Grow Where You're Planted! [votes: 2]
- Cereal digger [votes: 2]
- I think I might have grown a little bit since last summer! [votes: 2]
- too small for diggin'...... just right for sittin' [votes: 1]
- Don't even ask me why, but I just LOVE doing this! [votes: 1]
- Come on rabbit! Nibble THIS plant. [votes: 1]
- Jack fills the bowl with his "unique" version of kitty kibbles. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 580 [June 7, 2014 - 44 entries]
DO YOU MIND!!?? [votes: 19] |
Susan |
What part of nay did you not understand? [votes: 18] |
Brooke and Jackie |
Lookin' for the Triple Crown...well it's not down there! [votes: 17] |
Mr Belontmony |
Honorable Mentions
- So much for the dog and pony show!! [votes: 16]
- Leave me alone...I'm having a bad hair day. [votes: 13]
- I just dropped by for a bite of manure, not to get the third degree! [votes: 9]
- Close encounter of the equine kind! [votes: 7]
- I AM NOT AMUSED! [votes: 6]
- Watch your nose buddy. [votes: 6]
- Watch your nose buddy. [votes: 4]
- Stop horsing around! [votes: 3]
- Come any closer and you'll be sorry. [votes: 3]
- I'm not interested. [votes: 0]
Results from Contest # 579 [June 1, 2014 - 36 entries]
Jack a la carte [votes: 14] |
Becky |
You do realize that using this grocery cart makes us look homeless? [votes: 10] |
Lilly Mae |
Petsmart here we come! [votes: 9] |
Lori |
Honorable Mentions
- We're gonna need a clean-up on aisle 2! [votes: 8]
- Onward human! The groceries await! [votes: 8]
- Cart-jacking. [votes: 7]
- I'm going to pick out so many toys!! [votes: 5]
- To the meat aisle, STAT!! [votes: 5]
- To Walmart and beyond. [votes: 3]
- We shop to we drop! [votes: 2]
- Make sure you hit the cookie aisle!!! [votes: 2]
- Take me to my lunch in aisle 5. [votes: 2]
- Matching pink collar, leash and shopping cart; I think they wanted a girl! [votes: 2]
- At least I'm not riding in the kiddie seat [votes: 1]
- There are only two things I hate more than PINK and this moment involves both of them! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 578 [May 25, 2014 - 63 entries]
They will always remember the day that Hank went bananas. [votes: 10] |
Kristen |
Yes, we have no bananas. We have no bananas today. [votes: 8] |
Captain Jack's Mom |
Oh. Hi. I thought you were finished with this. [votes: 7] |
Herman |
Honorable Mentions
- Got my own meal this good am I! [votes: 6]
- Yeah, I made a banana split, so what? [votes: 5]
- Whaaaat...where am I ? I must have been sleep eating. [votes: 5]
- So I chased the cat off the table. Really! [votes: 4]
- Lickedly split. [votes: 4]
- Talented? Yes. Hungry? Not any more. [votes: 4]
- Breakfast? Fraid you're too late. [votes: 4]
- That was disgusting, do you have any more? [votes: 4]
- Me needs my Potassi-YUM!! [votes: 3]
- Guilty as charged! [votes: 3]
- I ate the whole thing! [votes: 2]
- Yup, I checked it out thoroughly, it is safe for you to eat. [votes: 1]
- Best bone ever! Thanks! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 577 [May 18, 2014 - 45 entries]
Here, Kitty Kitty Kitty... [votes: 17] |
Libby D |
Cold floor, bare belly, taking out the cat, PRICELESS! [votes: 11] |
ZackLilly |
Don't be afraid Kitty. I am a doormat. Really. [votes: 10] |
Kimba's Mum |
Honorable Mentions
- Target locked and loaded... [votes: 9]
- Don't move. They can't see you if you don't move. [votes: 7]
- Cat selling door to door ....hmmmm how easy can this get? [votes: 7]
- Note to self: stealth and hardwood floors don't mix! [votes: 6]
- Slowly does it Jack. Slowly does it. [votes: 5]
- Come to MOMMA! [votes: 4]
- JRT TV [votes: 4]
- So close, yet so far away! [votes: 3]
- There's always cat at the end of a tunnel... [votes: 2]
- That cat is just asking for it! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 576 [May 11, 2014 - 55 entries]
You put your right paw in, you take your right paw out. [votes: 39] |
mike b |
JRT line dancing can be a pain in the butt! [votes: 10] |
Randy |
Raise your right paw and repeat after me... [votes: 9] |
James |
Honorable Mentions
- We 3 Kings of Terrior Are.... [votes: 7]
- "I've got your back" takes on a whole new meaning. [votes: 6]
- Conga line! [votes: 6]
- Moe, Larry, and Curly. [votes: 5]
- Jack Frost is nipping at my butt!! [votes: 3]
- One,Two, Three, Cha Cha Cha! [votes: 3]
- I heard it through the grapevine. [votes: 3]
- My three sons. [votes: 2]
- Trouble a brewing! [votes: 1]
- Good ole country western line dancing. [votes: 1]
- Follow the Leader. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 575 [May 4, 2014 - 67 entries]
That's Captain Jack to you, mate! [votes: 15] |
Brooke |
Not a word. NOT ONE WORD. [votes: 11] |
Derek and JR Molly |
The first one to mention Jack Sparrow will be really sorry. [votes: 8] |
Derek and JR Molly |
Honorable Mentions
- I thought you said we were going to Pilates! [votes: 7]
- Captain Jack vowed to have Mum walk the plank for this latest indignity. [votes: 6]
- As you can see, my Mom's a crafter... [votes: 5]
- DO NOT post this on FaceBook! [votes: 5]
- I can live with the parrot but the stripes make me look fat. [votes: 4]
- The cat will walk the plank tonight! [votes: 4]
- Ahoy ye Scurvy dogs and Scallywags. [votes: 2]
- One step closer and the parrot gets it! [votes: 2]
- And you thought I had an attitude before! [votes: 2]
- The Black Pearl be mine. . .savvy? [votes: 2]
- Halloween was six months ago, what goes? [votes: 1]
- Laugh and you'll see just how a pirate can get revenge. [votes: 1]
- Get. This. Parrot. Off. My. Head. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 574 [April 27, 2014 - 40 entries]
I'm paper training :) [votes: 14] |
Lori |
Cute trumps naughty every time! [votes: 12] |
Maddie |
Good you are home. Look what the cat did. [votes: 11] |
Derek and JR Molly |
Honorable Mentions
- I had a little accident... [votes: 10]
- I was just ambling by when it attacked me! Remain calm, I have it subdued! [votes: 8]
- Jack's on a roll. [votes: 8]
- If those bears can play with, I can play with it! [votes: 5]
- I needed camouflage. [votes: 4]
- The cat made me do it! [votes: 3]
- I wouldn't try if I were you. [votes: 2]
- The alternative to scooting along the carpet! [votes: 2]
- The sooner we unroll all the paper, the sooner we can recycle the tube!! [votes: 2]
- who are you? and How did I get here? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 573 [April 20, 2014 - 59 entries]
Jack of Hearts [votes: 19] |
Terry P. |
Apparently, Jack decided to fold! [votes: 13] |
Terry P. |
Jacks WERE wild, but now they're pooped! [votes: 11] |
Laura B |
Honorable Mentions
- Wake me when you need a JACK! [votes: 8]
- Got any Jacks? [votes: 7]
- All Jacks are wild. [votes: 6]
- Jack liked to play his cards close to his chest . . . and his tail!! [votes: 5]
- Jack's poker face. [votes: 3]
- You gotta know when to fold them, know when to hold them... [votes: 2]
- Now where is that Jack I need??? [votes: 2]
- I wish you would stop saying fish, I'm trying to nap here! [votes: 2]
- Jill has made it perfectly clear that this is the most BORING bachelorette party ever!! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 572 [April 13, 2014 - 37 entries]
I miss him when he's not here. [votes: 14] |
Vickie |
He went for a walk without me! I can smell it! [votes: 11] |
Julie |
Jack and his sole mate. [votes: 10] |
Charlie |
Honorable Mentions
- I love the smell of Daddy in the morning! [votes: 7]
- Something smells dead in this burrow. [votes: 7]
- Can't wait until Dad sees what the cat left in his shoe! [votes: 6]
- Now where did I put that owner? He's not in here. [votes: 5]
- Odor Eater JRT style! [votes: 4]
- SOLE survivor! [votes: 3]
- Sole food! [votes: 3]
- the nose knows. [votes: 2]
- Jack found a new sleeping aid. [votes: 2]
- Jill was overcome, and not in a good way! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 571 [April 6, 2014 - 28 entries]
Jack's favorite show is on: The Chew! [votes: 18] |
Antoinette |
For this recipe, you can substitute fresh squirrel or rabbit. [votes: 13] |
easyriderstable |
JRKITCHEN101: How to cook up trouble [votes: 11] |
Kimba's Mum |
Honorable Mentions
- Where's the remote? I want to watch Russell racing on the Incredible Dog Challenge. [votes: 8]
- favorite show is on!! [votes: 7]
- I can't stir. I have no thumbs! [votes: 6]
- Hey Mom, Is that for dinner tonight? [votes: 5]
- When's the tasting bit?? [votes: 5]
- OKAY, I got the egg part down cold ... where are the chickens? [votes: 4]
- Next to eating, Jack liked cooking best. [votes: 4]
- Okay, got the recipe. If the cat can open the fridge we're in business. [votes: 3]
- Please change the channel to 'Bobby Flay grills steak'. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 570 [March 30, 2014 - 68 entries]
Seriously? They took the keys? Don't they trust us? [votes: 12] |
Kirk A |
Russell Tours.....only for the very brave. [votes: 11] |
Charlie |
Are we there Yet? [votes: 10] |
kelly |
Honorable Mentions
- Hit the road, Jack! . . .and Jill, and Jake, and Jane. . . [votes: 9]
- Yappy Campers! [votes: 8]
- How much is that doggy in the window? [votes: 7]
- shotgun, shotgun, shotgun, shotgun! [votes: 6]
- Okay, they actually went into that diner. Time to eat the seats! [votes: 6]
- Drive across the country....they will be fun......they said. [votes: 5]
- Looks like we got us a convoy. [votes: 5]
- On the road again !! [votes: 4]
- East bound and down, loaded up and truckin'! [votes: 3]
- Jacks on a dash! [votes: 3]
- Yep, Hot enought to bake a cat on this dashboard! [votes: 3]
- Dashboard bling ~ Jack style! [votes: 2]
- Jack Russell League of America has arrived... [votes: 2]
- Ok, which one of you has the key? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 569 [March 16, 2014 - 80 entries]
I was only trying to find the squeaker!!! [votes: 20] |
KimP |
He was a good ball that Wilson. I will miss him. [votes: 12] |
Carol |
Why won't it play with me anymore?? [votes: 10] |
moira |
Honorable Mentions
- here, you can have your ball back, I'm done! [votes: 9]
- Call Dad, I have a flat. [votes: 8]
- Here you can have it back now, it doesn't roll right!!! [votes: 7]
- Look what the cat did! [votes: 5]
- I'm gonna get a red card for this [votes: 5]
- I told them not to make me the goalie. [votes: 4]
- Please take this ball as an apology for the incident with the cat earlier. [votes: 4]
- But it seemed so alive before... [votes: 3]
- I am sorry little friend! [votes: 1]
- So sorry... [votes: 1]
- Jack can make a frisbee out of most anything, [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 568 [March 9, 2014 - 71 entries]
Jack on "steak out". [votes: 32] |
sara |
Mom said to tell you it's time to check on the barbeque coals: I'll watch the steaks! [votes: 15] |
Jill |
You take the bottle, I'll take the plate! [votes: 10] |
Ken |
Honorable Mentions
- Since winning the lottry, Jack's dinners were much improved. [votes: 9]
- Is this some kind of test????? [votes: 9]
- I'm Jack. Nice to meat you! [votes: 5]
- These are a few of my favorite things. [votes: 5]
- Look who's coming to dinner. [votes: 4]
- I'm easy.....I'll take mine raw! [votes: 4]
- You do know there are 'SIX' of us... [votes: 4]
- Oh......we are going to PARTY tonight ! [votes: 4]
- Time to put that “I am starving“ stare into action... [votes: 3]
- Jack likes his margaritas cold and his streak hot. [votes: 3]
- Great! You're feeding raw! [votes: 3]
- You just became my BFF. [votes: 2]
- Two for you, two for me? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 567 [March 2, 2014 - 60 entries]
Why are you looking at other jacks online? [votes: 23] |
Herman |
I hate to interrupt your Candy Crush game, but I need to pee!! [votes: 20] |
Laureen |
Get the leash and no one gets hurt. [votes: 13] |
Charlie |
Honorable Mentions
- I'm here for you, bro. [votes: 12]
- I am NOT kidding! I really need to go out RIGHT NOW! [votes: 10]
- THE LATEST IN SPY WARE! [votes: 9]
- Ctrl, Alt, Delete, Frisbee [votes: 8]
- Little brother is watching you! [votes: 8]
- Trust me. I'm a licenced professional. [votes: 6]
- Go ahead! Click send! She loves that mushy stuff! [votes: 5]
- Where's my beef? [votes: 3]
- I know what you did last summer! [votes: 3]
- Brother can you spare a treat? [votes: 1]
- ... and then she said... [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 566 [February 23, 2014 - 59 entries]
Mom, can you fix this?? [votes: 20] |
mp |
I think it needs a new squeaker. [votes: 16] |
Herman |
It is NOT a doll! It's an ACTION FIGURE! [votes: 14] |
Jill |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack had difficulty keeping friends. [votes: 6]
- It followed me home...can I keep it? [votes: 6]
- Say hello to my little friend! [votes: 5]
- Do I make fun of the Teddy Bear YOU sleeep with? [votes: 5]
- He started it. [votes: 5]
- This companion has no brains. [votes: 3]
- Look what I killed for you. [votes: 3]
- No fun! It didn't even TRY to get away. [votes: 2]
- This is just a warning. Next time, I'm coming for you! [votes: 2]
- The cat made me do it! [votes: 1]
- Look what the dog drug in! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 565 [February 16, 2014 - 53 entries]
mushpuppies [votes: 13] |
pinkie's mom |
I don't feel like a husky; do you feel like a husky? [votes: 10] |
Rita |
All I said to her was "nice coat". Why are you mad at me? [votes: 9] |
Barbs Crowe |
Honorable Mentions
- Let's switch and wind up the leashes a few more times, then maybe he'll take us in where it's warm. [votes: 8]
- Your coat makes you look fat [votes: 8]
- Did you hear that? He actually said MUSH!? The nerve of some people! [votes: 7]
- This looked easy when the huskys did it. [votes: 7]
- One the count of 3 let's pretend to be in the Iditerod... [votes: 5]
- If he decides to hook a sled to us, I am going home! [votes: 5]
- I said white SAND beaches.... [votes: 4]
- You know I never ask for directions! [votes: 4]
- Boots, we forgot the boots! [votes: 3]
- This is another fine mess you've got us into.. Sled Dogs... Shesh... [votes: 2]
- Mush! [votes: 1]
- Ha ha! She got the coats mixed up again! [votes: 1]
- Follow us, Spring's just around the corner. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 564 [February 9, 2014 - 36 entries]
CrabFest week is here! [votes: 11] |
Ken |
Jackraphobia. [votes: 9] |
Libby D |
You won't be singing that song from the Little Mermaid much longer, crab. [votes: 8] |
Lily's Mom |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack's spider Senses were tingling! [votes: 7]
-! [votes: 6]
- Hey, I need some help with my lunch here! [votes: 5]
- Ladies and Gentlemen, The Beatle!!! [votes: 5]
- Hey Dude, I'm just as creeped out by you too! [votes: 5]
- Where is the cat when I need him? [votes: 4]
- I bow to your spiderness....before eating you. [votes: 4]
- Suitability to spider, anyone? [votes: 3]
- The claws are the best part but they are dangerous. [votes: 3]
- I think I've met my match. [votes: 2]
- The extra four legs didn't scare Jack! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 563 [February 2, 2014 - 46 entries]
I'll never let you go Jack! [votes: 10] |
easyrider stable |
Jack went looking for the isle of misfit toys... [votes: 9] |
Emmy's Mom |
Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time! [votes: 8] |
Jill |
Honorable Mentions
- ...a 3 hour tour? Gilligan? [votes: 7]
- How do I get myself into these things....MOM....DAD...anybody. [votes: 7]
- Running away to Cat-alina Island. [votes: 6]
- It will be fun....he said.....get on... he said. [votes: 6]
- I have no ideal where your cooler is.... [votes: 6]
- Once again, Captain Jack lost the Black Pearl. [votes: 5]
- Tell Jill I love her and I'll be back in a few months. [votes: 4]
- Hmmm...the shore seems to be moving away from me... [votes: 3]
- Whoa! That stuff about global warming is true. [votes: 3]
- Captain Jack's first boat [votes: 3]
- Hey, are you watching??? I am headed out to sea! [votes: 3]
- Jack's fondness for styrofoam would lead to his undoing. [votes: 2]
- Land Ho! [votes: 2]
- Uh oh?! I hope I don't find Leonardo diCaprio!! [votes: 1]
- I got the stick - now what do I do? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 562 [January 26, 2014 - 62 entries]
Jack's downward dog needed work. [votes: 15] |
Herman |
Too much Superbowl party. [votes: 12] |
Charlie |
BOTTOMS UP! [votes: 11] |
Jill |
Honorable Mentions
- Do I take pictures of you when you're draped on the couch drooling on your chest!? [votes: 10]
- Nap Attack! [votes: 10]
- I've fallen and I can't get up. [votes: 6]
- Meh close enough. [votes: 6]
- Slip sliding away, Slip sliding away. [votes: 6]
- Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack slid down the pillow slick! [votes: 5]
- Just bring my breakfast here. [votes: 5]
- This human bed thing is complicated. [votes: 5]
- You do it your way, I'll do it mine. [votes: 5]
- I want to be alone... [votes: 3]
- It's exhausting chasing cats! [votes: 3]
- Oops, I did it again! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 561 [January 19, 2014 - 50 entries]
I said, "THE MAILMAN"S HERE!!! [votes: 21] |
moira |
Have you found my set of upper dentures yet? [votes: 12] |
Derek and JR Molly |
THIS is how you do a selfie! [votes: 11] |
Barbs Crowe |
Honorable Mentions
- Oh Hi! I wasn't expecting you home yet. [votes: 6]
- Finally! No more pictures wearing silly christmas hats or costumes! [votes: 5]
- That's it, throw the cheese right here... [votes: 5]
- I did NOT eat the mouse. [votes: 4]
- Don't listen to what the cat says, listen to me. [votes: 3]
- Cat breath? No Way! Just smell this! [votes: 3]
- Hey, don't forget about me!!!! [votes: 3]
- What did the Jack say? [votes: 2]
- Not only do I brush, I floss! [votes: 2]
- ...and my name's Sparky, and I approve this message. [votes: 2]
- Insert cat head, close mouth...eos. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 560 [January 12, 2014 - 78 entries]
Ya might as well give it to me 'cause I've already licked it!!! [votes: 11] |
gaijin5 |
Was it too much to ask for squirrel and cheese???? [votes: 10] |
Emmy's Mom |
Jack contemplated the repercussions of "helping" Mom with her diet. [votes: 8] |
Pam |
Honorable Mentions
- I should at least eat the part touching the table. [votes: 7]
- Where's the cat topping I ordered? [votes: 7]
- I said WITH pepperoni! [votes: 6]
- So close and yet so far. [votes: 5]
- Wait for it... wait for it.... [votes: 4]
- There is only one piece. So, what are you going to eat? [votes: 4]
- Your part is falling off the plate... [votes: 4]
- Where's your piece? [votes: 4]
- I only have eyes for yoouuu... [votes: 3]
- Hmmmmm, no meat? [votes: 3]
- That's not Digiorno's. [votes: 3]
- On your mark. Get set. GO! [votes: 2]
- One for me... none for you! [votes: 2]
- You expect me to eat that? It looks like a giant tongue. [votes: 2]
- Yes, Life Sustaining Pizza! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 559 [January 5, 2014 - 79 entries]
Thanks for the hat. I left a gift for you in your shoe. [votes: 16] |
Herman |
Oh, go ELF YOURSELF!! [votes: 14] |
Mary Mc |
I ate the Elf on the Shelf! [votes: 11] |
Brian |
Honorable Mentions
- Elf on a shelf...Jack Russell Style! [votes: 9]
- Phew, are the grandkids gone? [votes: 7]
- Sad part is, these are my real ears. [votes: 6]
- Does this hat makes my ears look big? [votes: 4]
- Somebody...just...shoot me. [votes: 4]
- I have to put up with them - they feed me! [votes: 4]
- Never again!! Nevvvvvvvveerrrrrrrr again. [votes: 3]
- Is it over? [votes: 3]
- I am not a decoration! [votes: 3]
- Remind me not to invite the cats over for our holiday celebration next year. [votes: 3]
- All I got for Christmas was this stupid hat! [votes: 2]
- Holidays are ruff! [votes: 2]
- Have you completely lost your mind?! [votes: 2]
- Hi! I'm Drunk Uncle's JRT but I never make the Saturday Night Live skit. [votes: 1]
- Some days you feel like a nut... [votes: 1]
- The gift that keeps on giving. [votes: 1]