Results from Contest # 454 [December 25, 2011 - 100 entries]
Mom, I think someone's at the front door, go see! [votes: 31] |
Lisa Walsh |
Step 1: Disarm security camera... [votes: 28] |
Lilo's Mom |
It's SHAKE and BAKE and I HELPED! [votes: 22] |
Shingle Oak |
Honorable Mentions
- Hey Mom, there's a dead bird on the counter! Want me to take it away? [votes: 16]
- Hmmm I wonder if the surveillance camera is on today. [votes: 13]
- Excuse me, but I need to borrow that chicken for a minute. [votes: 9]
- Is that the cat? [votes: 9]
- The fate of the parrot was now clear to Jack. [votes: 7]
- Tastes like kitten. [votes: 7]
- What do you mean, "Where's the rest of it?" [votes: 7]
- pretty please can i have some. [votes: 6]
- Wanna play chicken? [votes: 5]
- I don't need a plate. [votes: 5]
- Dad, just wanted you to know that I licked it all over. [votes: 4]
- A wing and no prayer. [votes: 4]
- My friend the chicken says he really wants to come down and play! [votes: 3]
- I think this is a test... [votes: 2]
- I would be more than happy to help you with the carving! [votes: 1]
- I can help you with the stuffing part... [votes: 1]
- I cooked all day. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 453 [December 18, 2011 - 109 entries]
Why Jacks attack!!!! [votes: 23] |
Ava |
Why do I feel like this is a trick? [votes: 19] |
Gail S |
It's okay Jill; when they go to sleep tonight we'll leave them some special gifts. [votes: 21] |
Peg C |
Honorable Mentions
- We are not amused. [votes: 20]
- We've got to bury Grandma's knitting needles. [votes: 18]
- Laugh all you want, cat. You're next! [votes: 15]
- If this goes on Facebook someone's in TROUBLE!!! [votes: 14]
- Rule #1, choose your owners carefully. [votes: 13]
- And we thought the Easter Bunny Ears were bad... [votes: 12]
- I'll take the ankles - you get the crotch. [votes: 10]
- We're a couple of misfits... [votes: 10]
- Don't complain, the cat is wearing a tutu and ballet slippers. [votes: 10]
- Two's company, trees a crowd. [votes: 9]
- The Smothered Brothers. [votes: 8]
- You go for the jugular and I, for the femoral. This is never happening AGAIN! [votes: 7]
- "You look like deranged Christmas trees, are you happy wearing that?" [votes: 6]
- Mom dresses us funny... [votes: 5]
- On Halloween - pumpkin hats! On Thanksgiving - turkey tiaras! Now this! What next?! [votes: 4]
- You know you've had too much eggnog when you start seeing double!! [votes: 3]
- I hope we're not pulling the sleigh this year... [votes: 2]
- The Revenge of the Trees. [votes: 2]
- Yeah we got our christmas spirit. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 452 [December 11, 2011 - 96 entries]
Must restrain myself. I think the cat is setting me up. [votes: 29] |
philsmom |
Why do I feel like this is a trick? [votes: 19] |
kvines |
The lengths some owners will go to to make their JRT take a bath. [votes: 13] |
jackterriersrule555 |
Honorable Mentions
- Follow the yellow treat road, follow the yellow treat road... [votes: 10]
- I am not Interested in your childish games, that cheese? [votes: 8]
- Follow the yellow brick road??? Are you kidding? [votes: 7]
- Things that look too good to be true, usually are. signed, (the Cat). [votes: 7]
- If you get mad everytime I eat one of the game pieces we'll never finish this game. [votes: 6]
- Looks like something the cat left behind. [votes: 4]
- Tom you know I never tire of playing Hansel & Gretel. [votes: 3]
- Huh, it worked with the old cat. [votes: 3]
- Hmmm...I'm hungry; but I'm not hungry for cheese. [votes: 3]
- I prefer cats to cookies anyday. [votes: 3]
- This is not as easy as you think. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 451 [December 4, 2011 - 70 entries]
Yeah, there used to be Koi in here... what of it? [votes: 28] |
Libby D |
Nobody paid attention when I said the garden hose was leaking! [votes: 19] |
Terry P |
What do you mean don't pee in the pond? [votes: 16] |
Curt |
Honorable Mentions
- Did anyone else notice the front yard is under water??!?! [votes: 12]
- This is going to make finding my "special spot" difficult! [votes: 11]
- Roll Tide. [votes: 8]
- C'mon! The water's fine! [votes: 6]
- Catfish, the other white meat! [votes: 6]
- So this is why they said "Please remain seated until the ride come to a complete stop". [votes: 5]
- You said we'd go for a fish dinner, not 'fish' for my dinner! [votes: 4]
- Jack knew they were in trouble when his humans began singing the Gilligan's Island theme song! [votes: 4]
- miss utility? who's she? [votes: 4]
- Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these terriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. [votes: 3]
- I went to "go to ground" and somehow I ended up here - I don't know how. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 450 [November 27, 2011 - 101 entries]
What makes you think I did it??? [votes: 36] |
Rita |
I think I found the root of your problem! [votes: 17] |
Pam |
Yeah, I aerated, unplanted AND watered; you're welcome. [votes: 17] |
Peg C |
Honorable Mentions
- uh, JACK RUSSELL - IT'S WHAT WE DO!!! [votes: 16]
- My work here is done. [votes: 15]
- What a great idea! A portable dirt holder! [votes: 12]
- One sniff of basil, and I went nuts! [votes: 7]
- After a fierce struggle, Jack subdued the evil petunias! [votes: 6]
- Jack realized the cat had set him up beautifully. [votes: 4]
- Oh....wrong planter? [votes: 3]
- I think I am in trouble. [votes: 3]
- I've had my dirt therapy for the day. [votes: 2]
- Your Petunias clashed with my hair. Get over it! [votes: 2]
- Wow! This stuff is good hair mousse! [votes: 2]
- Jack's folks kept his groomer on speed dial, for obvious reasons. [votes: 1]
- I've been working; does my hair look okay? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 449 [November 20, 2011 - 122 entries]
I found it, and I shall name it "Snack". [votes: 29] |
Terrier Treatz |
I kissed a Kitty and I liked it! [votes: 26] |
stemlodge |
Jack always wondered about his son. Did Jill have something to tell him? [votes: 22] |
Hannah |
Honorable Mentions
- Needs salt. [votes: 13]
- You had me from MEOW. [votes: 12]
- Breakfast in bed. [votes: 11]
- I'm gonna let this one fatten up a bit first. [votes: 8]
- This could be a cat-astrophy! [votes: 7]
- I need to do a little taste testing. [votes: 6]
- Cat... it's whats for dinner. [votes: 6]
- Tastes great. Less Filling. [votes: 6]
- It just followed me home... [votes: 5]
- Pwease don't eats me... [votes: 4]
- Just relax, it'll all be over soon. [votes: 4]
- How to Fool a Kitten into Thinking it's One of the Family [votes: 3]
- Midnight snack. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 448 [November 13, 2011 - 77 entries]
Things were going well until Seabiscuit ate his jockey. [votes: 14] |
Pike |
Are you sure Seabiscuit started this way? [votes: 13] |
Antoinette |
I asked for jockey shorts, not a short jockey! [votes: 12] |
sam's dad |
Honorable Mentions
- If this shows up on the cats Facebook site, somebody is going to get bit! [votes: 11]
- One swat with that riding crop and I'm dumping you on the next turn. [votes: 11]
- This is just wrong! [votes: 9]
- Jack demonstrates his utter and total disdain concerning the Halloween costume contest! [votes: 8]
- With his tennis ball addiction, Jack had a real monkey on his back. [votes: 8]
- Awww man! Not this game again! [votes: 8]
- Giving Terrier Racing a new meaning... [votes: 7]
- I don't think so... [votes: 6]
- I'd better get two cookies for this. [votes: 6]
- Okay, we won lure coursing, Now get off!!! [votes: 6]
- Jack had a monkey on his back that he just couldn't shake. [votes: 5]
- After Jack broke the sound barrier, his jockey froze with fear. [votes: 3]
- Jack refused to take directions from something with sawdust for brains. [votes: 2]
- I'm Not Moving 'Til I Hear The Bugler! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 447 [November 6, 2011 - 120 entries]
Guess which one I licked? [votes: 33] |
Herman |
This is a test isn't it? And I'm going to fail again! [votes: 15] |
Kat |
Is ONE in the shape of a bone too much to ask?! [votes: 13] |
Terry P. |
Honorable Mentions
- eeny meeny miny mo, jack wants the one with mistletoe. [votes: 12]
- That one is mine... and that one.. and that one... and ... [votes: 10]
- Of course I'm JUST looking! [votes: 8]
- Another star is about to be swallowed by the Black Hole! [votes: 8]
- Innocent till proven guilty. [votes: 8]
- One for me, none for you, one for me. [votes: 6]
- Jack knew that the "three second" rule applied to counters as well as floors. [votes: 5]
- My, my. Christmas came early for Jack this year. [votes: 5]
- Unattended cookies will be eaten... [votes: 3]
- I would NEVER put MY sprinkles on cookies! [votes: 3]
- oooooh - I like the big one! Yeah! The one in the middle! [votes: 2]
- If there's ANYTHING I can do to help, just ask! [votes: 2]
- This is my favorite time of the year. [votes: 2]
- Confession, here I come. [votes: 1]
- Look Ma, no opposing thumbs! [votes: 1]
- By Christmas they'll be as stale as my biscuits...yummy! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 446 [October 30, 2011 - 75 entries]
Don't worry. Chicks dig big dogs with little puppies, you'll see... [votes: 20] |
Barbara Crowe |
It's not the size of the dog that matters, but the heart. [votes: 17] |
Barbara Crowe |
Mom said you're supposed to watch me. [votes: 14] |
Dextersmom |
Honorable Mentions
- WOW! Moving weave poles. [votes: 13]
- Please don't step on me, please don't step on me, please don't step on me... [votes: 12]
- Another blind date gone wrong. [votes: 11]
- Mutt and Jack. [votes: 10]
- I think you have trailing down kid, but racing is going to have to wait! [votes: 7]
- little big man [votes: 6]
- I bet you can dunk...I can only dribble... [votes: 5]
- I'm a leg man myself. [votes: 4]
- I hope he checks his blind spot!! [votes: 4]
- It was then when little Jack realized sprinting would be futile. [votes: 3]
- Little Jack knew someday he'd have some big paws to fill. [votes: 3]
- Just me and my shadow... [votes: 3]
- So my girl friend is a hound, what can I say? [votes: 2]
- Ok I'll take the high road and you take the low road. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 445 [October 23, 2011 - 64 entries]
J & J Excavating; "Couldn't be quicker". [votes: 21] |
Peg C |
Jack hammers. [votes: 18] |
Peg C |
Hey - I found the ball! And a groundhog, and a rabbit, and eww! A dead cat! [votes: 14] |
Dextersmom |
Honorable Mentions
- If there's chips, there has to be a sandwich! [votes: 13]
- I found the bag of Cheetos....the cat should be right under it. [votes: 12]
- Ouch! Ouch! Dirt in my eyes! Dirt in my eyes!! [votes: 12]
- Dig! I see something white at the other end! [votes: 9]
- Are you SURE this is where you dropped the keys? [votes: 8]
- Hey, I can see your face from here! [votes: 6]
- Canine CSI [votes: 5]
- Gimme a hand, this bone is huge! [votes: 5]
- Who needs a metal detector? [votes: 3]
- So much for the new pedicure! [votes: 2]
- Last one to Australia loves the cat! [votes: 1]
- Every tail deserves a happy ending! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 444 [October 16, 2011 - 68 entries]
Go ahead, touch it. [votes: 19] |
Peg C |
The staring contest was so intense, Kermit turned white and fainted. [votes: 18] |
Antoinette |
Don't move the body, wait for our forensics team. [votes: 14] |
Sydney Betty |
Honorable Mentions
- Custody battle; phase one. [votes: 11]
- Dude, the hair, its just wrong. [votes: 9]
- it's your turn to change the baby. [votes: 7]
- Your mother dresses you funny. [votes: 7]
- I think our friend ate too much. He's stuffed. [votes: 6]
- oh by the way, you were adopted. [votes: 5]
- Hostage standoff... [votes: 5]
- The teddy only comes with this jacket. It's a set. [votes: 4]
- Some things you just don't share. [votes: 4]
- The coat is stunning, but the label needs to go! [votes: 3]
- I know he doesn't say much, but he is my friend. [votes: 2]
- Ha ha ha, I don't have to wear a raincoat! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 443 [October 9, 2011 - 70 entries]
Don't need no stinkin' seal! [votes: 24] |
Ken |
It looked smaller online. [votes: 20] |
Dave W |
Stand back! I got this! [votes: 19] |
Paula |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack suddenly realised his ball addiction had gotten out of hand. [votes: 11]
- David Letterman, Here I Come! [votes: 11]
- Oh, if only America Got Talent could see me now!!! [votes: 10]
- Kick it already, I can't hold this forever! [votes: 9]
- Jack's allergic reaction to bee stings was instantaneous and dramatic. [votes: 7]
- Mother! I have NO IDEA how the window got broken. [votes: 6]
- Alright, who put the helium in the soceer ball? [votes: 5]
- Throw him a fish! [votes: 5]
- Mom won't let me play ball in the house... [votes: 3]
- Are you home yet? [votes: 2]
- There is no try! Do or Do Not! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 442 [October 2, 2011 - 132 entries]
YOU rise and shine. I need coffee. [votes: 24] |
Queenie |
It doesn't matter what the breeder said. You CAN feed me after midnight. [votes: 20] |
Pam |
Who's Nick Nolte? [votes: 19] |
Divot |
Honorable Mentions
- This is NOT my happy face. [votes: 8]
- I hate school picture day. [votes: 8]
- That groomer hates me I swear. [votes: 7]
- Master Yoda, I come to you for help. [votes: 6]
- The cat is laughing, I can hear it. [votes: 6]
- Hour 12 of the staring contest... [votes: 6]
- Jack's obession with Gizmo from Gremlins finally made him snap. [votes: 5]
- What makes smooth coats green with envy?? [votes: 5]
- Monday face. [votes: 4]
- What happens at Nationals stays at Nationals! [votes: 4]
- Bad hair day. [votes: 4]
- These are not the droids you are looking for. [votes: 4]
- You know you like it! [votes: 4]
- I DO NOT look like a 1959 Chevy! [votes: 3]
- Dude... [votes: 3]
- My stylist thinks the "Just woke up" look works for me! [votes: 2]
- Just a little off the top will do [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 441 [September 25, 2011 - 101 entries]
Jack's tennis ball addiction required intervention. [votes: 19] |
Kat |
YOU have to be KIDDING!!!!! [votes: 17] |
Gene |
It's all fun and games 'til someone ends up in a cone! [votes: 16] |
Cammie |
Honorable Mentions
- Do they realy think this is going to stop me? [votes: 15]
- Really? [votes: 11]
- Houston, we have a problem! [votes: 11]
- Yea, you try to pick it up with this thing on!! [votes: 9]
- Wait, did you hear that? I think I am picking up a radio signal. [votes: 8]
- The cone of inconvenience. [votes: 7]
- Playing ball was all fun and games until Jack ended up with the cone of shame. [votes: 5]
- Ok, whose bright idea was this? Nevermind, where is THAT CAT! [votes: 5]
- Is this a test? [votes: 4]
- Jack modeling the latest "Been Fixed" attire from the local vet. [votes: 4]
- No, this cone does NOT act as an automatic ball return. [votes: 4]
- High Fashion is not always practical or functional. [votes: 4]
- This isn't exactly what i meant by saying i wanted to be in the shade... [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 440 [September 18, 2011 - 120 entries]
Dad, that cat was THIS big! [votes: 27] |
sam's dad |
They look okay, let's see your ears. [votes: 26] |
Peg C |
TOUCHDOWN! [votes: 18] |
Jill |
Honorable Mentions
- Ooooooh, pick me! Pick me! I wanna bury the cat this time! [votes: 15]
- Wasn't me... See Clean Hands! [votes: 15]
- Wait, I can explain... [votes: 15]
- Honest! I had NO idea the vet was going to do that to you! [votes: 10]
- I swearz, Officer, I had nothing to do with the cat's disappearance! [votes: 8]
- Ok, ok, I took your toy. [votes: 7]
- Oh Young One, Your Jedi Mind Tricks will not work on Me. [votes: 6]
- Back Shaman, Back Priest, Back Holyman, back! [votes: 3]
- Say hello to my little friend. [votes: 3]
- Do the wave. [votes: 2]
- Please don't take my cookies! [votes: 2]
- STOP in the name of love, before you break my head. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 439 [September 11, 2011 - 116 entries]
MUD? What mud? I don't know nothin' about mud! [votes: 21] |
Jill |
Jack seems to have painted himself into a corner again. [votes: 18] |
Gizmo |
Not me!! I'm BEHIND the chair! [votes: 15] |
Herman |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack felt he was a little too old for "time out". [votes: 11]
- Just can't hide... the GUILTY Look! [votes: 10]
- This is a Fine Mess I've Gotten Myself Into... [votes: 10]
- This is why we cover the furniture. [votes: 9]
- Those Stanley Steemer guys are NOT going to like what I left them in the corner. [votes: 8]
- After a brief attempt at telling a story involving a wolverine, Jack admits his guilt! [votes: 7]
- Don't breathe, don't move... and don't confess! [votes: 6]
- My 51% white is not camo-ing in very well. [votes: 5]
- I... see... dead... cats. And they don't even know they're dead! [votes: 5]
- Is that cat gone yet? [votes: 4]
- "Here kitty, kitty". Jack attempts to shift the blame... [votes: 3]
- No bath, No way. [votes: 2]
- Can't touch this... [votes: 2]
- You should not have fed me chocolate! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 438 [September 4, 2011 - 62 entries]
Jack's girlfriend was a real doll. [votes: 21] |
Peg C |
I don't care how hard she cries! She gave it to me! [votes: 20] |
Dextersmom |
Maybe the dingo ate your baby! [votes: 15] |
Herman |
Honorable Mentions
- Try to touch my baby. Just.Try. [votes: 12]
- Mine!Mine!Mine! [votes: 10]
- Uh oh... nobody told me that this thing wets. [votes: 7]
- Give me a treat or the baby gets it!! [votes: 7]
- You sleep, I'll take the first watch [votes: 6]
- When I have it, it's not a doll; it's an action figure! [votes: 6]
- Happiness is... [votes: 5]
- Found this during last week's contest. [votes: 4]
- Dolly was much easier than Jill's other puppies. [votes: 4]
- I like this kid - she makes a GREAT pillow! [votes: 3]
- Dolls and Jaws! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 437 [August 28, 2011 - 112 entries]
Look at that! They threw away a perfectly good squirrel! [votes: 33] |
Peanut's Pop |
I can't believe they were going to recycle my stick. [votes: 20] |
swtmdmboo |
Jumpin' Jack Trash! [votes: 19] |
Annabelle |
Honorable Mentions
- Something stinks really good in here! [votes: 12]
- Outa my reach.... Yeah right! [votes: 11]
- Somebody threw out a perfectly good cat. [votes: 11]
- Jack teaches the cat all about the joys of recycling! [votes: 7]
- The brush hunt at Nationals was nothing compared to this! [votes: 7]
- Fine, I'll show you where I hid the cat! [votes: 6]
- They say Irene's gone... Where'd they put her? [votes: 5]
- It ain't easy being green. [votes: 4]
- A Jack's work is never done [votes: 3]
- Jack on a treasure hunt. [votes: 2]
- I wonder where this ride will take me? [votes: 1]
- Jack checking to make sure kitty likes her new digs. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 436 [August 21, 2011 - 77 entries]
Jill looked through her self-improvement book but decided she was perfect already. [votes: 21] |
Paul |
I AM paying attention. [votes: 20] |
Peg C |
Wake me when you come up with a better idea! [votes: 18] |
Taz's Dad |
Honorable Mentions
- Staying ahead of the trainer can be so tiring. [votes: 12]
- If you give me a belly rub, I'll consider training. [votes: 11]
- Pulled another all nighter! [votes: 8]
- Who's training who? [votes: 8]
- You can lead a Jack to a training manual, but you can make her read it! [votes: 7]
- Just let me enjoy my last day of freedom before the training starts. [votes: 5]
- Jack was in the naughty magazine section again. [votes: 5]
- Jack was never able to study in bed for long. [votes: 5]
- If they think they are going to sell me on a new puppy, they are dead wrong! [votes: 4]
- First we read to see what she's planning, then we can prepare for it and foil her plans. [votes: 3]
- I got a great idea for ya! Read less. Nap more. [votes: 2]
- What all good Jacks do on Sunday mornings! [votes: 1]
- I don't know why I bother...It's like he doesn't even hear me! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 435 [August 14, 2011 - 112 entries]
I don't know what it is, but I saw it first and it's mine! [votes: 20] |
donnadowntown |
Put your leg down, spitting's not the only thing you don't do into the wind. [votes: 16] |
mainelyfp |
I'll never let go Jack, I'll never let go... [votes: 15] |
Zippy |
Honorable Mentions
- Jaws and Paws! [votes: 9]
- I don't remember eating that. [votes: 9]
- Look! The cat can do a doggy-paddle! [votes: 8]
- Cat overboard!!!! [votes: 8]
- ooooh - I shouldn't have had that cheeseburger at the dock!!! [votes: 7]
- I'll catch this one... you got the last one! [votes: 7]
- ...A three hour tour, a three hour tour... [votes: 7]
- throw another barrel on him, "No, we're gonna need a bigger boat!" [votes: 6]
- Target Aquired. Preparing Lunch... err, Launch. [votes: 6]
- Whale! You go for the blow hole. I'll get the tail! [votes: 5]
- Seafood Dinner! [votes: 4]
- Teach Jack to fish and you'll feed him for life. [votes: 4]
- Are those bubbles from a snorkeler or the cat? [votes: 3]
- Uh oh, there goes lunch. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 434 [August 7, 2011 - 107 entries]
I'll be back with the cat. Just keep digging! [votes: 33] |
Taz's Mom |
Follow me ... Mom's bed is this way! [votes: 23] |
Pat |
Two square feet of mud in the entire yard and they found it. [votes: 13] |
Peg C |
Honorable Mentions
- This is fun. We should come to the cat cemetery more often. [votes: 11]
- Got Dirt? [votes: 9]
- It was his idea Mom! [votes: 9]
- It just doesn't get any better than this. [votes: 7]
- Oh Oh run - here comes the hose. [votes: 7]
- I'm going home, you play dirty! [votes: 5]
- Let's play with the sprinkler you said! When Mom sees this, we are both going to be on double secret probation! [votes: 5]
- Hello mudder, hello fadder. [votes: 5]
- I'm outta here before Mom catches us! [votes: 5]
- Having just chewed off the sprinkler head, they were off to vanquish the hose. [votes: 3]
- Hey, you can't leave, you're not dirty! [votes: 3]
- I Think We In Trouble Now !!!! [votes: 3]
- Eat my dirt! [votes: 2]
- Dang---no use wasting all this good mud! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 433 [July 31, 2011 - 100 entries]
Read the sign, Bud; it ain't for show. [votes: 27] |
Queenie |
Be afraid. Be very afraid. [votes: 22] |
Ginger |
Make my day! [votes: 15] |
Roy |
Honorable Mentions
- When are they getting a real dog door? [votes: 15]
- Wait for it... wait for it... [votes: 15]
- Hey, if you give me a treat you can come in and take everything! [votes: 12]
- Ignore the JRT behind the curtain. [votes: 10]
- You look suspicious .... I'll be watching you. [votes: 9]
- Jack was willing to forgo security for the pizza man. [votes: 8]
- Guard Dog Security...How may I help you. [votes: 7]
- Got the sign! Got the attitude! Wanna play? [votes: 6]
- One more step and the mailman gets it! [votes: 6]
- Do I really have to come out there? [votes: 6]
- The mailman cometh... [votes: 5]
- The welcome wagon. [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 432 [July 24, 2011 - 94 entries]
How male dogs pee when we aren't looking. [votes: 20] |
jill |
What scratch? I don't see a scratch! [votes: 17] |
3 Jack Night |
Jack checked his smile one more time before his date. [votes: 16] |
suez |
Honorable Mentions
- Boarder Security...Do I smell a cat in your trunk? [votes: 13]
- Excuse me, how tall do you have to be to go on this ride? [votes: 12]
- Jack took revenge on yet another cat owners mag wheels. [votes: 11]
- I'm looking and I don't see any CAT between my teeth! [votes: 8]
- That IS correct sir...we WILL be checking your car for undocumented CATS! [votes: 8]
- Now that Jack finally caught a car, he doesn't know what to do with it. [votes: 8]
- Hey Dad, you missed a spot! [votes: 7]
- You want your tires cleaned? You got it! [votes: 6]
- Next best thing to a tree. [votes: 5]
- I wonder if they will notice the cat is stuck on the bike rack? [votes: 3]
- Slobber & Shine [votes: 3]
- Is that the sticker price or your phone number? [votes: 3]
- Is Buddy back from the vet? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 431 [July 17, 2011 - 93 entries]
Jack excelled in every phase of Navy Seal training. [votes: 18] |
El-jay |
Government cut backs hit the navy SEAL program. [votes: 17] |
Jackie |
Raised by Labs. [votes: 16] |
El-jay |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack Splash! [votes: 14]
- JACK-KNIFE! [votes: 12]
- Cue the Jaws music! [votes: 12]
- They tricked me again! I thought this was a big chunk of cheddar I was diving after. [votes: 8]
- Dog Days of Summer. [votes: 8]
- DOG-Shark! [votes: 7]
- 3 degree down bubble, all ahead flank. [votes: 6]
- Das JACK [votes: 6]
- Oh, oh...I lost my suit! [votes: 5]
-'s nothing like a bath. [votes: 5]
- Rescue the ketchup he says! I'd better get a burger for this! [votes: 4]
- I hope I don't get water in my ears! [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 430 [July 10, 2011 - 45 entries]
Jack's "Nap" sack. [votes: 31] |
Captain Jack's Mom |
Just wake me when we get there. [votes: 17] |
Rita |
Home Jeeves. [votes: 15] |
Chriss |
Honorable Mentions
- If they sing "a tisket a tasket, Jack is in the basket" one more time, I'm gonna have to bite somebody. [votes: 14]
- Economy class again, no movies, no cookies, and sleep sitting up! [votes: 14]
- Hey, Boo-Boo, look at what's in this pic-a-nic basket! [votes: 12]
- I am getting way too old to be out partying this late! [votes: 11]
- Good Grief! I'm glad that trial is over! [votes: 10]
- Do not disturb. [votes: 7]
- Okay, so I peed on Aunt Ruby's carpet... get over it! [votes: 5]
- After a poor go to ground score, Jack felt like a basket case. [votes: 5]
- Jack prepares for G forces of highway driving. [votes: 5]
- Hey, you brought the dog, you deal with the snoring. [votes: 3]
- So embarassing, I'm closing my eyes, now you can't see me. [votes: 3]
- Told ya I would fit. [votes: 3]
- Tight fit, but it is worth it to be able to travel with the family. [votes: 2]
- Can't sleep, cramp in my leg, cramp in my leg! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 429 [July 3, 2011 - 45 entries]
You should be ashamed to even suggest it. A Jack Russell NEVER needs a ladder. [votes: 24] |
Lori |
C'mon, help me! The band's gonna be here in 10 minutes! [votes: 11] |
Dextersmom |
Peter Frampton's dogs. [votes: 10] |
Talkbox |
Honorable Mentions
- I KNOW I could play it but YOU have to sing. [votes: 9]
- Just how long the cat could cling to the track light was the question. [votes: 8]
- On a count of three, we play "air guitar". [votes: 7]
- Now, I wonder why she put it WAYYY up there? [votes: 6]
- If we get that down we can play all night. [votes: 6]
- I'll knock it over and you stand over it looking guilty. [votes: 6]
- I think the music comes out of it. [votes: 5]
- If we could stuff the cat, we could hang it on the wall next to the guitar. [votes: 4]
- There! It moved again! [votes: 4]
- Ha Ha! Made you look! [votes: 4]
- Never chewed on a strat before....looks tasty. [votes: 4]
Results from Contest # 428 [June 19, 2011 - 117 entries]
Jack was hosed and he knew it. [votes: 17] |
Hermann |
Tough snake; the harder I bite, the more he spits! [votes: 16] |
Antoinette |
After a brief struggle, Jack subdues the mighty garden hose! [votes: 11] |
Jill |
Honorable Mentions
- Put the super-soaker down, kitty. [votes: 11]
- I'm helping. [votes: 10]
- Find the cat, find the cat... [votes: 9]
- I know I have 3,000 tennis balls and 2,000 squeaky toys but this is by far the best! [votes: 9]
- It's pretty bad when you have to give yourself your bath. [votes: 7]
- Will wash cars for treats! [votes: 7]
- Jack to the rescue after Dad uses too much charcoal lighter fluid AGAIN! [votes: 7]
- I shall destroy you so I won't have to take a bath! [votes: 6]
- Tunnels are easier to dig if the ground is wet. [votes: 6]
- Jack's Landscaping business was booming. [votes: 6]
- I see a wet cat in my future. [votes: 5]
- I got it! I got it! Now RUNNNN! [votes: 4]
- OK, watch it's my turn! [votes: 3]
- Fire Marshall Bill teaches hose handling 101. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 427 [June 5, 2011 - 139 entries]
Jack ON the box. [votes: 27] |
christa |
Thinking outside the box. [votes: 26] |
roxie |
I'll get in MY crate when you put on YOUR seatbelt! [votes: 18]] |
Maureen |
Honorable Mentions
- No, you get in the kennel! [votes: 17]
- I can see Russia from my house. [votes: 15]
- Ta-DA! And for my next trick, watch me make that cat disappear. [votes: 12]
- The cat in the car ahead just gave me the 'paw'! [votes: 11]
- If Snoopy can sit on top of his dog house, why can't I? [votes: 10]
- Who let the dog out? [votes: 10]
- SPIDER!!! [votes: 10]
- Crate this. [votes: 10]
- Escape would be easy, if only there was a sunroof... [votes: 8]
- I'm too sexy for my cage... and too smart... and... [votes: 8]
- Jacks version of a booster seat! [votes: 7]
- Winning!!!! [votes: 6]
- I've told you how I HATE the green blanket. [votes: 5]
- Jack nav. [votes: 4]
- Jack is my co-pilot. [votes: 3]
- Jack thought the decor inside his crate was more befitting a poodle. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 426 [May 29, 2011 - 85 entries]
Wastin' away again in Doggeritaville. [votes: 24] |
Terrier Treatz |
Dog days of summer. [votes: 18] |
Ginger |
Bark-o-lounger [votes: 17] |
BeBeBoomer |
Honorable Mentions
- I can't bear to look! The cat is outside blowing kisses at me! [votes: 12]
- I might be relaxing, but I AM VERY, VERY ALERT! [votes: 12]
- I'd chase the cat, but it's too hot out there. [votes: 9]
- Yep, I see the bug; but I don't feel like chasing it right now. [votes: 8]
- Jack experiences a full-body freeze after eating an ice-cream sundae in 1 1/2 seconds. [votes: 8]
- Ahhhh, their vacation is MY vacation. [votes: 8]
- Oh I so deserve this!! [votes: 7]
- This is my chair, I found it and I'm keepin' it! [votes: 7]
- I think I've figured out why I wake up with a stiff neck every morning. [votes: 7]
- Jack poses for dictionary photo depiction of "BORED BEYOND BELIEF". [votes: 5]
- Hey, Mom, can I have my dinner in here? [votes: 4]
- I know the couch matches her drink... God help me, give me some red meat. [votes: 4]
- I love it when she goes shopping. [votes: 2]
- Looks like Jack got into the catnip again. [votes: 2]
- Yes, he DOES sleep with his eyes open. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 425 [May 29, 2011 - 56 entries]
... and the first rat was this tall, but it got away... Jack's version of a fish story. [votes: 23] |
philsmom |
What a cute kitty! Put it down so I can get a closer look. [votes: 18] |
Vickie |
Please sir, may I have more biscuits. [votes: 12] |
Peg C |
Honorable Mentions
- Please, Mom, just one snack before I have to face the judges! [votes: 9]
- Did you say macarena? You're kidding, right? [votes: 9]
- Training a new master was never easy at first. [votes: 8]
- Drop something... anything.. please... [votes: 7]
- Did you see a milk bone around? It was about this high! [votes: 6]
- Please, please, please, forget about that Vets appointment! [votes: 4]
- If the leash was a bit longer my front legs could hit the ground. [votes: 3]
- Jack doesn't beg, he demands! [votes: 3]
- Make up your mind! Do you want my right paw up and my left foot down or WHAT!? [votes: 3]
- I know we are at a show...but you said to look pretty!! [votes: 3]
- But I'm telling ya.....She went thata way. [votes: 2]
- Well if they can sit over there, so can I!! [votes: 2]
- Can't we just chase the cat for fun? [votes: 1]
- Now, look into my eyes - may we get out of here, I have to go bad!!!! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 424 [May 22, 2011 - 98 entries]
Jack, Crackle and Pop. [votes: 33] |
Xfactor |
Cat? Nope haven't seem him. UPS been here yet? [votes: 18] |
Erich B |
That's a wrap Jack! [votes: 16] |
Peg C |
Honorable Mentions
- But mom, I'm fragile. [votes: 15]
- Greatest gift EVER. [votes: 13]
- Jack Russell Temper-Pedic [votes: 9]
- okay, now put me in the box and write the address: "To Mr. Cat" [votes: 8]
- Jack finds a new way to relieve stress.. [votes: 8]
- That noise was the bubble wrap..not me! [votes: 7]
- Jack Wrap. [votes: 6]
- Jack investigates cheaper travel alternatives. [votes: 4]
- Bubbles. Bubbles. My bubbles. [votes: 4]
- Jack proves he has completely overcome his bubble-wrapaphobia. [votes: 4]
- But, I love the way they feel when they pop! [votes: 3]
- Shipping and handling ARE extra. [votes: 3]
- Pack me up and ship me, Make sure I get to the trial in time! [votes: 2]
- I hate moving day. [votes: 2]
- Tiny bubbles, make me feel fine! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 423 [May 15, 2011 - 119 entries]
See Jack See Seaweed by the seashore. [votes: 20] |
Erich Bender |
Hmmm, not quite stinky enough to waste my time rolling around in. [votes: 19] |
Sonny |
I'd kill it, but I think it's already dead. [votes: 17] |
donnadowntown |
Honorable Mentions
- Jack patiently waits for the kelp to make the first move! [votes: 15]
- Jack responds to 10 consecutive Rorschach tests with "it looks like a cat". [votes: 11]
- I don't know WHAT that is; but I didn't DO it! [votes: 11]
- I'd hate to see the cat that hacked up that hairball. [votes: 10]
- I'd love to shake this by the neck, but which part is the neck? [votes: 9]
- Unidentified lying object. [votes: 9]
- Can we get a chalk line around this? [votes: 9]
- Fetch it? I can't even identify it. [votes: 8]
- Cat, get up cat! - Cat? [votes: 8]
- hmmmm... it sure didn't look like this when I ate it! [votes: 6]
- Jack wondered what puked this up. [votes: 5]
- Toupee, or no toupee...that is the question. [votes: 5]
- If this moves I'm outta here. [votes: 5]
- The trouble with Tribbles... [votes: 4]
- Inspector Jack finds evidence of illegal grooming. [votes: 3]
- The problem with kelp is that you have to watch it every minute! [votes: 3]
- Gonna take this home and tell the cat he's shedding fur! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 422 [May 8, 2011 - 95 entries]
Hmm, must practice my Spanish- pretty sure that's not what I ordered. [votes: 25] |
Kimbo |
Somehow Jack just knew the string bean was mocking him. [votes: 14] |
Hermann |
Okay, I just KNOW it moved that time. [votes: 13] |
Michael H |
Honorable Mentions
- No, Doctor. I don't know what the bean represents... [votes: 11]
- Where's the blender, I see a Bloody Mary in my future! [votes: 11]
- The green one is getting away! [votes: 11]
- This vegetarian diet bites. [votes: 10]
- I don't care how you serve it--There is no meat in there. [votes: 10]
- Where's the beef? [votes: 9]
- I can clearly see why Mom flunked flower arranging 101! [votes: 8]
- It's looking at me... [votes: 5]
- Mom, make it stop looking at me! [votes: 4]
- What? No Bacon!? [votes: 4]
- Gotta watch my weight before trials! [votes: 4]
- Am I supposed to drink this or eat this? [votes: 3]
- It's alive ... It's alive. [votes: 3]
- Sooo gimee! [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 421 [May 1, 2011 - 113 entries]
The cat has a facebook page and I don't? [votes: 21] |
swtmdmboo |
Wasted away again in Margaritaville... lookin for my lost shaker of salt... [votes: 17] |
Julie L |
Jack's last known photo before entering canine rehab. [votes: 16] |
Peg C |
Honorable Mentions
- Omaha steaks---Hand me the credit card. [votes: 12]
- What happens when your dog goes to bartending school rather than obedience school. [votes: 10]
- I could have found Osama in 5 minutes-if he had a tennis ball on him. [votes: 9]
- Jack became a bit tipsy, and bad-mouthed his online friends! [votes: 8]
- Īt's nine oclock on a Saturday...regular crowd shuffles in... [votes: 8]
- Awoooo, I can't believe overlooked my hilarious caption again this week... [votes: 8]
- Oh, God! This is a TERRIBLE picture of me! [votes: 7]
- A good drink and Map Quest... what a way to hunt. [votes: 7]
- Hey Mom look, we're in the caption contest! [votes: 7]
- Buy 10,000 Shares of Rats-R-US at 6.5. [votes: 7]
- What! I ran better than that. This report is wrong! [votes: 6]
- A bottle of red, a bottle of, Jack prefers martinis tonight! [votes: 4]
- Hey, she looks nothing like her profile picture! [votes: 4]
- These watermelon martinis make me sleepy. [votes: 4]
- Yawn, she's been IMing me all night. [votes: 3]
- The martini only enboldened Jack's latest blog entries! [votes: 3]
- In spite of his best barks he could not eat the mouse. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 420 [April 24, 2011 - 90 entries]
Honest, It was like that when I found it. [votes: 20] |
Peanut's Pop |
Shell Shocked. [votes: 15] |
Mike B |
Jack just stared in disbelief - who did this? [votes: 13] |
Dextersmom |
Honorable Mentions
- Egg on my face? What makes you think I have egg on my face?! [votes: 12]
- You killed it. That's MY job. [votes: 11]
- Jurassic Jack realizes he has a problem. [votes: 10]
- Jack knew he had just witnessed an Easter miracle. [votes: 9]
- I just wanted to take a PEEP inside! [votes: 7]
- But there's no bacon! [votes: 7]
- Jack, usually an awesome cook, learns to never microwave an egg. [votes: 6]
- Hey, that's no yolk! [votes: 5]
- It's ALIVE! [votes: 5]
- I swear I was just teaching it how to fly... [votes: 4]
- Jack's mourning eggs. [votes: 3]
- So this is my punishment for eating the easter Bunny, eh? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 419 [April 17, 2011 - 125 entries]
Jack Nabbit! [votes: 36] |
Peg C |
Honest Mom! I was just putting it BACK! [votes: 22] |
Jill |
Peeps. Peeps. I loves me some Peeps! [votes: 17] |
Kat |
Honorable Mentions
- I'm not takin' it out; I'm puttin' it back. [votes: 11]
- A-Tisket, A-Tasket, Jackie raids the basket! [votes: 10]
- The Easter Jack doesn't bring treats...He takes 'em! [votes: 10]
- Shouldn't leave em where I can get em! [votes: 8]
- I don't think they will miss just one piece. [votes: 8]
- Finally, a bunny that Jack doesn't have to chase around the yard! [votes: 7]
- Jack took Candy as a consolation prize since he didn't find the Easter Bunny. [votes: 6]
- Thanks Easter Bunny! [votes: 6]
- My ears may not stand up, but I've got the cotton tail. [votes: 4]
- This basket would be perfect for my next litter. [votes: 1]
- Jack gets caught with egg on his face! [votes: 1]
- Betcha can't take just one... [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 418 [April 10, 2011 - 109 entries]
Slip out the back Jack! [votes: 41] |
Sonny |
I wish they'd get some real agility equipment! [votes: 21] |
Vickie |
What a weird agility tunnel. [votes: 19] |
ozzy |
Honorable Mentions
- Pardon me while I play through... [votes: 13]
- UnderDog! [votes: 12]
- Exit...stage rear. [votes: 9]
- Excuse me! I have things to do and critters to chase!! [votes: 8]
- Larry Lab was easily dazzled by fancy footwork... [votes: 7]
- He may be bigger....but he isn't smarter. [votes: 7]
- They tell me Labs are smart...NOT! [votes: 6]
- Jack always took the shortest route, regardless of obstacles. [votes: 5]
- Jack be nimble... Jack be quick... Gonna run right through these sticks! [votes: 5]
- Brother or ARE heavy! [votes: 4]
- Exit Strategy. [votes: 4]
- Sometimes it nice having shorter legs. [votes: 4]
- ...and I'll take the low road... [votes: 3]
- Leap frog gone wrong. [votes: 3]
- You'd think they'd put up a low bridge sign. [votes: 1]
- Fastest way to the house is a straight line. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 417 [April 3, 2011 - 84 entries]
Oh man, he forgot the Beano again! [votes: 20] |
Jakie Lewis |
Honest guys, it just crept up on me. [votes: 18] |
Kate |
Don't ask me - he says he is related. [votes: 17] |
jkrslkay |
Honorable Mentions
- Although high in spirit, the jail break was poorly organized as no one had thumbs to operate the lock. [votes: 16]
- Whew! We need some fresh air. Our latest roommate isn't housebroken yet. [votes: 13]
- You three go first I am right behind you. Really I am. [votes: 10]
- Take me, take me... [votes: 10]
- Puppy police, we had a call about a cat. [votes: 8]
- Hey - can you get us out of here? My brother has to pee - REALLY BAD! [votes: 4]
- We hate rainy days. [votes: 3]
- Hey, you up there, a little help please. [votes: 3]
- I'll ring the bell, you guys knock. [votes: 2]
- Oh no! It's the warden! [votes: 2]
- Ok class, focus. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 416 [March 27, 2011 - 97 entries]
No comments... it's warm, and cozy, and a gift from Grandma! [votes: 33] |
Antoinette |
All rise for Judge Jack. [votes: 24] |
Peg C |
Would a face like this have tracked mud in the house? [votes: 15] |
Caroline |
Honorable Mentions
- Under cover Jack. [votes: 14]
- Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.. [votes: 11]
- This is my Shar-Pei impersonation! [votes: 9]
- Mama told me there'd be days like this... [votes: 8]
- Ugh, the morning after. Where's my aspirin? [votes: 6]
- This is so wrong in so many ways. [votes: 5]
- Oh, how I hate family portrait-picture day. [votes: 5]
- Why dogs attack! [votes: 4]
- A prime example of what happens when you try to improve on perfection! [votes: 4]
- I so hate my hair. [votes: 4]
- The vet says this will fix my prick ears. [votes: 4]
- Can you see me now? [votes: 2]
- I love it, but I wish it came in plaid. [votes: 1]
- Do you think my ears are too big? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 415 [March 20, 2011 - 99 entries]
Now what makes her think I have been digging in the yard again? [votes: 21] |
Jan |
Got Dirt? [votes: 20] |
Ken |
OK, you can plant your bulbs now! [votes: 16] |
Mike B |
Honorable Mentions
- Nope. Haven't seen the cat anywhere. [votes: 15]
- I know I buried that cat over here somewhere! [votes: 14]
- Hey -- it's what I do. [votes: 14]
- Mole obliterated. NEXT! [votes: 12]
- What do you mean it is supposed to be two feet to the left? [votes: 10]
- A do it yourself tri-color. [votes: 7]
- Jack's success in Go to Ground has went to his head! [votes: 6]
- Jack decided that barking while digging was not a good idea. [votes: 4]
- Why you dirty dog! [votes: 3]
- Mud is King [votes: 2]
- Putting my best face forward. [votes: 1]
- Mom, he kicked dirt in my face! [votes: 1]
- Nobody was home. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 414 [March 13, 2011 - 111 entries]
One should always keep a "jack" in the car at all times. [votes: 35] |
Shaun |
Drive faster! The amish are gaining on us! [votes: 23] |
Robobear |
Wait till he finds out I got us on "Pimp My Ride." [votes: 15] |
David C. |
Honorable Mentions
- Green acres is the place for me. Farm livin' is the life for me. [votes: 14]
- Ford Model JRT [votes: 12]
- Driving Miss Daisy. [votes: 9]
- As Jack looked back to the city, he realized that his days of peeing on telephone poles were over. [votes: 7]
- Jack was vigilant against tailgaters. [votes: 7]
- When I said I wanted a car that I could feel the wind in my face, I meant a convertable sports car! [votes: 6]
- Are we there yet? [votes: 6]
- Country roads... take me home... [votes: 5]
- No, I'm not going to get out and push! [votes: 4]
- Grand Marshal at the world's worst St Paddy's Day Parade. [votes: 3]
- We must being going in circles, I recognized that cow! [votes: 3]
- It's that Amish dream again. The one with the chauffeur... [votes: 3]
- I'm car sick! [votes: 2]
- I don't think we'll make it to Nationals in this! [votes: 2]
- Ruminations about the 'olden days' completely fail to impress Jack! [votes: 2]
- Well, at least he probably won't be trading me in for a new model, either. [votes: 1]
- I know the description on E-bay said excellent air conditioning, Buuuuuut! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 413 [March 6, 2011 - 94 entries]
Yeah? Well, it's my bear now! [votes: 22] |
donnadowntown |
The best Blanket Insurance Policy on the market. [votes: 15] |
Sandog |
The newest "Twilight" star! "Jack Cullen" [votes: 14] |
kvines |
Honorable Mentions
- I see that toe nail clipper! [votes: 13]
- Angry? You want to see angry? This is not my angry! [votes: 13]
- Touch my bear again and you'll lose that hand! [votes: 11]
- Jack knew it was his job to protect Teddy while he was napping. [votes: 9]
- What do you mean we aren't going to the Nationals? [votes: 8]
- The bear was dead when I got here. [votes: 8]
- One more step and the bear gets it! [votes: 7]
- Blame that dentist, he put my vampire teeth upside down! [votes: 7]
- Dare you to touch it. [votes: 6]
- That bear is history, what else ya got. [votes: 6]
- Nobody puts baby in a corner. [votes: 5]
- You want me to punch your ticket? [votes: 4]
- I'm bad, I'm bad. [votes: 4]
- Jack really wanted control of the remote. [votes: 2]
- Jackie Stackhouse. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 412 [February 27, 2011 - 99 entries]
Jack had proved he was NOT barking up the wrong tree! [votes: 24] |
Otis |
No need for the fire department mom, I'll get the cat out of the tree. [votes: 23] |
paulsharrard |
Am I at least getting warm? [votes: 14] |
Linda |
Honorable Mentions
- Marco! [votes: 12]
- Anybody got a chainsaw?? [votes: 11]
- I think I saw a puddy tat! [votes: 10]
- He looked to the left and he looked to the right, but still, no kitty. [votes: 7]
- Jack's last peaceful moment. [votes: 6]
- Here Kitty, kitty, kitty. [votes: 5]
- Jack didn't think this new form of agility training was very funny. [votes: 5]
- oh my gosh, a mouse...a three-legged blind mouse. Down there, on the ground... [votes: 4]
- So near and yet so far. [votes: 3]
- duh duh duhh!! When cats attack!! [votes: 3]
- ...and the cat was never heard from again. The End. [votes: 3]
- The bi-focal contacts were driving Jack crazy. [votes: 2]
- And he is supposed to be a good hunter! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 411 [February 20, 2011 - 65 entries]
If this is the water bowl, I can't wait to see the food bowl! [votes: 22] |
Mike B |
The lengths my master will go to in order to convince me that a bath can be fun... [votes: 16] |
Lori |
If I want to slide on my butt, I'll do it on your carpet... and I'll stay dry at the same time. [votes: 15] |
Lori |
Honorable Mentions
- I said EVERYBODY out of the pool!!! [votes: 12]
- Yippee! They've bought me a water bed. [votes: 10]
- I clipped my nails... honest!! [votes: 9]
- Jack smiled as he watched the cat go into the "tunnel of no return". [votes: 9]
- Don't pee in the pool, I'll be drinkin' this later! [votes: 7]
- Hmmm...This ride needs more dog. [votes: 7]
- Man, I can rip this toy to shreds in no time! [votes: 6]
- I wonder what'll happen if I bite this thing. [votes: 5]
- Jack cared less about the water. He only wanted his toys back. [votes: 4]
- I love the smell of chlorine in the morning. [votes: 4]
- WOW, I wonder who blew this thing up! [votes: 3]
- It occurred to Jack that the backyard would never be the same. [votes: 3]
- Hey, where can I get some of those red swim trunks? [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 410 [February 13, 2011 - 132 entries]
Notorious JRT [votes: 35] |
Lily's Mom |
I can't believe they're making me cheer for a big cat! [votes: 16] |
David C. |
Two Jills and a Jack. [votes: 11] |
Da Cod |
Honorable Mentions
- The Jack Pack. [votes: 11]
- I'm too sexy for my hood... [votes: 10]
- Nobody but nobody is going to believe I'm a Nittany Lion. [votes: 8]
- Jack quickly discovered what hazing was all about... [votes: 8]
- The Nittany Terriers! [votes: 8]
- We are "Three Sisters in the Hood". [votes: 7]
- The third coed was tiny, but what a track star! [votes: 6]
- Hard to believe what 20 grand a year in tuition will buy ya! [votes: 6]
- Now I got street cred! [votes: 5]
- Come on now, you know I look good! [votes: 4]
- Jack's initiation picture into the 'hood. [votes: 4]
- Jack Bieber Fever [votes: 3]
- We cool! [votes: 3]
- Jack couldn't figure out why he couldn't do the hand motions. [votes: 2]
- School Daze [votes: 2]
- Jack was now ready to take his girls for a little walk. [votes: 1]
- Hoodies are in. [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 409 [February 6, 2011 - 84 entries]
Does this mean I gonna miss my walk again? [votes: 19] |
Rita |
Dad explains the new Go to Ground design to Jack. [votes: 17] |
Captain Jack's Mom |
Mom, did Cesar Milan accept my friend request?! [votes: 16] |
Kaytea6 |
Honorable Mentions
- Farmville huh? Where are the terrier paddocks? [votes: 14]
- What does he find so interesting in that? He should be playing with me. [votes: 13]
- Go to the JRTCA site dude! [votes: 12]
- Jump! Jump! Jump! See I told you to jump [votes: 9]
- Google "Moose Carcass" for me, please... [votes: 9]
- Can you go to the JRTCA contest results? [votes: 8]
- Jack suddenly realized that opposing thumbs were pretty handy. [votes: 6]
- I love Google Earth too; just give me the street scene with the squirrel. [votes: 6]
- How many facebook friends do you have? [votes: 5]
- Do you want me to kill the elf? [votes: 5]
- can I harvest for you? [votes: 2]
- Where ya gonna build my house?? [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 408 [January 30, 2011 - 131 entries]
Unless you're the lead dog, the scene never changes. [votes: 31] |
Sandog |
Jack suddenly realized why they had spots, and he was grateful for them. [votes: 21] |
Hermann |
A hunting we will go... A hunting we will go! [votes: 19] |
karen |
Honorable Mentions
- I hope this is the line for the men's room, I really gottra go! [votes: 14]
- Mush Dad! [votes: 11]
- Hey, no tailgating! [votes: 11]
- A Winter's Tail [votes: 8]
- I hope this guy's not lost. [votes: 7]
- Did somebody say "conga line"? [votes: 6]
- Aren't we supposed to be pulling him? [votes: 6]
- This isn't the way to Grandma's house! [votes: 5]
- Well guys, not only is he really tall, he is REALLY slow! [votes: 5]
- Too many Jacks, not enough time. [votes: 4]
- The man freezes and listens. He was sure that he heard a pack of wolves. [votes: 4]
- Reverse mushing [votes: 3]
- We should reserved our sherpa in advance, he's no Tanzig Norgay. [votes: 3]
- Got a license for that parade?? [votes: 3]
- Hmmm, strange, I feel like I'm being followed! [votes: 2]
- OK, we'll follow him. Besides, he's blocking the path! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 407 [January 23, 2011 - 121 entries]
And the little Jack went WeeWeeWee all the way home! [votes: 31] |
Lori |
Tailgate potty. [votes: 22] |
vicki |
Jack comments on his travel arrangements. [votes: 19] |
Peg C |
Honorable Mentions
- When you gotta go, you gotta go. [votes: 13]
- That old training tip is true... a dog will never go "in" his crate. [votes: 11]
- Next time you forget the ex pen, I'm facing the seats. [votes: 10]
- How do you like me now??? [votes: 9]
- Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now! [votes: 9]
- Jack the DRIPPER! [votes: 9]
- I should be riding shotgun... [votes: 8]
- Now it smells of home. [votes: 8]
- Whiz kid. [votes: 7]
- We're off to see the Whizzer. [votes: 5]
- Need a lift? [votes: 4]
- Better than a trail of breadcrumbs. [votes: 4]
- I got to be freeeeee, I got to be freeeeee... [votes: 3]
- This looks really bad, but I can explain. [votes: 3]
- Don't drink the lemonade! Don't drink the lemonade! [votes: 3]
- Allow me to christen the new mini-van. [votes: 3]
- I've got you covered! [votes: 1]
Results from Contest # 406 [January 16, 2011 - 116 entries]
The Green Bay Jackers. [votes: 32] |
Mike B |
But Mom, Mr. Vick said he wanted me to bury him in the sand! [votes: 20] |
Dixie's Mom |
I've got to keep this away from Bret Favre before he changes his mind again. [votes: 17] |
Sophies Mom |
Honorable Mentions
- I caught it and I'm keeping it! [votes: 14]
- Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????? [votes: 14]
- True Grit. [votes: 14]
- I wish they would get astroturf, I hate sand in my mouth. [votes: 8]
- They keep burying it, but I always find it. [votes: 8]
- Here's the game plan: I slobber all over this, then the other team won't want to touch it. [votes: 8]
- I got the ball...I got the ball...I got the ball!!! [votes: 8]
- I'm going to Disneyland! [votes: 6]
- Jacks grip on the ball was legendary in the beach NFL. [votes: 5]
- Some guys throw the ball into the stands, I deflate it! [votes: 3]
- This is just about me and Rex Ryan. [votes: 3]
- Who wants to play flat football? [votes: 3]
Results from Contest # 405 [January 9, 2011 - 142 entries]
I chased the guy in the red suit back up the chimney, so I get the cookies, right? [votes: 24] |
philsmom |
Go ahead... I'll guard the cookies! [votes: 20] |
Sassy's mom |
So many cookies, so little time! [votes: 12] |
joey |
Honorable Mentions
- Glazed and Confused. [votes: 11]
- There is temptation, and then there is cruelty. [votes: 10]
- The real Cookie Monster. [votes: 10]
- This IS the most wonderful time of the year! [votes: 9]
- I can also do pizzas, home made pie and ginger snaps. [votes: 9]
- Jack frosting. [votes: 8]
- Can you believe they left me home alone? [votes: 8]
- One for me, one for you. Two for me, one for you... [votes: 7]
- Dashing through the house, with a mouthful of these sweets, over the couch I go... [votes: 7]
- How Gingerbread Men Became Extinct. [votes: 6]
- Bet I can't eat just one! [votes: 5]
- Mom won't mind if I sample... all of them. [votes: 5]
- The Last Temptation of Jack. [votes: 4]
- Resistance is futile. [votes: 4]
- I did all this with 1 egg and 1 stick of butter. [votes: 3]
- So much for the diet. [votes: 3]
- All Mom's recipe is missing is a little doggie drool. [votes: 2]
- Jackie was thankful for the trend in homemade dog treats. [votes: 2]
- Finders keepers. [votes: 2]
- Heaven, I'm in Heaven. [votes: 2]
Results from Contest # 404 [January 2, 2011 - 102 entries]
...and if I win, I'll put hydrants on every corner and give free health care to ALL dogs. [votes: 47] |
Pat |
Jack Wagon. [votes: 20] |
Deborah |
Okay, who ordered "Jack ala carte?" [votes: 19] |
jackterriersrule555 |
Honorable Mentions
- None for me thanks. I'm on the wagon. [votes: 15]
- A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse! [votes: 13]
- How many cats do you suppose it would take to pull this thing? [votes: 11]
- Tail Waggin'! [votes: 9]
- I seem to have misplaced my horses. [votes: 5]
- Hey what are you waiting for? Let's roll! [votes: 4]
- Hey, this is better than a car with the window open! [votes: 4]
- Jack's new vehicle was no chick magnet. [votes: 4]
- Hey Bilbo get back in the cart! [votes: 3]
- I know it's not the Titanic, but I still feel like "King of the World" up here. [votes: 2]
- Get off my property you Jack Wagon! [votes: 2]
- Hey, little boy, how 'bout takin' me for a ride? [votes: 1]
- He WHEELy looks cute! [votes: 1]